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File metadata and controls

467 lines (337 loc) · 14.9 KB

Week 3 Outline: Data Modeling Outline

Sample datasets from The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) via GitHub. Download these files to your /sharedfolder/ on your desktop.

Install LibreOffice

Before we start class, download and install LibreOffice:

Run Docker container

In macOS, open Terminal and enter the following commands to launch the Docker container:

docker rm -f pcda_ubuntu
docker pull pcda17/ubuntu-container
docker run --name pcda_ubuntu -ti -p 8889:8889 --volume ~/Desktop/sharedfolder/:/sharedfolder/ pcda17/ubuntu-container

In Windows 10, open PowerShell and enter the following commands to launch the Docker container:

docker rm -f pcda_ubuntu
docker pull pcda17/ubuntu-container
docker run --name pcda_ubuntu -ti -p 8889:8889 --volume C:\Users\***username_here***\Desktop\sharedfolder:/sharedfolder/ pcda17/ubuntu-container

Open Jupyter Notebook (see notes in week 2)

CSV I/O in Python

Paste the following code snippet into a new Jupyter notebook.

import csv

artist_csv_path = "/sharedfolder/Artists.csv"
artist_table = []

with open(artist_csv_path) as fi:
    csv_input = csv.reader(fi)
    for row in csv_input:

artist_header = artist_table[0]


Check the length of the table, then enter an index value in brackets to look at an entry.



We’ve just copied all the data from a CSV-formatted spreadsheet and turned it into a format Python can easily work with: a list of lists of strings. Let’s walk through the above a step at a time, this time loading MoMA’s artwork metadata.

We began by importing the csv module, Python’s built-in CSV input/output tool. Note, since you've already done it above, you don't have to do it again.

import csv

Next we assign our pathname to the artwork_path variable and initialize an empty list called artwork_table. This will become our list of lists, Python’s version of a table. Add the below to your open notebook.

artwork_csv_path = "/sharedfolder/Artworks.csv"
artwork_table = []

Then we create a file stream object fi that points to our spreadsheet, We pass our file object to csv’s constructor function and assign the new reader object to csv_file. Finally, using a for loop, we iterate through our csv object and add each row (represented by a list) to the master list artwork_table.

with open(artwork_csv_path) as fi:
    csv_file = csv.reader(fi)
    for row in csv_file:

Because this table uses column labels in the first row, we’ll save those labels to the variable header and remove it from the table.

artwork_header = artwork_table[0]

Finally, let’s look at our list of column titles …


… as well as a row in our table.


Tip: Python will ignore any text following the “#” character on a line, which we can use to add explanatory comments within our code. Here are a couple lines from the snippet above followed by example notes.

artwork_header = artwork_table[0]  # saves list of column titles to variable 'artwork_header'
artwork_table.remove(artwork_table[0])  # removes header row

Quick Assignment

Write a piece of code that prints each column label in artist_header and artwork_header next to its index in the list, beginning from zero as usual. You may want to keep this reference handy for the next few exercises.

A possible solution:


for i in range(len(artist_header)):
    print(str(i) + ' ' + artist_header[i])


for i in range(len(artwork_header)):
    print(str(i) + ' ' + artwork_header[i])

Quick Assignment

Write a piece of code that creates a new table (i.e., list of lists) containing only artists born in the 1880s.

A possible solution:

born_1880s = []

for row in artist_table:
    if 1880 <= int(row[5]) <= 1889:

Average Artist Age

Now that we’ve defined a meaningful subset of our data, let’s see what we can do with it. For instance, what was the mean life span of artists born in the 1880s (who happen to be included in MoMA's collections)?

lifespans_1880s = []

for row in born_1880s:
    lifespans_1880s.append(int(row[6]) - int(row[5]))


If you scroll through your list of lifespans, you’ll see occasional negative numbers (e.g., “-1887”). Since missing values are represented by “0,” if no death date is listed we’ll end up subtracting an artist’s birth year from zero. Let’s amend our code to leave out these rows.

lifespans_1880s = []

for row in born_1880s:
    age = int(row[6])-int(row[5])
    if age > 0:


Now that we have a list of valid integers, all we need to do is calculate the mean. Below we divide the sum of the list (which we cast as a float) by its length to get 72.65 years.

float(sum(lifespans_1880s)) / len(lifespans_1880s)

That format is a bit verbose for a simple task like this, so to make life easier we’ll use the Python package NumPy.

import numpy

Tip: The code above imports the entire numpy package. Python also lets us import packages’ individual functions to the current environment, which can make code more compact.

from numpy import mean

A common convention is to rename numpy to np at the import step.

import numpy as np

This guide will use to numpy.mean() for the sake of clarity, but feel free to set up your environment however you like.

Quick Assignment

Write a piece of code that creates a new table containing all artworks that include the term “Fluxus” in any metadata field.

A possible solution:

fluxus_table = []

for row in artwork_table:
    for cell in row:
        if 'fluxus' in cell.lower():
            if row not in fluxus_table:

Fluxus Metadata Continued

Now let’s make a master list of entries under “medium” in our Fluxus metadata set.

medium_list = []

for row in fluxus_table:


Let’s look at 10 random samples from the collection, first importing the random package.

import random

random.sample(medium_list, 10)

Let’s see what terms appear most frequently in our list of media.

from collections import Counter

c = Counter(medium_list)

Note that 1151 artworks are missing an entry for “medium,” with the term “(CONFIRM)” appearing 190 times.

Quick Assignment

Returning to our original MoMA metadata table, write a piece of code that extracts only works created in the 1960s (or another decade of your choosing). Since the date field in MoMA’s metadata doesn’t follow a strictly defined numerical format, you’ll have to think about how to interpret values like “1963,” “1963-5“, “c. 1963,” “c. 1960s,” etc.

A simple solution with high recall and low precision:

art_1960s = []

for row in artwork_table:
    if '196' in row[8]:

Sorting a Table by Column

We can sort a table based on the values in a given column with the sorted function and and the itemgetter tool, which we use to specify the column we’re sorting by. The following sorts the table art_1960s by artist name (i.e., index 1 in each row).

from operator import itemgetter
art_1960s_sorted = sorted(art_1960s, key = itemgetter(1))

Since each row is so long, let’s just look at our sorted set of authors. The following notation returns a list of each row’s “Artist” cell, located at index 1.

[row[1] for row in art_1960s_sorted]

Let's look at the most common nationalities in our table of 1960s artworks. Here we’re once again using the Counter constructor from the collections package.

c = Counter([row[4] for row in art_1960s_sorted])

It’s impossible to memorize the details of every specialized tool available in Python, so you’ll probably end up repeatedly looking up processes like these.

Writing CSVs

Now that we’ve filtered and sorted our metadata, let’s export it to a new CSV file called art_1960s.csv.

outpath = "/sharedfolder/art_1960s.csv"

with open(outpath, 'w') as fo:
    csv_writer = csv.writer(fo)

Note that we call use writerow function first to write the header row, then writerows to write the actual data.

Find the new file in sharedfolder and open it in Excel or LibreOffice. Take a few moments to explore the collection.

The Dictionary Data Type

So far, when we want to access the “Artist” field in MoMA’s metadata, we’ve been referring to its position in a given row.

row = art_1960s_sorted[7700]


'Helen Frankenthaler'

This system is straightforward and well-suited for many jobs, but for large, complex projects it can be difficult to keep track of all those index numbers. Instead, we can use a dictionary to reference metadata fields by name rather than list index.

Just like we can refer to a item in a list using brackets to enclose its position in the list, a dictionary, or dict, uses any chosen string or number to identify a value in a collection. This data structure is known as a key-value pair. Here’s the simplest way to create a new dictionary.

artist_meta = {}
artist_meta['ConstituentID'] = 248
artist_meta['DisplayName'] = 'Richard Avedon'
artist_meta['ArtistBio'] = 'American, 1923–2004'
artist_meta['Nationality'] = 'American'
artist_meta['Gender'] = 'Male'
artist_meta['BeginDate'] = 1923
artist_meta['EndDate'] = 2004
artist_meta['Wiki QID'] = 'Q305497'
artist_meta['ULAN'] = '500013773'

The following is a more compact format for the same key-value assignment.

artist_meta = {'ConstituentID': 248, 'DisplayName': 'Richard Avedon', 'Gender': 'Male', 'BeginDate': 1923, 'EndDate': 2004, 'ULAN': '500013773', 'Wiki QID': 'Q305497', 'ArtistBio': 'American, 1923–2004', 'Nationality': 'American'}

To access a value, enter its key between brackets like so.


And note that you can iterate over a dict to view and/or use its keys.

for key in artist_meta:
    print(key + " - " + str(artist_meta[key]))

Next, let’s create a dict for each artist MoMA’s artist metadata. Here’s a snippet (repeated from above) that loads Artists.csv as a list of lists called artist_table.

import csv

artist_csv_path = "/sharedfolder/Artists.csv"
artist_table = []

with open(artist_csv_path) as fi:
    csv_input = csv.reader(fi)
    for row in csv_input:

artist_header = artist_table[0]


Now we’ll use a for loop to iterate through artist_table, converting each list of cells to key-value format.

artist_dicts = []

for row in artist_table:
    artist_meta = {}
    artist_meta['ConstituentID'] = row[0]
    artist_meta['DisplayName'] = row[1]
    artist_meta['ArtistBio'] = row[2]
    artist_meta['Nationality'] = row[3]
    artist_meta['Gender'] = row[4]
    artist_meta['BeginDate'] = int(row[5])
    artist_meta['EndDate'] = int(row[6])
    artist_meta['Wiki QID'] = row[7]
    artist_meta['ULAN'] = row[8]

The list artist_dicts should now contain records for about 15,000 artists.


Specifying an index in brackets will return a dict object.


And we can use one of our standard key names to get a particular value.


If we want to create a list of artist names, birth years, etc., we can thus iterate through the artists_dicts list and specify the field we want by name.