- Some example projects by PEI Devs members.
- Please add your own! Contact us on Slack.
- This originated with various versions of a "door-prize raffle" webpage, known as "Scooter".
- Gonzo(aka Scooter 3.0) - Forked from peiDevs/Gonzo
- Official Scooter
- Scooter Svelte
- The People's Scooter in Dojo JS
- Scooter Flutter
- work-in-progress
- see here for info on Global Day of Code Retreat (GDCR)
- scaffolding projects in various languages
- basic game rules here
- inspired by uptick re: COVID-19 pandemic
- very much a 'toy example' and probably not idiomatic
- Flutter
- work-in-progress
- Go
- remote (REST-ish) strategy API
- Groovy
- Java
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Angular 1.x called "Bids" instead of "War-O"
- JavaScript with Ramda
- Kotlin
- PowerShell (not idiomatic)
- PHP (partially implemented)
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Scala3
- Kotlin
- unique speakers up to JUN 2017
- unique cat-herders up to JUN 2017