Follow these steps to get started with the Cumulus Template 🛠️
First, complete the basic Rust setup instructions.
If necessary, refer to the setup instructions at the Substrate Developer Hub.
Once the development environment is set up, build the node template. This command will build the Wasm and native code:
cargo build --release
make help
Polkadot (v0.9.16 branch)
cargo build --release
./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --raw --disable-default-bootnode > rococo_local.json
./target/release/polkadot --chain ./rococo_local.json -d cumulus_relay0 --validator --alice --port 50555 --node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
./target/release/polkadot --chain ./rococo_local.json -d cumulus_relay1 --validator --bob --port 50556 \
--bootnodes /ip4/
Substrate Parachain Template:
# this command assumes the chain spec is in a directory named polkadot that is a sibling of the working directory
./target/release/parallel -d local-test --collator --alice --chain heiko-dev --ws-port 9915 -- --chain ../polkadot/rococo_local.json \
--bootnodes /ip4/
In order to produce blocks you will need to register the parachain as detailed in the Substrate Cumulus Workshop by going to
Developer -> sudo -> paraSudoWrapper -> sudoScheduleParaInitialize(id, genesis)
The files you will need are in the ./resources
folder, if you need to build them because you modified the code you can use the following commands
cargo build --release
# Build the Chain spec
./target/release/parallel build-spec --chain heiko-dev --disable-default-bootnode > ./resources/template-local-plain.json
# Build the raw file
./target/release/parallel build-spec --chain=./resources/template-local-plain.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > ./resources/template-local.json
# export genesis state and wasm
./target/release/parallel export-genesis-state --chain heiko-dev > ./resources/para-2085-genesis
./target/release/parallel export-genesis-wasm --chain heiko-dev > ./resources/para-2085.wasm
Once the project has been built, the following command can be used to explore all parameters and subcommands:
./target/release/parallel -h
Run Heiko Dev Network (via parachain-launch 1.1.0)
make launch
Generate heiko-dev's genesis state & wasm
docker run --rm parity/polkadot:latest build-spec --chain rococo-local --raw --disable-default-bootnode > rococo-local.json
docker run --rm parallelfinance/parallel:latest export-genesis-state --chain heiko-dev > ./para-2085-genesis
docker run --rm parallelfinance/parallel:latest export-genesis-wasm --chain heiko-dev > ./para-2085.wasm
make wasm
make PACKAGE=parallel-runtime wasm
make image