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port to Python 3 #17

medovina opened this issue Jul 3, 2020 · 2 comments

port to Python 3 #17

medovina opened this issue Jul 3, 2020 · 2 comments


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medovina commented Jul 3, 2020

Michi runs in Python 2, which is pretty much dead at this point. So it would be great to port it to Python 3.

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lewismj commented Oct 23, 2023

Python 3 port is below, I need to check it, but could raise a PR - its pretty trivial to port, as far as I can tell, the expected string stuff and changing some import....

#!/usr/bin/env pypy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Petr Baudis <>  2015
# MIT licence (i.e. almost public domain)
# A minimalistic Go-playing engine attempting to strike a balance between
# brevity, educational value and strength.  It can beat GNUGo on 13x13 board
# on a modest 4-thread laptop.
# When benchmarking, note that at the beginning of the first move the program
# runs much slower because pypy is JIT compiling on the background!
# To start reading the code, begin either:
# * Bottom up, by looking at the goban implementation - starting with
#   the 'empty' definition below and Position.move() method.
# * In the middle, by looking at the Monte Carlo playout implementation,
#   starting with the mcplayout() function.
# * Top down, by looking at the MCTS implementation, starting with the
#   tree_search() function.  It can look a little confusing due to the
#   parallelization, but really is just a loop of tree_descend(),
#   mcplayout() and tree_update() round and round.
# It may be better to jump around a bit instead of just reading straight
# from start to end.

from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import count
import math
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import random
import re
import sys
import time
from functools import reduce

# Given a board of size NxN (N=9, 19, ...), we represent the position
# as an (N+1)*(N+2) string, with '.' (empty), 'X' (to-play player),
# 'x' (other player), and whitespace (off-board border to make rules
# implementation easier).  Coordinates are just indices in this string.
# You can simply print(board) when debugging.
N = 19
W = N + 2
empty = "\n".join([(N+1)*' '] + N*[' '+N*'.'] + [(N+2)*' '])
MAX_GAME_LEN = N * N * 3

N_SIMS = 1400
PRIOR_EVEN = 10  # should be even number; 0.5 prior
PRIOR_SELFATARI = 10  # negative prior
PRIOR_LARGEPATTERN = 100  # most moves have relatively small probability
PRIOR_CFG = [24, 22, 8]  # priors for moves in cfg dist. 1, 2, 3
PROB_HEURISTIC = {'capture': 0.9, 'pat3': 0.95}  # probability of heuristic suggestions being taken in playout
PROB_SSAREJECT = 0.9  # probability of rejecting suggested self-atari in playout
PROB_RSAREJECT = 0.5  # probability of rejecting random self-atari in playout; this is lower than above to allow nakade
FASTPLAY20_THRES = 0.8  # if at 20% playouts winrate is >this, stop reading
FASTPLAY5_THRES = 0.95  # if at 5% playouts winrate is >this, stop reading

pat3src = [  # 3x3 playout patterns; X,O are colors, x,o are their inverses
       ["XOX",  # hane pattern - enclosing hane
       ["XO.",  # hane pattern - non-cutting hane
       ["XO?",  # hane pattern - magari
       # ["XOO",  # hane pattern - thin hane
       #  "...",
       #  "?.?", "X",  - only for the X player
       [".O.",  # generic pattern - katatsuke or diagonal attachment; similar to magari
       ["XO?",  # cut1 pattern (kiri] - unprotected cut
       ["XO?",  # cut1 pattern (kiri] - peeped cut
       ["?X?",  # cut2 pattern (de]
       ["OX?",  # cut keima
       ["X.?",  # side pattern - chase
        "   "],
       ["OX?",  # side pattern - block side cut
        "   "],
       ["?X?",  # side pattern - block side connection
        "   "],
       ["?XO",  # side pattern - sagari
        "   "],
       ["?OX",  # side pattern - cut
        "   "],

pat_gridcular_seq = [  # Sequence of coordinate offsets of progressively wider diameters in gridcular metric
         [0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0],
         [1,1], [-1,1], [1,-1], [-1,-1], ],  # d=1,2 is not considered separately
        [[0,2], [0,-2], [2,0], [-2,0], ],
        [[1,2], [-1,2], [1,-2], [-1,-2], [2,1], [-2,1], [2,-1], [-2,-1], ],
        [[0,3], [0,-3], [2,2], [-2,2], [2,-2], [-2,-2], [3,0], [-3,0], ],
        [[1,3], [-1,3], [1,-3], [-1,-3], [3,1], [-3,1], [3,-1], [-3,-1], ],
        [[0,4], [0,-4], [2,3], [-2,3], [2,-3], [-2,-3], [3,2], [-3,2], [3,-2], [-3,-2], [4,0], [-4,0], ],
        [[1,4], [-1,4], [1,-4], [-1,-4], [3,3], [-3,3], [3,-3], [-3,-3], [4,1], [-4,1], [4,-1], [-4,-1], ],
        [[0,5], [0,-5], [2,4], [-2,4], [2,-4], [-2,-4], [4,2], [-4,2], [4,-2], [-4,-2], [5,0], [-5,0], ],
        [[1,5], [-1,5], [1,-5], [-1,-5], [3,4], [-3,4], [3,-4], [-3,-4], [4,3], [-4,3], [4,-3], [-4,-3], [5,1], [-5,1], [5,-1], [-5,-1], ],
        [[0,6], [0,-6], [2,5], [-2,5], [2,-5], [-2,-5], [4,4], [-4,4], [4,-4], [-4,-4], [5,2], [-5,2], [5,-2], [-5,-2], [6,0], [-6,0], ],
        [[1,6], [-1,6], [1,-6], [-1,-6], [3,5], [-3,5], [3,-5], [-3,-5], [5,3], [-5,3], [5,-3], [-5,-3], [6,1], [-6,1], [6,-1], [-6,-1], ],
        [[0,7], [0,-7], [2,6], [-2,6], [2,-6], [-2,-6], [4,5], [-4,5], [4,-5], [-4,-5], [5,4], [-5,4], [5,-4], [-5,-4], [6,2], [-6,2], [6,-2], [-6,-2], [7,0], [-7,0], ],
spat_patterndict_file = 'patterns.spat'
large_patterns_file = 'patterns.prob'

# board string routines

def neighbors(c):
    """ generator of coordinates for all neighbors of c """
    return [c-1, c+1, c-W, c+W]

def diag_neighbors(c):
    """ generator of coordinates for all diagonal neighbors of c """
    return [c-W-1, c-W+1, c+W-1, c+W+1]

def board_put(board, c, p):
    return board[:c] + p + board[c+1:]

def floodfill(board, c):
    """ replace continuous-color area starting at c with special color # """
    # This is called so much that a bytearray is worthwhile...
    byteboard = bytearray(board,  'utf-8')
    p = byteboard[c]
    byteboard[c] = ord('#')
    fringe = [c]
    while fringe:
        c = fringe.pop()
        for d in neighbors(c):
            if byteboard[d] == p:
                byteboard[d] = ord('#')
    return byteboard.decode('utf-8')

# Regex that matches various kind of points adjecent to '#' (floodfilled) points
contact_res = dict()
for p in ['.', 'x', 'X']:
    rp = '\\.' if p == '.' else p
    contact_res_src = ['#' + rp,  # p at right
                       rp + '#',  # p at left
                       '#' + '.'*(W-1) + rp,  # p below
                       rp + '.'*(W-1) + '#']  # p above
    contact_res[p] = re.compile('|'.join(contact_res_src), flags=re.DOTALL)

def contact(board, p):
    """ test if point of color p is adjecent to color # anywhere
    on the board; use in conjunction with floodfill for reachability """
    m = contact_res[p].search(board)
    if not m:
        return None
    return m.start() if[0] == p else m.end() - 1

def is_eyeish(board, c):
    """ test if c is inside a single-color diamond and return the diamond
    color or None; this could be an eye, but also a false one """
    eyecolor = None
    for d in neighbors(c):
        if board[d].isspace():
        if board[d] == '.':
            return None
        if eyecolor is None:
            eyecolor = board[d]
            othercolor = eyecolor.swapcase()
        elif board[d] == othercolor:
            return None
    return eyecolor

def is_eye(board, c):
    """ test if c is an eye and return its color or None """
    eyecolor = is_eyeish(board, c)
    if eyecolor is None:
        return None

    # Eye-like shape, but it could be a falsified eye
    falsecolor = eyecolor.swapcase()
    false_count = 0
    at_edge = False
    for d in diag_neighbors(c):
        if board[d].isspace():
            at_edge = True
        elif board[d] == falsecolor:
            false_count += 1
    if at_edge:
        false_count += 1
    if false_count >= 2:
        return None

    return eyecolor

class Position(namedtuple('Position', 'board cap n ko last last2 komi')):
    """ Implementation of simple Chinese Go rules;
    n is how many moves were played so far """

    def move(self, c):
        """ play as player X at the given coord c, return the new position """

        # Test for ko
        if c == self.ko:
            return None
        # Are we trying to play in enemy's eye?
        in_enemy_eye = is_eyeish(self.board, c) == 'x'

        board = board_put(self.board, c, 'X')
        # Test for captures, and track ko
        capX = self.cap[0]
        singlecaps = []
        for d in neighbors(c):
            if board[d] != 'x':
            # XXX: The following is an extremely naive and SLOW approach
            # at things - to do it properly, we should maintain some per-group
            # data structures tracking liberties.
            fboard = floodfill(board, d)  # get a board with the adjecent group replaced by '#'
            if contact(fboard, '.') is not None:
                continue  # some liberties left
            # no liberties left for this group, remove the stones!
            capcount = fboard.count('#')
            if capcount == 1:
            capX += capcount
            board = fboard.replace('#', '.')  # capture the group
        # Set ko
        ko = singlecaps[0] if in_enemy_eye and len(singlecaps) == 1 else None
        # Test for suicide
        if contact(floodfill(board, c), '.') is None:
            return None

        # Update the position and return
        return Position(board=board.swapcase(), cap=(self.cap[1], capX),
                        n=self.n + 1, ko=ko, last=c, last2=self.last, komi=self.komi)

    def pass_move(self):
        """ pass - i.e. return simply a flipped position """
        return Position(board=self.board.swapcase(), cap=(self.cap[1], self.cap[0]),
                        n=self.n + 1, ko=None, last=None, last2=self.last, komi=self.komi)

    def moves(self, i0):
        """ Generate a list of moves (includes false positives - suicide moves;
        does not include true-eye-filling moves), starting from a given board
        index (that can be used for randomization) """
        i = i0-1
        passes = 0
        while True:
            i = self.board.find('.', i+1)
            if passes > 0 and (i == -1 or i >= i0):
                break  # we have looked through the whole board
            elif i == -1:
                i = 0
                passes += 1
                continue  # go back and start from the beginning
            # Test for to-play player's one-point eye
            if is_eye(self.board, i) == 'X':
            yield i

    def last_moves_neighbors(self):
        """ generate a randomly shuffled list of points including and
        surrounding the last two moves (but with the last move having
        priority) """
        clist = []
        for c in self.last, self.last2:
            if c is None:  continue
            dlist = [c] + list(neighbors(c) + diag_neighbors(c))
            clist += [d for d in dlist if d not in clist]
        return clist

    def score(self, owner_map=None):
        """ compute score for to-play player; this assumes a final position
        with all dead stones captured; if owner_map is passed, it is assumed
        to be an array of statistics with average owner at the end of the game
        (+1 black, -1 white) """
        board = self.board
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = self.board.find('.', i+1)
            if i == -1:
            fboard = floodfill(board, i)
            # fboard is board with some continuous area of empty space replaced by #
            touches_X = contact(fboard, 'X') is not None
            touches_x = contact(fboard, 'x') is not None
            if touches_X and not touches_x:
                board = fboard.replace('#', 'X')
            elif touches_x and not touches_X:
                board = fboard.replace('#', 'x')
                board = fboard.replace('#', ':')  # seki, rare
            # now that area is replaced either by X, x or :
        komi = self.komi if self.n % 2 == 1 else -self.komi
        if owner_map is not None:
            for c in range(W*W):
                n = 1 if board[c] == 'X' else -1 if board[c] == 'x' else 0
                owner_map[c] += n * (1 if self.n % 2 == 0 else -1)
        return board.count('X') - board.count('x') + komi

def empty_position():
    """ Return an initial board position """
    return Position(board=empty, cap=(0, 0), n=0, ko=None, last=None, last2=None, komi=7.5)

# go heuristics

def fix_atari(pos, c, singlept_ok=False, twolib_test=True, twolib_edgeonly=False):
    """ An atari/capture analysis routine that checks the group at c,
    determining whether (i) it is in atari (ii) if it can escape it,
    either by playing on its liberty or counter-capturing another group.

    N.B. this is maybe the most complicated part of the whole program (sadly);
    feel free to just TREAT IT AS A BLACK-BOX, it's not really that

    The return value is a tuple of (boolean, [coord..]), indicating whether
    the group is in atari and how to escape/capture (or [] if impossible).
    (Note that (False, [...]) is possible in case the group can be captured
    in a ladder - it is not in atari but some capture attack/defense moves
    are available.)

    singlept_ok means that we will not try to save one-point groups;
    twolib_test means that we will check for 2-liberty groups which are
    threatened by a ladder
    twolib_edgeonly means that we will check the 2-liberty groups only
    at the board edge, allowing check of the most common short ladders
    even in the playouts """

    def read_ladder_attack(pos, c, l1, l2):
        """ check if a capturable ladder is being pulled out at c and return
        a move that continues it in that case; expects its two liberties as
        l1, l2  (in fact, this is a general 2-lib capture exhaustive solver) """
        for l in [l1, l2]:
            pos_l = pos.move(l)
            if pos_l is None:
            # fix_atari() will recursively call read_ladder_attack() back;
            # however, ignore 2lib groups as we don't have time to chase them
            is_atari, atari_escape = fix_atari(pos_l, c, twolib_test=False)
            if is_atari and not atari_escape:
                return l
        return None

    fboard = floodfill(pos.board, c)
    group_size = fboard.count('#')
    if singlept_ok and group_size == 1:
        return (False, [])
    # Find a liberty
    l = contact(fboard, '.')
    # Ok, any other liberty?
    fboard = board_put(fboard, l, 'L')
    l2 = contact(fboard, '.')
    if l2 is not None:
        # At least two liberty group...
        if twolib_test and group_size > 1 \
           and (not twolib_edgeonly or line_height(l) == 0 and line_height(l2) == 0) \
           and contact(board_put(fboard, l2, 'L'), '.') is None:
            # Exactly two liberty group with more than one stone.  Check
            # that it cannot be caught in a working ladder; if it can,
            # that's as good as in atari, a capture threat.
            # (Almost - N/A for countercaptures.)
            ladder_attack = read_ladder_attack(pos, c, l, l2)
            if ladder_attack:
                return (False, [ladder_attack])
        return (False, [])

    # In atari! If it's the opponent's group, that's enough...
    if pos.board[c] == 'x':
        return (True, [l])

    solutions = []

    # Before thinking about defense, what about counter-capturing
    # a neighboring group?
    ccboard = fboard
    while True:
        othergroup = contact(ccboard, 'x')
        if othergroup is None:
        a, ccls = fix_atari(pos, othergroup, twolib_test=False)
        if a and ccls:
            solutions += ccls
        # XXX: floodfill is better for big groups
        ccboard = board_put(ccboard, othergroup, '%')

    # We are escaping.  Will playing our last liberty gain
    # at least two liberties?  Re-floodfill to account for connecting
    escpos = pos.move(l)
    if escpos is None:
        return (True, solutions)  # oops, suicidal move
    fboard = floodfill(escpos.board, l)
    l_new = contact(fboard, '.')
    fboard = board_put(fboard, l_new, 'L')
    l_new_2 = contact(fboard, '.')
    if l_new_2 is not None:
        # Good, there is still some liberty remaining - but if it's
        # just the two, check that we are not caught in a ladder...
        # (Except that we don't care if we already have some alternative
        # escape routes!)
        if solutions or not (contact(board_put(fboard, l_new_2, 'L'), '.') is None
                             and read_ladder_attack(escpos, l, l_new, l_new_2) is not None):

    return (True, solutions)

def cfg_distances(board, c):
    """ return a board map listing common fate graph distances from
    a given point - this corresponds to the concept of locality while
    contracting groups to single points """
    cfg_map = W*W*[-1]
    cfg_map[c] = 0

    # flood-fill like mechanics
    fringe = [c]
    while fringe:
        c = fringe.pop()
        for d in neighbors(c):
            if board[d].isspace() or 0 <= cfg_map[d] <= cfg_map[c]:
            cfg_before = cfg_map[d]
            if board[d] != '.' and board[d] == board[c]:
                cfg_map[d] = cfg_map[c]
                cfg_map[d] = cfg_map[c] + 1
            if cfg_before < 0 or cfg_before > cfg_map[d]:
    return cfg_map

def line_height(c):
    """ Return the line number above nearest board edge """
    row, col = divmod(c - (W+1), W)
    return min(row, col, N-1-row, N-1-col)

def empty_area(board, c, dist=3):
    """ Check whether there are any stones in Manhattan distance up
    to dist """
    for d in neighbors(c):
        if board[d] in 'Xx':
            return False
        elif board[d] == '.' and dist > 1 and not empty_area(board, d, dist-1):
            return False
    return True

# 3x3 pattern routines (those patterns stored in pat3src above)

def pat3_expand(pat):
    from functools import reduce
    """ All possible neighborhood configurations matching a given pattern;
    used just for a combinatoric explosion when loading them in an
    in-memory set. """
    def pat_rot90(p):
        return [p[2][0] + p[1][0] + p[0][0], p[2][1] + p[1][1] + p[0][1], p[2][2] + p[1][2] + p[0][2]]
    def pat_vertflip(p):
        return [p[2], p[1], p[0]]
    def pat_horizflip(p):
        return [l[::-1] for l in p]
    def pat_swapcolors(p):
        return [l.replace('X', 'Z').replace('x', 'z').replace('O', 'X').replace('o', 'x').replace('Z', 'O').replace('z', 'o') for l in p]
    def pat_wildexp(p, c, to):
        i = p.find(c)
        if i == -1:
            return [p]
        return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [pat_wildexp(p[:i] + t + p[i+1:], c, to) for t in to])
    def pat_wildcards(pat):
        return [p for p in pat_wildexp(pat, '?', list('.XO '))
                  for p in pat_wildexp(p, 'x', list('.O '))
                  for p in pat_wildexp(p, 'o', list('.X '))]
    return [p for p in [pat, pat_rot90(pat)]
              for p in [p, pat_vertflip(p)]
              for p in [p, pat_horizflip(p)]
              for p in [p, pat_swapcolors(p)]
              for p in pat_wildcards(''.join(p))]

pat3set = set([p.replace('O', 'x') for p in pat3src for p in pat3_expand(p)])

def neighborhood_33(board, c):
    """ return a string containing the 9 points forming 3x3 square around
    a certain move candidate """
    return (board[c-W-1 : c-W+2] + board[c-1 : c+2] + board[c+W-1 : c+W+2]).replace('\n', ' ')

# large-scale pattern routines (those patterns living in patterns.{spat,prob} files)

# are you curious how these patterns look in practice? get
# and try e.g. ./ 71

spat_patterndict = dict()  # hash(neighborhood_gridcular()) -> spatial id
def load_spat_patterndict(f):
    """ load dictionary of positions, translating them to numeric ids """
    for line in f:
        # line: 71 6 ..X.X..OO.O..........#X...... 33408f5e 188e9d3e 2166befe aa8ac9e 127e583e 1282462e 5e3d7fe 51fc9ee
        if line.startswith('#'):
        neighborhood = line.split()[2].replace('#', ' ').replace('O', 'x')
        spat_patterndict[hash(neighborhood)] = int(line.split()[0])

large_patterns = dict()  # spatial id -> probability
def load_large_patterns(f):
    """ dictionary of numeric pattern ids, translating them to probabilities
    that a move matching such move will be played when it is available """
    # The pattern file contains other features like capture, selfatari too;
    # we ignore them for now
    for line in f:
        # line: 0.004 14 3842 (capture:17 border:0 s:784)
        p = float(line.split()[0])
        m ='s:(\d+)', line)
        if m is not None:
            s = int(m.groups()[0])
            large_patterns[s] = p

def neighborhood_gridcular(board, c):
    """ Yield progressively wider-diameter gridcular board neighborhood
    stone configuration strings, in all possible rotations """
    # Each rotations element is (xyindex, xymultiplier)
    rotations = [((0,1),(1,1)), ((0,1),(-1,1)), ((0,1),(1,-1)), ((0,1),(-1,-1)),
                 ((1,0),(1,1)), ((1,0),(-1,1)), ((1,0),(1,-1)), ((1,0),(-1,-1))]
    neighborhood = ['' for i in range(len(rotations))]
    wboard = board.replace('\n', ' ')
    for dseq in pat_gridcular_seq:
        for ri in range(len(rotations)):
            r = rotations[ri]
            for o in dseq:
                y, x = divmod(c - (W+1), W)
                y += o[r[0][0]]*r[1][0]
                x += o[r[0][1]]*r[1][1]
                if y >= 0 and y < N and x >= 0 and x < N:
                    neighborhood[ri] += wboard[(y+1)*W + x+1]
                    neighborhood[ri] += ' '
            yield neighborhood[ri]

def large_pattern_probability(board, c):
    """ return probability of large-scale pattern at coordinate c.
    Multiple progressively wider patterns may match a single coordinate,
    we consider the largest one. """
    probability = None
    matched_len = 0
    non_matched_len = 0
    for n in neighborhood_gridcular(board, c):
        sp_i = spat_patterndict.get(hash(n))
        prob = large_patterns.get(sp_i) if sp_i is not None else None
        if prob is not None:
            probability = prob
            matched_len = len(n)
        elif matched_len < non_matched_len < len(n):
            # stop when we did not match any pattern with a certain
            # diameter - it ain't going to get any better!
            non_matched_len = len(n)
    return probability

# montecarlo playout policy

def gen_playout_moves(pos, heuristic_set, probs={'capture': 1, 'pat3': 1}, expensive_ok=False):
    """ Yield candidate next moves in the order of preference; this is one
    of the main places where heuristics dwell, try adding more!

    heuristic_set is the set of coordinates considered for applying heuristics;
    this is the immediate neighborhood of last two moves in the playout, but
    the whole board while prioring the tree. """

    # Check whether any local group is in atari and fill that liberty
    # print('local moves', [str_coord(c) for c in heuristic_set], file=sys.stderr)
    if random.random() <= probs['capture']:
        already_suggested = set()
        for c in heuristic_set:
            if pos.board[c] in 'Xx':
                in_atari, ds = fix_atari(pos, c, twolib_edgeonly=not expensive_ok)
                for d in ds:
                    if d not in already_suggested:
                        yield (d, 'capture '+str(c))

    # Try to apply a 3x3 pattern on the local neighborhood
    if random.random() <= probs['pat3']:
        already_suggested = set()
        for c in heuristic_set:
            if pos.board[c] == '.' and c not in already_suggested and neighborhood_33(pos.board, c) in pat3set:
                yield (c, 'pat3')

    # Try *all* available moves, but starting from a random point
    # (in other words, suggest a random move)
    x, y = random.randint(1, N), random.randint(1, N)
    for c in pos.moves(y*W + x):
        yield (c, 'random')

def mcplayout(pos, amaf_map, disp=False):
    """ Start a Monte Carlo playout from a given position,
    return score for to-play player at the starting position;
    amaf_map is board-sized scratchpad recording who played at a given
    position first """
        if disp:  print('** SIMULATION **', file=sys.stderr)
        start_n = pos.n
        passes = 0
        while passes < 2 and pos.n < MAX_GAME_LEN:
            if disp:  print_pos(pos)

            pos2 = None
            # We simply try the moves our heuristics generate, in a particular
            # order, but not with 100% probability; this is on the border between
            # "rule-based playouts" and "probability distribution playouts".
            for c, kind in gen_playout_moves(pos, pos.last_moves_neighbors(), PROB_HEURISTIC):
                if disp and kind != 'random':
                    print('move suggestion', str_coord(c), kind, file=sys.stderr)
                pos2 = pos.move(c)
                if pos2 is None:
                # check if the suggested move did not turn out to be a self-atari
                if random.random() <= (PROB_RSAREJECT if kind == 'random' else PROB_SSAREJECT):
                    in_atari, ds = fix_atari(pos2, c, singlept_ok=True, twolib_edgeonly=True)
                    if ds:
                        if disp:  print('rejecting self-atari move', str_coord(c), file=sys.stderr)
                        pos2 = None
                if amaf_map[c] == 0:  # Mark the coordinate with 1 for black
                    amaf_map[c] = 1 if pos.n % 2 == 0 else -1
            if pos2 is None:  # no valid moves, pass
                pos = pos.pass_move()
                passes += 1
            passes = 0
            pos = pos2

        owner_map = W*W*[0]
        score = pos.score(owner_map)
        if disp:  print('** SCORE B%+.1f **' % (score if pos.n % 2 == 0 else -score), file=sys.stderr)
        if start_n % 2 != pos.n % 2:
            score = -score
    except Exception as e:
        import traceback
        traceback_output = traceback.format_exc()
    return score, amaf_map, owner_map

# montecarlo tree search

class TreeNode():
    """ Monte-Carlo tree node;
    v is #visits, w is #wins for to-play (expected reward is w/v)
    pv, pw are prior values (node value = w/v + pw/pv)
    av, aw are amaf values ("all moves as first", used for the RAVE tree policy)
    children is None for leaf nodes """
    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.pos = pos
        self.v = 0
        self.w = 0
        self.pv = PRIOR_EVEN = PRIOR_EVEN/2
        self.av = 0 = 0
        self.children = None

    def expand(self):
        """ add and initialize children to a leaf node """
        cfg_map = cfg_distances(self.pos.board, self.pos.last) if self.pos.last is not None else None
        self.children = []
        childset = dict()
        # Use playout generator to generate children and initialize them
        # with some priors to bias search towards more sensible moves.
        # Note that there can be many ways to incorporate the priors in
        # next node selection (progressive bias, progressive widening, ...).
        for c, kind in gen_playout_moves(self.pos, range(N, (N+1)*W), expensive_ok=True):
            pos2 = self.pos.move(c)
            if pos2 is None:
            # gen_playout_moves() will generate duplicate suggestions
            # if a move is yielded by multiple heuristics
                node = childset[pos2.last]
            except KeyError:
                node = TreeNode(pos2)
                childset[pos2.last] = node

            if kind.startswith('capture'):
                # Check how big group we are capturing; coord of the group is
                # second word in the ``kind`` string
                if floodfill(self.pos.board, int(kind.split()[1])).count('#') > 1:
                    node.pv += PRIOR_CAPTURE_MANY
           += PRIOR_CAPTURE_MANY
                    node.pv += PRIOR_CAPTURE_ONE
           += PRIOR_CAPTURE_ONE
            elif kind == 'pat3':
                node.pv += PRIOR_PAT3
       += PRIOR_PAT3

        # Second pass setting priors, considering each move just once now
        for node in self.children:
            c = node.pos.last

            if cfg_map is not None and cfg_map[c]-1 < len(PRIOR_CFG):
                node.pv += PRIOR_CFG[cfg_map[c]-1]
       += PRIOR_CFG[cfg_map[c]-1]

            height = line_height(c)  # 0-indexed
            if height <= 2 and empty_area(self.pos.board, c):
                # No stones around; negative prior for 1st + 2nd line, positive
                # for 3rd line; sanitizes opening and invasions
                if height <= 1:
                    node.pv += PRIOR_EMPTYAREA
           += 0
                if height == 2:
                    node.pv += PRIOR_EMPTYAREA
           += PRIOR_EMPTYAREA

            in_atari, ds = fix_atari(node.pos, c, singlept_ok=True)
            if ds:
                node.pv += PRIOR_SELFATARI
       += 0  # negative prior

            patternprob = large_pattern_probability(self.pos.board, c)
            if patternprob is not None and patternprob > 0.001:
                pattern_prior = math.sqrt(patternprob)  # tone up
                node.pv += pattern_prior * PRIOR_LARGEPATTERN
       += pattern_prior * PRIOR_LARGEPATTERN

        if not self.children:
            # No possible moves, add a pass move

    def rave_urgency(self):
        v = self.v + self.pv
        expectation = float( / v
        if self.av == 0:
            return expectation
        rave_expectation = float( / self.av
        beta = self.av / (self.av + v + float(v) * self.av / RAVE_EQUIV)
        return beta * rave_expectation + (1-beta) * expectation

    def winrate(self):
        return float(self.w) / self.v if self.v > 0 else float('nan')

    def best_move(self):
        """ best move is the most simulated one """
        return max(self.children, key=lambda node: node.v) if self.children is not None else None

def tree_descend(tree, amaf_map, disp=False):
    """ Descend through the tree to a leaf """
    tree.v += 1
    nodes = [tree]
    passes = 0
    while nodes[-1].children is not None and passes < 2:
        if disp:  print_pos(nodes[-1].pos)

        # Pick the most urgent child
        children = list(nodes[-1].children)
        if disp:
            for c in children:
                dump_subtree(c, recurse=False)
        random.shuffle(children)  # randomize the max in case of equal urgency
        node = max(children, key=lambda node: node.rave_urgency())

        if disp:  print('chosen %s' % (str_coord(node.pos.last),), file=sys.stderr)
        if node.pos.last is None:
            passes += 1
            passes = 0
            if amaf_map[node.pos.last] == 0:  # Mark the coordinate with 1 for black
                amaf_map[node.pos.last] = 1 if nodes[-2].pos.n % 2 == 0 else -1

        # updating visits on the way *down* represents "virtual loss", relevant for parallelization
        node.v += 1
        if node.children is None and node.v >= EXPAND_VISITS:

    return nodes

def tree_update(nodes, amaf_map, score, disp=False):
    """ Store simulation result in the tree (@nodes is the tree path) """
    for node in reversed(nodes):
        if disp:  print('updating', str_coord(node.pos.last), score < 0, file=sys.stderr)
        node.w += score < 0  # score is for to-play, node statistics for just-played
        # Update the node children AMAF stats with moves we made
        # with their color
        amaf_map_value = 1 if node.pos.n % 2 == 0 else -1
        if node.children is not None:
            for child in node.children:
                if child.pos.last is None:
                if amaf_map[child.pos.last] == amaf_map_value:
                    if disp:  print('  AMAF updating', str_coord(child.pos.last), score > 0, file=sys.stderr)
           += score > 0  # reversed perspective
                    child.av += 1
        score = -score

worker_pool = None

def tree_search(tree, n, owner_map, disp=False):
    """ Perform MCTS search from a given position for a given #iterations """
    # Initialize root node
    if tree.children is None:

    # We could simply run tree_descend(), mcplayout(), tree_update()
    # sequentially in a loop.  This is essentially what the code below
    # does, if it seems confusing!

    # However, we also have an easy (though not optimal) way to parallelize
    # by distributing the mcplayout() calls to other processes using the
    # multiprocessing Python module.  mcplayout() consumes maybe more than
    # 90% CPU, especially on larger boards.  (Except that with large patterns,
    # expand() in the tree descent phase may be quite expensive - we can tune
    # that tradeoff by adjusting the EXPAND_VISITS constant.)

    #disp = True
    n_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not disp else 1  # set to 1 when debugging

    global worker_pool
    if worker_pool is None:
        worker_pool = Pool(processes=n_workers)
    outgoing = []  # positions waiting for a playout
    incoming = []  # positions that finished evaluation
    ongoing = []  # currently ongoing playout jobs
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        if not outgoing and not (disp and ongoing):
            # Descend the tree so that we have something ready when a worker
            # stops being busy
            amaf_map = W*W*[0]
            nodes = tree_descend(tree, amaf_map, disp=disp)
            outgoing.append((nodes, amaf_map))

        if len(ongoing) >= n_workers:
            # Too many playouts running? Wait a bit...
            ongoing[0][0].wait(0.01 / n_workers)
            i += 1
            if i > 0 and i % REPORT_PERIOD == 0:
                print_tree_summary(tree, i, f=sys.stderr)

            # Issue an mcplayout job to the worker pool
            nodes, amaf_map = outgoing.pop()
            ongoing.append((worker_pool.apply_async(mcplayout, (nodes[-1].pos, amaf_map, disp)), nodes))

        # Anything to store in the tree?  (We do this step out-of-order
        # picking up data from the previous round so that we don't stall
        # ready workers while we update the tree.)
        while incoming:
            score, amaf_map, owner_map_one, nodes = incoming.pop()
            tree_update(nodes, amaf_map, score, disp=disp)
            for c in range(W*W):
                owner_map[c] += owner_map_one[c]

        # Any playouts are finished yet?
        for job, nodes in ongoing:
            if not job.ready():
            # Yes! Queue them up for storing in the tree.
            score, amaf_map, owner_map_one = job.get(None)
            incoming.append((score, amaf_map, owner_map_one, nodes))
            ongoing.remove((job, nodes))

        # Early stop test
        best_wr = tree.best_move().winrate()
        if i > n*0.05 and best_wr > FASTPLAY5_THRES or i > n*0.2 and best_wr > FASTPLAY20_THRES:

    for c in range(W*W):
        owner_map[c] = float(owner_map[c]) / i
    print_tree_summary(tree, i, f=sys.stderr)
    return tree.best_move()

# user interface(s)

# utility routines

def print_pos(pos, f=sys.stderr, owner_map=None):
    """ print visualization of the given board position, optionally also
    including an owner map statistic (probability of that area of board
    eventually becoming black/white) """
    if pos.n % 2 == 0:  # to-play is black
        board = pos.board.replace('x', 'O')
        Xcap, Ocap = pos.cap
    else:  # to-play is white
        board = pos.board.replace('X', 'O').replace('x', 'X')
        Ocap, Xcap = pos.cap
    print('Move: %-3d   Black: %d caps   White: %d caps  Komi: %.1f' % (pos.n, Xcap, Ocap, pos.komi), file=f)
    pretty_board = ' '.join(board.rstrip()) + ' '
    if pos.last is not None:
        pretty_board = pretty_board[:pos.last*2-1] + '(' + board[pos.last] + ')' + pretty_board[pos.last*2+2:]
    rowcounter = count()
    pretty_board = [' %-02d%s' % (N-i, row[2:]) for row, i in zip(pretty_board.split("\n")[1:], rowcounter)]
    if owner_map is not None:
        pretty_ownermap = ''
        for c in range(W*W):
            if board[c].isspace():
                pretty_ownermap += board[c]
            elif owner_map[c] > 0.6:
                pretty_ownermap += 'X'
            elif owner_map[c] > 0.3:
                pretty_ownermap += 'x'
            elif owner_map[c] < -0.6:
                pretty_ownermap += 'O'
            elif owner_map[c] < -0.3:
                pretty_ownermap += 'o'
                pretty_ownermap += '.'
        pretty_ownermap = ' '.join(pretty_ownermap.rstrip())
        pretty_board = ['%s   %s' % (brow, orow[2:]) for brow, orow in zip(pretty_board, pretty_ownermap.split("\n")[1:])]
    print("\n".join(pretty_board), file=f)
    print('    ' + ' '.join(colstr[:N]), file=f)
    print('', file=f)

def dump_subtree(node, thres=N_SIMS/50, indent=0, f=sys.stderr, recurse=True):
    """ print this node and all its children with v >= thres. """
    print("%s+- %s %.3f (%d/%d, prior %d/%d, rave %d/%d=%.3f, urgency %.3f)" %
          (indent*' ', str_coord(node.pos.last), node.winrate(),
           node.w, node.v,, node.pv,, node.av,
           float( if node.av > 0 else float('nan'),
           node.rave_urgency()), file=f)
    if not recurse:
    for child in sorted(node.children, key=lambda n: n.v, reverse=True):
        if child.v >= thres:
            dump_subtree(child, thres=thres, indent=indent+3, f=f)

def print_tree_summary(tree, sims, f=sys.stderr):
    best_nodes = sorted(tree.children, key=lambda n: n.v, reverse=True)[:5]
    best_seq = []
    node = tree
    while node is not None:
        node = node.best_move()
    print('[%4d] winrate %.3f | seq %s | can %s' %
          (sims, best_nodes[0].winrate(), ' '.join([str_coord(c) for c in best_seq[1:6]]),
           ' '.join(['%s(%.3f)' % (str_coord(n.pos.last), n.winrate()) for n in best_nodes])), file=f)

def parse_coord(s):
    if s == 'pass':
        return None
    return W+1 + (N - int(s[1:])) * W + colstr.index(s[0].upper())

def str_coord(c):
    if c is None:
        return 'pass'
    row, col = divmod(c - (W+1), W)
    return '%c%d' % (colstr[col], N - row)

# various main programs

def mcbenchmark(n):
    """ run n Monte-Carlo playouts from empty position, return avg. score """
    sumscore = 0
    for i in range(0, n):
        sumscore += mcplayout(empty_position(), W*W*[0])[0]
    return float(sumscore) / n

def game_io(computer_black=False):
    """ A simple minimalistic text mode UI. """

    tree = TreeNode(pos=empty_position())
    owner_map = W*W*[0]
    while True:
        if not (tree.pos.n == 0 and computer_black):
            print_pos(tree.pos, sys.stdout, owner_map)

            sc = input("Your move: ")
                c = parse_coord(sc)
                print('An incorrect move')
            if c is not None:
                # Not a pass
                if tree.pos.board[c] != '.':
                    print('Bad move (not empty point)')

                # Find the next node in the game tree and proceed there
                nodes = list(filter(lambda n: n.pos.last == c, tree.children))
                if not nodes:
                    print('Bad move (rule violation)')
                tree = nodes[0]

                # Pass move
                if tree.children[0].pos.last is None:
                    tree = tree.children[0]
                    tree = TreeNode(pos=tree.pos.pass_move())


        owner_map = W*W*[0]
        tree = tree_search(tree, N_SIMS, owner_map)
        if tree.pos.last is None and tree.pos.last2 is None:
            score = tree.pos.score()
            if tree.pos.n % 2:
                score = -score
            print('Game over, score: B%+.1f' % (score,))
        if float(tree.w)/tree.v < RESIGN_THRES:
            print('I resign.')
    print('Thank you for the game!')

def gtp_io():
    """ GTP interface for our program.  We can play only on the board size
    which is configured (N), and we ignore color information and assume
    alternating play! """
    known_commands = ['boardsize', 'clear_board', 'komi', 'play', 'genmove',
                      'final_score', 'quit', 'name', 'version', 'known_command',
                      'list_commands', 'protocol_version', 'tsdebug']

    tree = TreeNode(pos=empty_position())

    while True:
            line = input().strip()
        except EOFError:
        if line == '':
        command = [s.lower() for s in line.split()]
        if re.match('\d+', command[0]):
            cmdid = command[0]
            command = command[1:]
            cmdid = ''
        owner_map = W*W*[0]
        ret = ''
        if command[0] == "boardsize":
            if int(command[1]) != N:
                print("Warning: Trying to set incompatible boardsize %s (!= %d)" % (command[1], N), file=sys.stderr)
                ret = None
        elif command[0] == "clear_board":
            tree = TreeNode(pos=empty_position())
        elif command[0] == "komi":
            # XXX: can we do this nicer?!
            tree.pos = Position(board=tree.pos.board, cap=(tree.pos.cap[0], tree.pos.cap[1]),
                                n=tree.pos.n, ko=tree.pos.ko, last=tree.pos.last, last2=tree.pos.last2,
        elif command[0] == "play":
            c = parse_coord(command[2])
            if c is not None:
                # Find the next node in the game tree and proceed there
                if tree.children is not None and filter(lambda n: n.pos.last == c, tree.children):
                    xs = filter(lambda n: n.pos.last == c, tree.children)
                    tree = list(xs)[0]
                    # Several play commands in row, eye-filling move, etc.
                    tree = TreeNode(pos=tree.pos.move(c))

                # Pass move
                if tree.children[0].pos.last is None:
                    tree = tree.children[0]
                    tree = TreeNode(pos=tree.pos.pass_move())
        elif command[0] == "genmove":
            tree = tree_search(tree, N_SIMS, owner_map)
            if tree.pos.last is None:
                ret = 'pass'
            elif float(tree.w)/tree.v < RESIGN_THRES:
                ret = 'resign'
                ret = str_coord(tree.pos.last)
        elif command[0] == "final_score":
            score = tree.pos.score()
            if tree.pos.n % 2:
                score = -score
            if score == 0:
                ret = '0'
            elif score > 0:
                ret = 'B+%.1f' % (score,)
            elif score < 0:
                ret = 'W+%.1f' % (-score,)
        elif command[0] == "name":
            ret = 'michi'
        elif command[0] == "version":
            ret = 'simple go program demo'
        elif command[0] == "tsdebug":
            print_pos(tree_search(tree, N_SIMS, W*W*[0], disp=True))
        elif command[0] == "list_commands":
            ret = '\n'.join(known_commands)
        elif command[0] == "known_command":
            ret = 'true' if command[1] in known_commands else 'false'
        elif command[0] == "protocol_version":
            ret = '2'
        elif command[0] == "quit":
            print('=%s \n\n' % (cmdid,), end='')
            print('Warning: Ignoring unknown command - %s' % (line,), file=sys.stderr)
            ret = None

        print_pos(tree.pos, sys.stderr, owner_map)
        if ret is not None:
            print('=%s %s\n\n' % (cmdid, ret,), end='')
            print('?%s ???\n\n' % (cmdid,), end='')

if __name__ == "__main__":
        with open(spat_patterndict_file) as f:
            print('Loading pattern spatial dictionary...', file=sys.stderr)
        with open(large_patterns_file) as f:
            print('Loading large patterns...', file=sys.stderr)
        print('Done.', file=sys.stderr)
    except IOError as e:
        print('Warning: Cannot load pattern files: %s; will be much weaker, consider lowering EXPAND_VISITS 5->2' % (e,), file=sys.stderr)
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # Default action
    elif sys.argv[1] == "white":
    elif sys.argv[1] == "gtp":
    elif sys.argv[1] == "mcdebug":
        print(mcplayout(empty_position(), W*W*[0], disp=True)[0])
    elif sys.argv[1] == "mcbenchmark":
    elif sys.argv[1] == "tsbenchmark":
        t_start = time.time()
        print_pos(tree_search(TreeNode(pos=empty_position()), N_SIMS, W*W*[0], disp=False).pos)
        print('Tree search with %d playouts took %.3fs with %d threads; speed is %.3f playouts/thread/s' %
              (N_SIMS, time.time() - t_start, multiprocessing.cpu_count(),
               N_SIMS / ((time.time() - t_start) * multiprocessing.cpu_count())))
    elif sys.argv[1] == "tsdebug":
        print_pos(tree_search(TreeNode(pos=empty_position()), N_SIMS, W*W*[0], disp=True).pos)
        print('Unknown action', file=sys.stderr)

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pasky commented Oct 23, 2023

Awesome! Could you make a PR please?

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