Versioned roadmap with technical details
- @paranatural/panopticon: well-defined API
- @paranatural/panopticon: stable build
- @paranatural/panopticon: stable run on examples
- no typescript errors and warnings
- fresh dependencies
- remove controller and rework route to be main library unit
- make typing and plugins for new route-centric system
- browser plugin implementation
- browser plugin tests
- options config for classic browser spa
- some examples
- documentation for core package
- plugins implementation
- plugins tests
- react plugin
- react renderer
- react bridge tests
- cra-template
- react examples
- readme
- docs/quick-start
- docs/configuration
- docs/api
- code quality metrics (loc, bundle size, coverage, todo/fixme counters, etc)
- ci/cd pipeline
- issue and pr review
- find beta-testers
- documentation site
- site and ci/cd integration
- grammar review for all texts
- blogs announcements