This file lists some commands that are used in the workshop, that you can use a reference during your work.
For a more complete sheet, have a look here:
Show all running pods in the default namespace
kubectl get pods
Show details about a specific pod
kubectl describe pod <pod name>
Show all running pods in a give namespace
kubectl get pods --namepace <name of namespace>
Watch a service for changes
kubectl get service <service name> --watch
Create a resource from a yaml file
kubectl apply -f some-file.yaml
Delete resources using a file
kubectl delete -f some-file.yaml
See status of autoscaler
kubectl get hpa
List docker images (on your system)
docker images
List running docker containers
docker ps
List running and stopped containers
docker ps -a
Build docker image, using Dockerfile in same directory
docker build -t <name of your image> .
Start a container using a docker image
docker run -d --name <image name>
Create a docker network (for containers to communicate over)
docker network create <network name>
Stop and remove the containers:
docker stop azure-vote-front <container name>
docker rm azure-vote-front <container name>
Login to Azure
az login
Login to Azure Container Registry (ACR)
az acr login --name <Your ACR Name>
List ACR repositories
az acr repository list --name <Your ACR Name> --output table
Create Kubernetes (AKS) cluster
az aks create --resource-group <Your RG name> --name <Your AKS name> --service-principal <appId> --client-secret <password> --generate-ssh-keys --disable-rbac --node-vm-size Standard_DS1_v2
Get credentials for AKS cluster (for connecting to the cluster master)
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <Your RG name> --name <AKS cluster name>