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File metadata and controls

executable file
880 lines (725 loc) · 41.6 KB

Logo   sfpegListCmp Component


The sfpegListCmp component displays a contextualised and actionable list of records in 3 main formats (data table, data tree or tile list), data being retrieved via SOQL, Apex...

As a baseline, in SOQL data-table mode, it provides a powerful alternative solution to the standard Lightning related lists by offering more flexibility in:

  • the selection of the records to display (e.g. filtered related list, sub-related list...)
  • the actions available on this record selection (more than the standard edit/delete)

It further extends these capabilities by providing:

  • a wide variety of alternative record fetch methods (SOQL, SOSL or custom Apex)
  • the ability to handle completely custom data sets (as Apex Map<String,Object> lists converted as JSON objects) e.g. fetched via callouts to external systems (without the need for external objects) or built from custom Apex logic (combining multiple related records, rebuilding record hierarchies...)
  • a extended set of display options (tiles, tree-grid) to handle cases where data-table are not suitable from a UX perspective
  • out-of-the-box record list filtering, sorting and CSV export capabilities
  • the option to load records progressively (pagination) for potentially large data sets (the total count being automatically fetched upon instantiation, a load more button being displayed in the component's footer as long as this total count has not been loaded)

ℹ️ If you wish to actually load the data only when the user explicitly requests it, you may use the sfpegOnDemandListCmp wrapper component (see in the examples) which includes an expand button icon to control the actual display of a sfpegListCmp.

Component Configuration

Global Layout

The sfpegListCmpt component consists in a single lightning-card:

  • displaying a list of records in different display formats (see above) with (optional) row actions
  • providing global actions from its header (e.g. to launch flows, create new records, execute mass actions on selected rows, navigate to a report or dashboard...)

Hereafter are provided examples of various display types.

List as tiles
Display as list of Tiles (1 tile per row)

List as tile cards
Display as list of Tile Cards (2 tiles per row)

List as timeline
Display as list of Tiles in timeline variant (1 tile per row)

List as data table
Display as Data Table

List as tree grid
Display as Tree Grid

Note:In the last TreeGrid example, fetching data with custom Apex enables to fetch a whole multi-level record hierarchy in a single call (while SOQL only supports 1 level of embedded subqueries)

App Builder Configuration

For the sfpegListCmp component, a lot of properties may be set directly in the App Builder:

  • Wrapping card customisation properties (title, icon, CSS, max-height, built-in action button size, display of record number, number of header actions displayed before overflow...)
  • Built-in actions activation (filter, sort, export, debug...)

However, most of the configuration lies in two custom metadata referenced records (see orange zones below):

  • a sfpegList__mdt record for the data fetch & display
  • a sfpegAction__mdt record for the custom header and footer actions (see sfpegActionBarCmp for details)

List App Builder Configuration

Metadata Configuration

The sfpegList__mdt custom metadata provides the most important configuration items of the sfpegListCmp components. It contains multiple sections of properties to respectively configure the way how:

  • data are fetched
  • pagination is handled (if applicable)
  • data are displayed (including row level actions)

Main List Metadata Record

Note: Context merge is systematically applied to the query input property upon initial load/refresh (see sfpegMergeUtl component) to adapt the query context to the display environment. Label related merge tokens are also evaluated in the Display Configuration property to adapt labels to the user language.

The Query section defines how data are retrieved:

  • Query or Apex class to be applied
    • Query Type to select a fetch mode (SOQL, SOSL, Apex)
    • Query Class (if Apex mode is chosen) to specify the name of the Apex class to call (implementing sfpegListQuery_SVC virtual class)
    • Query Template (formely Query SOQL) to specify the SOQL/SOSL query to execute (when these modes are chosen).
    • Bypass FLS ? to bypass FLS controls (see standard Security.stripInaccessible() method) in the SOQL or SOSL results.
    • Bypass Escaping ? to bypass quote escaping when merging Input data in the Query template (protection against SOQL injection).
    • Bypass Sharing ? to bypass Sharing when executing a SOSL or SOQL query.
  • Inputs required to contextualise the fetch
    • Query Input to specify a single JSON context object to contextualise the query or be passed as input to the Apex class fetch method
    • For the Query Template, the properties of this JSON object are to be merged via {{{propertyName}}} tokens in the query string (e.g. {{{ID}}} in the example above to fetch the ID property value of the input object)
    • The values of this JSON object may be initialized via any {{{mergeToken}}} supported by the sfpegMergeUtl utility component (e.g. {{{GEN.recordId}}} in the example above to fetch the Salesforce ID of the current page record)

Note: Additional security related parameters will be soon added for the SOQL mode, such as enforce FLS and bypass sharing.

The PaginationHandling section defines how pagination (for progressive data load for large data sets) should work:

  • Do Pagination ? to check to activate pagination (supported only in SOQL and Apex modes for now)
  • Query Count to provide a SOQL count() query corresponding to the Query SOQL (if SOQL mode retrieval is used)
  • Query Order By Field and Order Direction to let the component properly manage the pagination (the feature not relying in the standard SOQL OFFSET mechanism but on explicit WHERE clause statements).
  • When pagination mode is activated in SOQL mode, the Query SOQL should then include
    • a specific {{{PAGE}}} merge token within its WHERE clause to set the page range limit (lower or higher depending on direction)
    • a LIMIT clause to set the page size (in number of records)
    • an ORDER BY clause corresponding to the specified Query Order By Field and Order Direction properties
  • When pagination mode is activated in Apex mode, the called Query Class should then implement the getCount() and getPaginatedData() methods instead of the base getData() one.

The Display section defines how data are displayed in the component:

  • Display Type to choose among the four display modes supported (DataTable, DataTree, CardList, TileList), most of the configuration element being shared among them (or simply ignored)
  • Display Configuration to define how data are displayed, as a single JSON object structure leveraging (and extending) the JSON display configuration of the standard lightning-datatable and lightning-tree-grid base components.
    • This is especially applicable to the columns property
    • Additional root properties have been added for the CardList and TileList modes to tune their specific layouts
      • title and icon to configure the title and optional icon for each tile displayed in these modes, icon name being either static (by providing a name property) or dynamic (by providing a fieldName property, this field containing the actual icon name to be used)
      • cardNbr and fieldNbr to respectively set the number per row of tiles and fields (within a tile, if CardList mode is used)
    • An optional menu property describing the row action menu (name, label and optional icon of each menu item) to be displayed in each tile / at the end of each DataTable/TreeGrid row (see Row Actions below).
    • An optional variant property enables to alter the display of the tiles
      • For now, two values are available, i.e. base for default tile box display or timeline for timeline like display (no box, vertical grey border under the icon)
    • An optional details property enabling to set a second list of fields (similar to the columns one)
      • setting this property activates an expand/collapse on the tile content
      • when expanded, the fields of this list are displayed below the main ones in a cardList mode
    • An optional expandAll property enabling to force all rows of a TreeGrid to be fully expanded by default.
    • An optional stacked property enabling to enforce a stacked field display (with labels above values) for details and columns fields (when in cardList mode for the second)
  • Flatten Results? to activate fetched data JSON structure flattening in order to let related record data being properly displayed within DataTable or TreeGrid components (which do not support displaying data from JSON sub-objects, as when related record fields are fetched)
  • Row Actions definining the actions available at row level
    • It should simply provide the developer name of a sfpegAction__mdt custom metadata record containing the actions used within the Display Configuration property (identified by their name properties).
    • This may apply to button or action items of the columns property (see lightning-datatable for details)
    • This may also apply to the menu property defining the tile menu for the TileList and CardList display modes or the appended last column menu in DataTable and TreeGrid modes.
    • This at last also applies to the action sub-property of the title property for the TileList and CardList display modes (to activate an action link on the tile title)
    • Beware that conditional activation of actions does not work for action entries in the DataTable and TreeGrid columns (i.e. only for button ones), while they properly work in the menu for the TileList and CardList modes.

Hereafter is an example of the sfpegAction__mdt record used for row level actions in the previous example.
Row Action Metadata Record

No Data Display Handling

By default, the component only displays the card header with header actions when there is no data to display (and no error).

List with no data

It is however possible to change this behaviour and specify a default message displayed when no data is available via the emptyMsg property in the Display Configuration.

List with no data and message


  • ⚠️ For proper display of the no data layout, beware to include the slds-theme_shade class in the Card CSS Class App Builder property when using the slds-card_boundary card border class!
  • Custom labels may be used for the emptyMsg property leveraging the LBL merge token.
  • It is also possible to slightly alter the appearance of this message via the emptyVariant property (e.g. replacing the default info by infoLight to remove the information icon).

Hereafter is such an example.


Special Paginated Use Cases

When using the pagination, this example should be modified the following way:

  • Query Template should be modified to :
SELECT...  WHERE  WhatId = '{{{RECORD}}}' and IsClosed = false and RecordType.DeveloperName = 'NBA' and {{{PAGE}}} order by Id desc limit 5
  • Query Count should be set to :
SELECT count() FROM Task WHERE  WhatId = '{{{ID}}}' and IsClosed = false and RecordType.DeveloperName = 'NBA'
  • Query OrderBy Field should be set to Id
  • Order Direction should be set to Descending

Special Preset List Filter

It is also possible to preset a filter applied on the list of records, this filtering being automatically applied on browser side after data fetch.

You just need to include a filter property in the Display Configuration parameter, specifying filter scope and string to be applied.

        "scope": "CheckBox__c",
        "string": "true"

Note: if no scope is defined, the default ALL scope is used.

Row Selection and Mass Action Handling

When using the DataTable or DataTree display modes (not supported in TileList or CardList yet), it is possible to activate the row selection feature and trigger mass actions from the sfpegListCmp header action bar.

In order to activate the row selection feature, it is necessary to add the following properties in the Display configuration:

    "hideCheckboxColumn": false,
    "maxRowSelection": 10,

Otherwise, all records displayed in the component (or only the first level ones in DataTree mode) are considered for any mass action triggered. If pagination is used, only the loaded ones are considered as well.

This list of row selected rows is then automatically made available (and updated) to the header action component to support the trigger of mass actions on this base (see sfpegActionBarCmp for details), e.g. to mass edit selected records.

Hereafter is an example of a mass update form with a refresh after update.

    "name": "closeForm", "label": "Close Selected", "iconName": "utility:close",
    "action": {
        "type": "massForm",
        "params": {
            "title": "Close the Actions",
            "message": "Please fill in the following information",
            "removeRT": true,
            "columns": 2,
            "record": {
                "ObjectApiName": "TST_Action__c",
                "RecordTypeId": "RT.TST_Action__c.RT1",
                "Done__c": true
            "fields": [
                { "name": "Reason__c", "required": true},
                { "name": "Done__c", "disabled": true }
            "next": {
                "type": "done",
                "params": {
                    "type": "refresh"

Specific Action Features

The sfpegListCmp includes some specific features concerning the action functionality provided by the sfpegActionBarCmp

  • It provides a specific refresh action type to force a reload of the displayed data, usually called within a next action property (e.g. to execute a list reload after a record creation or row update, see mass action example above)
  • It also provides a specific filter action type to quickly set/unset the sfpegListCmp filter value.

Hereafter is an example of a set of filter actions to set / unset specific filter conditions.
List Filter Action Menu

    "name": "selectionMenu", "iconSize": "small",
    "items": [
    {   "label": "SMS", "iconName": "utility:filter",
        "action": { "type": "done",
                    "params": { "type": "filter",
                                "params": { "scope": "Channel", "string": "SMS"}
    {   "label": "Email", "iconName": "utility:filter",
        "action": { "type": "done",
                    "params": { "type": "filter",
                                "params": { "scope": "Channel", "string": "EMAIL" }
    {   "label": "Courrier", "iconName": "utility:filter",
        "action": { "type": "done",
                    "params": { "type": "filter",
                                "params": {"scope": "Channel", "string": "MAIL" }
    {   "label": "All", "iconName": "utility:filter",
        "action": { "type": "done",
                    "params": { "type": "filter",
                                "params": { "scope": "ALL", "string": "" }

Context Merge Upon Query

Context merge is systematically applied to the query input property upon initial load/refresh of the sfpegListCmp component to gather information about the display context. This information is then provided when collecting data and {{{XXX}}} tokens present in the query templates replaced by the corresponding fields of this query input object.

A special {{{CONTEXT}}} token is also available, the value of which may be set via the Query Context string property in the App Builder. This enables to reuse the same sfpegList configuration for various use cases, when multiple queries only vary by one parameter. An example is the sfpegRecordShares configuration provided in the example folder, which list the sharing rows related to the record of the current page:

  • record ID is fetched via the query input property set in the sfpegList configuration as {"ROW":"{{{GEN.recordId}}}"}
  • sharing object API name is provided via the Query Context property set in the App Builder, e.g. as MyCustomObject__share
  • the query template in the sfpegList configuration then merges the 2 tokens at their proper place in the SOQL query as Select Id, UserOrGroupId, UserOrGroup.Name, RowCause, AccessLevel from {{{CONTEXT}}} where ParentId = '{{{ROW}}}'

For multi-picklist or CSV like text fields, a special post-processing may also be executed after token merge via the LIST(((xxxx|||y))) syntax. It converts a CSV like text value xxxx using yas separator into a valid value list for a IN where clause. The following sfpegList configuration illustrates the use-case:

  • current record's multi-picklist field value is fetched via the query input property set as {"VALUES":"{{{RCD.MultiPicklist__c}}}"}
  • another target custom object uses the same value set on a picklist field and matching records are fetched via the query template property set as SELECT Name, Picklist__c FROM TargetObject__c WHERE Picklist__c IN LIST((({{{VALUES}}}|||;)))
  • a resulting SOQL query after merge would be SELECT Name, Picklist__c FROM TargetObject__c WHERE Picklist__c IN ('value1','value2')

A technical parent context property (not available in App Builder) also enables a parent component to inject additional context information to be leveraged as additional {{{}}} tokens when the sfpegListCmp component is included in another custom component (see also sfpegMergeUtl component).

Configuration Examples

Lookup Field Handling

Lookup fields do not work natively in the component. Depending on the display mode selected, different workarounds are available.

For the Datatable and DataTree modes, the strategy consists in configuring a button in base variant, this button having the name of the target record as label and triggering a navigation action (or simply open addressing the current row)

"columns": [


  • in the example above the Name field displayed is specified twice in the configuration, once as root fieldName to be used for sorting and a second time within the label property of the button typeAttributes to be actually displayed in the button.
  • the button title may also be specified dynamically to display contextual additional information upon hovering (no compact layout preview available for now but PLANNED).
  • the name property in the button typeAttributes should identify the name of the row action to be triggered (which should match one of the actions available in the sfpegAction__mdt record referenced in the Row Actions property of the current sfpegList__mdt record)

For the CardList and TileList modes, the solution is slightly different

  • an action may be specified for the tile title (referencing one of the row actions)
    "title": {
        "fieldName": "Name",
        "sortable": true,
        "action": "open"
  • other navigation actions may be specified in the menu (referencing any row action), a generic button icon menu being displayed if more than one option is configured (single button or button icon otherwise).
"menu": [
        "name": "openAccount",
        "label": "Open Account",
        "iconName": "utility:open"


As a workaround for record previews, the showPreview action type may be used instead of the navigation one (see sfpegActionBarCmp) to display a summary of the record.

Timeline Configuration

The sfpegListCmp may be configured to look as follows:
List as timeline
Display as list of Tiles in timeline variant with expandable section

In this example, within the related sfpegList__mdt custom metadata

  • the Display Type must be set in TileList (selected option in the example) or CardList mode.
  • the Display Configuration should activate both:
    • the timeline variant (via the variant property)
    • an expandable section displaying additional detail fields for each tile (via the details property).
    "title":{"label":"Code_Campagne", "fieldName":"Code_Campagne","sortable":true,"action":"showDetails"},
        {"label":"Type de Canal","fieldName":"TypeCanal"},


  • In timeline mode, an icon is always displayed within each tile (default value being utility:info_alt).
  • More generally, for the icon property, it is possible to set a fixed or a record dependent icon name via respectively the name or fieldName properties. For utility icons, it is also possible to dynamically set the variant (color) by setting the variant property to {"fieldName":"fieldApiName__c"} instead of a string fixed variant name.

Apex List Retrieval and OpenURL Action with Rework

In that example, the sfpegListCmp component is configured in DataTable mode and leverages an Apex Class to fetch metadata about the different attributes of a given SObject. It is displayed in a Knowledge Article and leverages a custom field identifying a given SObject.
Object Attributes List

The Query is configured as an Apex fetch, with a class leveraging the Schema.describe() methods to provide the proper information.
Object Attributes List Metadata

The display is configured as follows:

        {"label":"API Name","fieldName":"QualifiedApiName","sortable":true},
        {"type": "button-icon", "initialWidth": 50,
            "typeAttributes": {
                "name": "open", "variant":"bare","iconName": "utility:open"}

The row action provides a direct link to the Setup page for each attribute (via an openURL action with rework feature activated).


Custom Experience Site Result Search Page

In that example, the query template is based on a SOSL multi-object request to filter the Files and Knowledge articles applicable to the considered Experience Site. By default, Salesforce Search returns all possible results the user has access to and this induce the possible display of records corresponding to other Experience Sites (depending on record sharing).

Experience Site Search Results

The solution consists in using the sfpegListCmp in the Search result page while injecting the search terms set by the user into the input context to a SOSL query leveraging additional standard filtering capabilities (via WHERE clauses).

In the Experience Builder, the most important configuration is to set the value of the Query Context property to the Experience Search Site page {!term} variable, as shown below.

Experience Site Search Configuration

This context may then be reused as input to the SOSL query in the sfpegList record's Query Templateproperty via the {{{CONTEXT}}} merge token.

Knowledge__kav(Title,CreatedDate,TOLABEL(Niveau__c), Summary,Description__c WHERE Type__c = 'FAQ'),
ContentDocument(Title, FileType, Description, ContentSize WHERE FileType IN ('PDF','DOCX','PPTX') and Type__c = 'FAQ' )

Filtering relies here on custom Type__c fields set on Files and Knowledge articles to define the visibility scope (this Experience Site displaying only FAQ records).

The Display configuration leverages the ObjectIcon field automatically set when executing the SOSL query. This configuration may be used in DataTable or TileList modes (the second being used in the example displayed before).

    "keyField": "Id",
    "hideCheckboxColumn": true,
    "widthMode": "auto",
    "cardNbr": 1,
    "title": {"label": "Titre","fieldName": "Title","action": "open"},
    "icon": {"label": "Type","fieldName": "ObjectIcon"},
    "columns": [
        {"label": "Titre","fieldName": "Title","sortable": "true","wrapText": false,
            "cellAttributes": {"iconName": {"fieldName": "ObjectIcon"}}},
        {"label": "Date de création","fieldName": "CreatedDate","type": "date","initialWidth": 150,"sortable": true},
        {"label": "Niveau","fieldName": "Niveau__c","initialWidth": 150,"sortable": true},
        {"label": "Type","fieldName": "FileType","initialWidth": 100, "sortable": true},
        {"label": "Taille (en Octets)","fieldName": "ContentSize","type": "number","initialWidth": 150,"sortable": true},
        {"type": "button-icon","initialWidth": 50,
            "typeAttributes": {"iconName": "utility:open","name": "open","variant": "bare","iconClass": "slds-text-color_success"}}
    "details": [
        {"label": "Sommaire","fieldName": "Description__c","sortable": true,"type" : "richText"},
        {"label": "Description","fieldName": "Description","sortable": true}

The Row Actions may be set to sfpegOpenEdit in order to support the open actions configured.


  • When handling SObjects with different Name fields (e.g. Title, Subject and standard Name) as results of a same SOSL query, you may specify "title":{"useName":true} to automatically set the tile title with the proper Name field value depending on the SObject. Alternatively, you may define custom fields with exactly same names on the different SObjects.
  • If the ObjectIcon value returned by the SOSL search is empty or incorrect, you may need to define a custom tab for the custom object for the Apex logic to find it or register the actual valid icon name for the standard object in the OBJECT_ICON_MAP static map of the sfpegList_CTL class (this may often happen with Industry or technical standard objects).

Simple SOQL Based DataTree Display Configuration

In that example,the sfpegListCmp component is configured in TreeGrid mode to display the set of Opportunities and Quotes related to an Account. From this component, the user may directly open a record by clicking on its name, edit it (via the standard edit layout in a popup) via the edit button icon or even directly change the quote synced with the opportunity via the sync button icon (available depending on the quote synch status).

SOQL DataTree

The configuration of this component relies on a simple SOQL query with embedded subqueries (Query Templateproperty);

SELECT Name, Amount__c, StageStatus__c, inactiveSync__c,
(select Name, Amount__c, StageStatus__c, IsSyncing, inactiveSync__c, OpportunityId from Quotes)
FROM Opportunity
WHERE AccountId = '{{{ID}}}'

The ID of the current Account is fetched by setting the Query Input property to


As Quotes and Opportunities have different names for Amounts and Stage/Status, the strategy is to define formula fields with exactly the same API name on both objets:

  • StageStatus__c respectively mapped to the Opportunity StageName and Quote Status
  • Amount__c respectively mapped to the Opportunity Amount and Quote TotalPrice

In order to deactivate the synch button for all Opportunity records, another DisableSync__c formula field is defined

  • always true for Opportunity
  • equal to IsSynced for Quote

The Display Configuration may then be set as follows:

    "hideCheckboxColumn": true,
    "columns": [
        { "label":"Name", "fieldName": "Name", "type": "button", "sortable": "true", "initialWidth": 250,
            "typeAttributes":{"label":{"fieldName": "Name"},"name":"open","variant":"base"}},
        { "label": "Stage / Status", "fieldName": "StageStatus__c", "sortable": true},
        { "label": "Amount", "fieldName": "Amount__c", "type":"currency", "sortable": true},
        { "label": "#Quotes", "fieldName": "Quotes._length", "type":"number", "sortable": true},
        { "label": "Synced?", "fieldName": "IsSyncing", "type":"boolean"},
        { "iconName":"utility:settings","type": "button-icon", "initialWidth": 10,
            "typeAttributes": {"title": "Edit record","name": "edit","iconName": "utility:edit","variant": "bare" }},
        { "type": "button-icon", "initialWidth": 10,
            "typeAttributes": {"title": "Synchronize Quote","name": "synchQuote","iconName": "utility:sync","variant": "bare","disabled": { "fieldName": "DisableSync__c" } }}

The Row Actions should provide the name of a sfpegAction metadata record containing the actual definition of the 3 actions used, i.e. open, edit and synchQuote.

    {"name": "open","action": {"type": "open"}},
    {"name": "edit","action": {"type": "edit"}},
    {"name": "synchQuote",
        "action": {"type": "LDS",
            "params": {"type": "update",
                "title": "Synchronizing the Quote with its parent opportunity",
                "bypassConfirm": true,
                "params": {"fields": {"Id": "{{{ROW.OpportunityId}}}","SyncedQuoteId": "{{{ROW.Id}}}"}},
                "next": {"type": "done","params": {"type": "refresh"} } } } }


  • Beware to check the Flatten Results ? checkbox to let the relationships properly map in the data-tree (and generate the Quotes._lengthproperty)
  • You may here use the out-of-the-box sfpegOpenEdit action configuration as Row Actions if you only need the open and edit actions.

DataTree Display Configuration & Apex Data Fetch

In that example, the sfpegListCmp component is configured in TreeGrid mode and relies on an Apex class to fetch the whole sub-hierarchy of the current record.
List in DataTree mode

The Query configuration in the sfpegList__mdt custom metadata record is done as follows:
List in DataTree mode

Data are fetched via a custom Apex class implementing the sfpegListQuery_SVC virtual class:

  • The main method to implement is getData().
  • Its Object input parameter contains the Query Input JSON object configured above
  • It returns a list of BranchUnit SObjects (FSC specific) fetched via an optimised recursive subtree fetch and cast as a standard list of Object (enabling to return whatever data structure to the list component).
public with sharing class BranchUnitListQueries_SVC extends sfpegListQuery_SVC {
    public override List<Object> getData(final Object input, final String query) {
        System.debug('getData: START BranchUnitListQueries_SVC implementation');
        Map<Object,Object> inputData = (Map<Object,Object>) input;
        ID recordId = (ID)(inputData.get('GEN.recordId'));
        System.debug('getData: recordId fetched ' + recordId);
        Set<ID> baseSet = new set<ID>();
        Map<ID,Object> resultMap = fetchDetails(baseSet,0);

        System.debug('getData: END with #records on 1st level ' + resultMap.size());
        return resultMap.values();
    private Map<ID,Object> fetchDetails(Set<ID> buIdSet, Integer depth) {

The TreeGrid layout configuration looks as follows:

    "columns": [
        {"label":"Name", "fieldName": "Name", "type": "button", "sortable": "true", "initialWidth": 250,
            "typeAttributes":{"label":{"fieldName": "Name"},"name":"open","variant":"base"}},
        { "label": "BranchCode", "fieldName": "BranchCode"},
        { "label": "Type", "fieldName": "Type","sortable": true},
        { "label": "IsActive?", "fieldName": "IsActive", "type":"boolean"},
        { "label": "#Children", "fieldName": "BranchUnitParentBranchUnit._length", "sortable": true},
            "rowActions": [

Hierarchy Query Execution

Please refer to sfpegHierarchy_SVC extension Apex class to get an example about how to easily generate a tree-grid with all the sub-hierarchy of a record.

Dynamically Disabled Row Actions

In that example, the sfpegListCmp component is configured in DataTable mode and relies on a custom boolean formula field to activate an action or not on a per row basis.
List with row level conditional actions

The query should include the boolean formula field (here HasReason__c) to be used for action activation

select Id, Name, RecordType.Name, TOLABEL(Motif__c), TST_ACL__c, TST_ACL__r.Name, ReasonCode__c, HasReason__c
from TST_PEG__c
where TST_ACL__c = '{{{ID}}}'

The DataTable configuration layout looks as follows:

    "keyField": "Id",
    "columns": [
        {   "type":"button", "fieldName": "Name", "label": "Nom",
            "typeAttributes":{"label":{"fieldName":"Name"},"name":"open","variant":"base"} },
        {   "fieldName": "RecordType.Name", "label": "Type" },
        {   "fieldName": "Motif__c", "label": "Reason" },
        {   "fieldName": "TST_ACL__r.Name", "label": "Parent" },
        {   "fieldName": "HasReason__c", "label": "Has Reason?", "type":"boolean" },
        {   "type":"button",
            "typeAttributes":{"label": "Edit","name":"editDml","variant":"base","disabled":{"fieldName":"HasReason__c"}} }


  • Beware that in the example above, the Flatten Results? checkbox should be selectd in the sfpegList custom metadata component on order for the compound fields (e.g. TST_ACL__r.Name) to be properly displayed.
  • Beware that in DataTable and TreeGrid modes, the disabled property only works for button or button-icon column types. Among others it does not for row actions set in the menu property due to a current lightning-datatable component limitation.

For the CardList and TileList modes, any entry in the menu property may be dynamically disabled or hidden in a similar way. However the isDynamicMenu boolean property needs to be explicitly set to true in the configuration:

"menu": [
        "label": "Set Reason", "name": "editReason",
        "label": "Edit", "name": "edit", "iconName":"utility:edit",

In addition, by setting "isDynamicCondition":true in addition to "isDynamicMenu":true in the configuration, the disabled and hidden parameters may be dynamically evaluated (via eval() statement) out of a textual condition instead of a pure boolean value.

List Refresh after Flow Popup Execution

Please refer to sfpegActionUtilityCmp to see an example combining a flow popup triggering via a utility action type followed by a notify one to refresh the originating sfpegListCmp component.

Main Record Reload and List Refresh Action Chaining

Please refer to sfpegActionBarCmp to see an example combining a massDML action on the list selected records followed by a reload to update the page record and a refresh to reload the component list.

Multi-SOQL Query Execution

Please refer to sfpegMultiQueries_SVC Apex extension class to get an example about how to group the results of multiple SOQL queries in a single list.

JSON Object List Field Display

Please refer to sfpegJsonList_SVC Apex extension class to get an example about how to display information stored in a standard text field and containing a stringified JSON object list as a standard related list.

Dependent SOQL Queries Execution

Please refer to sfpegDependentQueries_SVC Apex extension class to get an example about how to workaround various limitations of standard SOQL subqueries and leverage independent SOQL subqueries to fill in criteria of IN conditions.

SOSL with SOQL Fallback Queries Execution

Please refer to sfpegSearch_SVC Apex extension class to get an example about how to implement a SOSL query with a SOQL fallback query if no (or a a too short) search term is provided. It also provides the ability to dynamically build WHERE clauses based on filtering criteria actually provided in the context.

Current Org Limits Status

In order to display in an App page the current state of the Org Limits, two elements are available off-the-shelf in the examples:

  • the sfpegOrgLimits_SVC Apex extension class (calling see OrgLimits.getMap())
  • the sfpegOrgLimits sfpegList list medatada record

List as tiles
Monitoring of the Org limits

Technical Details

This component heavily relies on the standard lightning-datatable and lightning-tree-grid base components to display data in DataTable and DataTree modes. A lot of their configuration elements may therefore be set within the Display Configuration property of the sfpegList__mdt custom metadata, both at root, menu and columns levels.

It also relies on the following PEG_LIST components:

  • sfpegMergeUtl for the data fetch contextualisation (leveraging a wide variety of merge tokens)
  • sfpegActionBarCmp for header and row actions
  • sfpegTileDsp for record tile display (thus also sfpegIconDsp for tile icons)
  • sfpegCsvUtl for CSV list export
  • sfpegJsonUtl for various JSON operations (e.g. data flattening)