A viewer for creating a one-page app that renders the config file as a webpage.
npm install
npm run-script heroku-postbuild
# Optionally set the relative or absolute url of the Matterbridge config file.
# Default: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/matterbridge-heroku/master/config/config-heroku-template.toml
# export CONFIG_URL=/config-heroku-template.custom.toml
# export CONFIG_URL=https://example.com/config-heroku-template.custom.toml
# Optionally set port for serving. Default: 3000
export PORT=3001
npm start
cd path/to/matterbridge-config-viewer
heroku create my-matterbridge-config-viewer
# Set your config url. (Optional)
heroku config:set CONFIG_URL=https://example.com/config-heroku-template.custom.toml
git push heroku master
- Auto-deploys
branch to our heroku app:matterbridge-heroku-viewer