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symbolic_regression.ipynb examples fails with KeyError #553

sebastianprobst opened this issue Jan 1, 2025 · 2 comments

symbolic_regression.ipynb examples fails with KeyError #553

sebastianprobst opened this issue Jan 1, 2025 · 2 comments
documentation Improvements or additions to documentation


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sebastianprobst commented Jan 1, 2025

diffrax 0.6.2
sympy2jax 0.0,5
The example "symbolic_regression.ipynb" fails with the following errors

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sympy2jax\, in _Func.__call__(self, memodict)
    243 try:
--> 244     arg_call = memodict[arg]
    245 except KeyError:

KeyError: _Symbol(_name=str64[])

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in _assert_term_compatible.<locals>._check(term_cls, term, term_contr_kwargs, yi)
    167 try:
--> 168     vf_type = eqx.filter_eval_shape(term.vf, 0.0, yi, args)
    169 except Exception as e:

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\equinox\, in filter_eval_shape(fun, *args, **kwargs)
     37 dynamic, static = partition((fun, args, kwargs), _filter)
---> 38 dynamic_out, static_out = jax.eval_shape(ft.partial(_fn, static), dynamic)
     39 return combine(dynamic_out, static_out.value)

    [... skipping hidden 1 frame]

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in eval_shape(fun, *args, **kwargs)
   2636 except TypeError: fun = partial(fun)
-> 2637 return jit(fun).eval_shape(*args, **kwargs)

    [... skipping hidden 1 frame]

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in _make_jit_wrapper.<locals>.eval_shape(*args, **kwargs)
    485 @api_boundary
    486 def eval_shape(*args, **kwargs):
--> 487   p, _ = _infer_params(fun, jit_info, args, kwargs)
    488   out_s = [None if isinstance(s, UnspecifiedValue) else s for s in p.params['out_shardings']]

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in _infer_params(fun, ji, args, kwargs)
    768 if entry.pjit_params is None:
--> 769   p, args_flat = _infer_params_impl(
    770       fun, ji, pjit_mesh, resource_env, args, kwargs, in_avals=avals)
    771   if p.attrs_tracked:
    772     # If there are attrs_tracked, don't use the cache.

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in _infer_params_impl(***failed resolving arguments***)
    650 with mesh_lib.set_abstract_mesh(abstract_mesh):
--> 651   jaxpr, consts, out_avals, attrs_tracked = _create_pjit_jaxpr(
    652       flat_fun, in_type, attr_token, dbg,
    653       HashableFunction(res_paths, closure=()),
    654       IgnoreKey(ji.inline))
    655 _attr_update(flat_fun, in_type, attr_token, attrs_tracked)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in cache.<locals>.memoized_fun(fun, *args)
    334 else:
--> 335   ans = call(fun, *args)
    336   if explain and config.explain_cache_misses.value:

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in _create_pjit_jaxpr(***failed resolving arguments***)
   1314   else:
-> 1315     jaxpr, global_out_avals, consts, attrs_tracked = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(
   1316         fun, in_type, debug_info=pe_debug)
   1317     # assert attr_data is sentinel or attr_data matches attrs_tracked
   1319 # TODO(dougalm,mattjj): enable debug info with attrs_tracked

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in annotate_function.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    332 with TraceAnnotation(name, **decorator_kwargs):
--> 333   return func(*args, **kwargs)
    334 return wrapper

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\interpreters\, in trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(fun, in_avals, debug_info, keep_inputs)
   2188 with core.set_current_trace(trace):
-> 2189   ans = fun.call_wrapped(*in_tracers)
   2191 out_tracers = map(trace.to_jaxpr_tracer, ans)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in WrappedFun.call_wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs)
    186 """Calls the transformed function"""
--> 187 return self.f_transformed(*args, **kwargs)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in _argnums_partial(_fun, _dyn_argnums, _fixed_args, *dyn_args, **kwargs)
    293 assert next(fixed_args_, sentinel) is sentinel
--> 294 return _fun(*args, **kwargs)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in flatten_fun(f, store, in_tree, *args_flat)
     73 py_args, py_kwargs = tree_unflatten(in_tree, args_flat)
---> 74 ans = f(*py_args, **py_kwargs)
     75 ans, out_tree = tree_flatten(ans)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in result_paths(_fun, _store, *args, **kwargs)
    690 "linear_util transform to get output pytree paths of pre-flattened function."
--> 691 ans = _fun(*args, **kwargs)
    692[keystr(path) for path, _ in generate_key_paths(ans)])

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\equinox\, in filter_eval_shape.<locals>._fn(_static, _dynamic)
     32 _fun, _args, _kwargs = combine(_static, _dynamic)
---> 33 _out = _fun(*_args, **_kwargs)
     34 _dynamic_out, _static_out = partition(_out, _filter)

    [... skipping hidden 1 frame]

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in ODETerm.vf(self, t, y, args)
    193 def vf(self, t: RealScalarLike, y: Y, args: Args) -> _VF:
--> 194     out = self.vector_field(t, y, args)
    195     if jtu.tree_structure(out) != jtu.tree_structure(y):

Cell In[5], line 16, in Func.__call__(self, t, y, args)
     15 def __call__(self, t, y, args):
---> 16     return self.mlp(y)

Cell In[2], line 8, in Stack.__call__(self, x)
      7 x1 = x[..., 1]
----> 8 return jnp.stack([module(x0=x0, x1=x1) for module in self.modules], axis=-1)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sympy2jax\, in SymbolicModule.__call__(self, **symbols)
    324 memodict = symbols
--> 325 return jax.tree_map(lambda n: n(memodict), self.nodes, is_leaf=_is_node)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in tree_map(f, tree, is_leaf, *rest)
    358 all_leaves = [leaves] + [treedef.flatten_up_to(r) for r in rest]
--> 359 return treedef.unflatten(f(*xs) for xs in zip(*all_leaves))

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in <genexpr>(.0)
    358 all_leaves = [leaves] + [treedef.flatten_up_to(r) for r in rest]
--> 359 return treedef.unflatten(f(*xs) for xs in zip(*all_leaves))

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sympy2jax\, in SymbolicModule.__call__.<locals>.<lambda>(n)
    324 memodict = symbols
--> 325 return jax.tree_map(lambda n: n(memodict), self.nodes, is_leaf=_is_node)

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sympy2jax\, in _Func.__call__(self, memodict)
    245 except KeyError:
--> 246     arg_call = arg(memodict)
    247     memodict[arg] = arg_call

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\sympy2jax\, in _Symbol.__call__(self, memodict)
    135 try:
--> 136     return memodict[self._name]
    137 except KeyError as e:

TypeError: unhashable type: 'DynamicJaxprTracer'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in _assert_term_compatible(y, args, terms, term_structure, contr_kwargs)
    193     with jax.numpy_dtype_promotion("standard"):
--> 194         jtu.tree_map(_check, term_structure, terms, contr_kwargs, y)
    195 except Exception as e:
    196     # ValueError may also arise from mismatched tree structures

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in tree_map(f, tree, is_leaf, *rest)
    358 all_leaves = [leaves] + [treedef.flatten_up_to(r) for r in rest]
--> 359 return treedef.unflatten(f(*xs) for xs in zip(*all_leaves))

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\jax\_src\, in <genexpr>(.0)
    358 all_leaves = [leaves] + [treedef.flatten_up_to(r) for r in rest]
--> 359 return treedef.unflatten(f(*xs) for xs in zip(*all_leaves))

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in _assert_term_compatible.<locals>._check(term_cls, term, term_contr_kwargs, yi)
    169 except Exception as e:
--> 170     raise ValueError(f"Error while tracing {term}.vf: " + str(e))
    171 vf_type_compatible = eqx.filter_eval_shape(
    172     better_isinstance, vf_type, vf_type_expected
    173 )

ValueError: Error while tracing ODETerm(
            _func=<function fn_>,
                _func=<function power>,
                    _func=<function fn_>,
                    _args=[_Symbol(_name=str64[]), _Float(_value=weak_f32[])]
            _func=<function fn_>,
                _func=<function power>,
                    _func=<function fn_>,
                        _func=<function fn_>,
                            _func=<function fn_>,
).vf: unhashable type: 'DynamicJaxprTracer'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[53], line 1
----> 1 main2()

Cell In[52], line 85, in main2(symbolic_dataset_size, symbolic_num_populations, symbolic_population_size, symbolic_migration_steps, symbolic_mutation_steps, symbolic_descent_steps, pareto_coefficient, fine_tuning_steps, fine_tuning_lr, quantise_to)
     82     return symbolic_model, opt_state
     84 for _ in range(fine_tuning_steps):
---> 85     symbolic_model, opt_state = make_step(symbolic_model, opt_state)
     87 #
     88 # Finally we round each constant to the nearest multiple of `quantise_to`.
     89 #
     91 trained_expressions = []

    [... skipping hidden 19 frame]

Cell In[52], line 79, in main2.<locals>.make_step(symbolic_model, opt_state)
     77 @eqx.filter_jit
     78 def make_step(symbolic_model, opt_state):
---> 79     grads = grad_loss(symbolic_model)
     80     updates, opt_state = optim.update(grads, opt_state)
     81     symbolic_model = eqx.apply_updates(symbolic_model, updates)

    [... skipping hidden 18 frame]

Cell In[52], line 71, in main2.<locals>.grad_loss(symbolic_model)
     68 @eqx.filter_grad
     69 def grad_loss(symbolic_model):
     70     vmap_model = jax.vmap(symbolic_model, in_axes=(None, 0))
---> 71     pred_ys = vmap_model(ts, ys[:, 0])  # noqa: F821
     72     return jnp.mean((ys - pred_ys) ** 2)

    [... skipping hidden 6 frame]

Cell In[6], line 9, in NeuralODE.__call__(self, ts, y0)
      8 def __call__(self, ts, y0):
----> 9     solution = diffrax.diffeqsolve(
     10         diffrax.ODETerm(self.func),
     11         diffrax.Tsit5(),
     12         t0=ts[0],
     13         t1=ts[-1],
     14         dt0=ts[1] - ts[0],
     15         y0=y0,
     16         stepsize_controller=diffrax.PIDController(rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6),
     17         saveat=diffrax.SaveAt(ts=ts),
     18     )
     19     return solution.ys

    [... skipping hidden 19 frame]

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in diffeqsolve(terms, solver, t0, t1, dt0, y0, args, saveat, stepsize_controller, adjoint, event, max_steps, throw, progress_meter, solver_state, controller_state, made_jump, discrete_terminating_event)
   1086         terms = MultiTerm(*terms)
   1088 # Error checking for term compatibility
-> 1089 _assert_term_compatible(
   1090     y0,
   1091     args,
   1092     terms,
   1093     solver.term_structure,
   1094     solver.term_compatible_contr_kwargs,
   1095 )
   1097 if is_sde(terms):
   1098     if not isinstance(solver, (AbstractItoSolver, AbstractStratonovichSolver)):

File ...\Python312\Lib\site-packages\diffrax\, in _assert_term_compatible(y, args, terms, term_structure, contr_kwargs)
    194         jtu.tree_map(_check, term_structure, terms, contr_kwargs, y)
    195 except Exception as e:
    196     # ValueError may also arise from mismatched tree structures
--> 197     raise ValueError("Terms are not compatible with solver!") from e

ValueError: Terms are not compatible with solver!

(excellent library btw.!)

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Thanks for the report! Looks like there's a few things going on here:

  • numpy 2 now supports its own string-dtyped arrays.
  • sympy now uses these numpy-strings (rather than regular strings) to represent symbolic names.
  • JAX erroneously (?) is willing to create stringly-dtyped tracers under jax.eval_shape (JAX can create str-dtyped tracers under eval_shape with numpy 2 jax-ml/jax#25707) when given a numpy-string, because it thinks it is an array.
  • and so what was previously a regular str is now a tracer and so is not hashable, and this causes an explosion.

The fix is to release a new version of sympy2jax, which converts numpy-strings back to regular strings: patrick-kidger/sympy2jax#16

Whilst I'm here I've also just updated the symbolic regression example to handle a few changes in both sympy and PySR.

@patrick-kidger patrick-kidger added the documentation Improvements or additions to documentation label Jan 2, 2025
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Thank you for the quick solution. It is working now.

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