We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our code of conduct.
Make sure you have a GitHub account. If you are not familar with git and GitHub, take a look at http://happygitwithr.com/ to get started.
Submit a post for your issue, assuming one does not already exist.
Clearly describe your issue, including steps to reproduce when it is a bug, or some justification for a proposed improvement.
Fork the repository on GitHub to make a copy of the repository on your account. Or use this line in your shell terminal:
git clone git@github.com:your-username/gfplot.git
- Edit the files, save often, and make commits of logical units, where each commit indicates one concept
- Follow our style guide.
- Make sure you write good commit messages.
- Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your code changes.
- Run all the tests using
to assure nothing else was accidentally broken. - If you need help or unsure about anything, post an update to your issue.
Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
At this point you're waiting on us. We like to at least comment on pull requests within a few days (and, typically, one business day). We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.
Some things you can do that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:
- Engage in discussion on your issue.
- Write tests that pass
. - Follow our code style guide.
- Write a good commit message.
The best resource on developing R packages is http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/.
Having cloned the repository onto your computer, open R in the gfplot/
directory (if you open the gfplot.Rproj
file in RStudio your working directory will be automatically set) and run:
which will (re)build and install the package.
When working on the package (e.g. editing functions) use:
which is quicker as it simulates an install but does not put it into your permanent library.
If you've added a new function or edited documentation and then the run
to rebuild the documentation files.
To also update the online version of the documentation, run
To download all the PBS data for specific species (as long as you have access to the SQL servers) use
replacing the species with your species of interest.