This is a list of Recommended books (originally posted to the MeetUp discussion board).
- Clean Code by Uncle Bob Martin
- Code Complete 2nd ed by Steve McConnell - Great for changing your mindset from throw-away school assignment code to readable, large-scale projects.
- Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided By Tests by Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce - Slightly different perspective on TDD
- Land the Tech Job You Love by Andy Lester - Challenges ossified rituals with respect to resumes, interviewing, etc.
- The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler
- The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt, Dave Thomas - One of the most influential books of the last 15 years.
- The Productive Programmer by Neal Ford
- Release It! by Michael Nygard - Life with software, after it goes into production.
- Understand the 4 Rules of Simple Design by Corey Haines
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers
- Effective Java by Joshua Bloch - If you write Java, this is a must-read.
- JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford - Throws you over the hump in JavaScript development
- You Don't Know JS