- Fix to return always the deserialized sync number as the not reversed.
- Breaking change: Reworked to use alternative syncNumbers to deserialize and also serialize with a specific syncNumber (Use with care).
- Set minimum dart version to v3.4.
- Cleanup formating warnings from lints package.
- Updated IMC to v5.4.30 @Git#867be70.
- Update dependencies.
- Potential breaking change removed dependency of built_value.
- Added option of toJson to message and fromJson on builder.
- Small tweak on BuilderWithInstanciator return (should).
- Adding possibility to change the endianness to the serialization (CAREFUL).
- Adding sha256 hash of the imc used.
- Adding advance usage way to programatically change the sync number (Use with care).
- Updated dependencies.
- Cleanup formating warnings from lints package.
- Updated IMC to v5.4.30 @Git#6038ec6.
- Making it now a Dart package and not a Flutter.
- Replacing flutter_lints (pedantic was deprecated) with lints.
- Example is now null safety.
- Breaking change: IMC info and version constants follow now camelcase convention.
- Breaking change: Enumerated and bitfield values are now camelcase.
- Cleanup formating warnings from lints package.
- Updated IMC to v5.4.30 @Git#8be592a.
- Null safety support.
- Breaking change: On Bitfield#fromBits you must not use null but [] if you want an empty one.
- For bitfields you can call empty() to get an empty bitfield.
- Minimal SDK is now 2.12.0.
- Pre-release of null safety migration, thus contains breaking changes.
- Updated dependencies: built_value: ^8.0.4, xml: ^5.0.2, crypto: ^3.0.0, yaml: ^3.1.0, collection: ^1.15.0.
- Added pedantic: ^1.9.2 for formatting warnings.
- Reformated code.
- Added githash property for imc generation. (Filled by hand.)
- Updated IMC to v5.4.11 @Git#f19a343.
- Added dependencies: collection to ^1.14.12.
- Fix comparing message-list and rawdata. Also comparing doubles with delta error.
- Cleaning with the help of pedantic package (but not added permanently as dependency).
- Updated dependencies: built_value: ^7.0.1, xml: ^3.6.1, crypto: ^2.1.4, and yaml: ^2.2.1.
- Fixing README.md example.
- Adding analysis_options.yaml and clear warnings.
- Changing generated messagesBuilders, messagesSerializers, and messagesIdsSerializers to be a function that creates a new instance on call. (BREAKING CHANGE)
- Adding factory methods to the messages.
- Updated dependencies: built_value: ^7.0.0.
- Cleanups for publishing.
- Cleanups.
- Fix toPrettyString() problem in BitfieldType.
- Added toPrettyString() to EnumType and BitfieldType.
- Updated dependencies: built_value: ^6.7.1; crypto: ^2.1.3.
- Adding reading generator parameters by the
files for generating the IMC code on production.
- Now you can test EnumLike (EnumType and BitfieldType) with ==.
- Added test for checking if BitfieldType has bits at '1'.
- First working base with IMC v5.4.11 @Git#d60a40a8c55bef407bbf1f49cfc1ab78103a3cc3.
- Initial release.