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736 lines (530 loc) · 23.7 KB

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736 lines (530 loc) · 23.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[2.8.3] - 2023-09-09

  • Add tick checking when swap

[2.8.2] - 2023-08-15


  • MarketRegistry allow feeManager to set feeDiscountRatio

[2.8.1] - 2023-07-24


  • Change MarkPrice's marketPrice to 15-second market TWAP.

[2.8.0] - 2023-06-19


  • Apply the sqrtPriceLimitX96 config when closing a position.


  • Remove admin function, ClearingHouseConfig.setPartialCloseRatio

[2.7.0] - 2023-05-09

  • Add MarketRegistry.setFeeDiscountRatio() to set a fee discount ratio to a trader.
  • Add MarketRegistry.getMarketInfoByTrader() to get a market info related to a trader.
  • Refine Orderbook.replaySwap to retrieve market info from arguments.

[2.6.1] - 2023-05-09

  • Remove legacy code for mark price sanity check.

[2.6.0] - 2023-04-10


  • Switch IPriceFeedV2 to IPriceFeedDispatcher in BaseToken.
  • Update ClearingHouseConfig.setTwapInterval() to support 0 interval.

[2.5.0] - 2023-04-10


  • Add AccountBalance.getMarkPrice() to return the mark price of given market.
  • Add ClearingHouseConfig.getMarkPriceConfig() to return marketTwapInterval and premiumInterval used for mark price calculations.
  • Add Exchange.getSqrtMarketTwapX96() to return market twap.


  • Move events in ClearingHouseConfig to IClearingHouseConfigEvent in IClearingHouseConfig.sol


  • BackstopLiquidityProvider from ClearingHouseConfig & IClearingHouseConfig and comments added to ClearingHouseConfigStorage
  • Exchange.getSqrtMarkTwapX96(address baseToken, uint32 twapInterval) will be deprecated at later releases. Suggest to use Exchange.getSqrtMarketTwapX96() instead.

[2.4.6] - 2023-04-10

  • Added a new field, maxPriceSpreadRatio, to the IMarketRegistry.MarketInfo struct. The MarketRegistry.getMarketInfo function will now return the maxPriceSpreadRatio value for a market.

[2.4.5] - 2023-03-28

  • Ensure that the market price should be within a price band (defaulting to the index price +/- 10%, but adaptable to market conditions) before performing any swaps, including opening, reducing, or closing positions.

[2.4.4] - 2023-03-20

  • Fix margin requirement check for reducing positions when leverage exceeds 10x.

[2.4.3] - 2023-02-07

  • Update the price limit check on last tick of markets per 15 (Exchange._PRICE_LIMIT_INTERVAL) seconds.

[2.4.2] - 2023-01-17

  • Ensure the trader's free collateral is enough for minimum maintenance requirement after closing a position.

[2.4.1] - 2022-12-09

  • Transaction will fail if closing 25% of trader's position exceeds the max price impact per timestamp.

[2.4.0] - 2022-12-02


  • Add CollateralManager.getDebtThresholdByTrader()
  • Add CollateralManager.getTotalWhitelistedDebtThreshold()

[2.3.0] - 2022-12-02


  • Add InsuranceFund.distributeFee()
  • Add InsuranceFund.getDistributionThreshold()
  • Add InsuranceFund.getSurplusBeneficiary()
  • Add new event ThresholdChanged, SurplusBeneficiaryChanged, FeeDistributed to InsuranceFund

[2.2.4] - 2022-12-02

  • Support remove all liquidity in quitMarket() if user has orders in closed market

[2.2.3] - 2022-10-24


  • Fix rounding issue (expect amount is not equal to response) when open position with isBaseToQuote: false and isExactInput: true

[2.2.2] - 2022-10-13


  • Change _MAX_PRICE_SPREAD_RATIO from 20% to 10%

[2.2.1] - 2022-10-11

  • Add InsuranceFund.getInsuranceFundCapacity()

[2.2.0] - 2022-09-30


  • Add Vault.settleBadDebt()
  • Add InsuranceFund.repay()
  • Add new event Repaid, BadDebtSettled


  • Remove InsuranceFund.borrow()

[2.1.1] - 2022-09-21


  • AccountBalance.getLiquidatablePositionSize() returns entire position size if the position value is less than _MIN_PARTIAL_LIQUIDATE_POSITION_VALUE.

[2.1.0] - 2022-08-16


  • Add Vault.withdrawAll() to withdraw all free collateral(specified) from vault
  • Add Vault.withdrawAllEther() to withdraw all ETH from vault


  • Update return parameter names in NatSpec


  • Fix rounding issue when liquidating collaterals in full
  • Fix collateral value precision and underlying rounding issues

[2.0.1] - 2022-08-10


  • Add DelegateApproval.canAddLiquidityFor to check if can add liquidity for another maker.
  • Add DelegateApproval.canRemoveLiquidityFor to check if can remove liquidity belonging to another maker.

[2.0.0] - 2022-08-10


  • liquidate() becomes position transfer instead of market selling. So liquidators now require collaterals to do liquidation.

    • liquidate() has new interfaces:

      function liquidate(
          address trader,
          address baseToken,
          int256 positionSize
      ) external;
      // liquidate as much as possible
      function liquidate(
          address trader,
          address baseToken,
      ) external;


  • Add AccountBalance.getLiquidatablePositionSize() to calculate the liquidatable position size for trader.


  • function liquidate(address trader, address baseToken, uint256 oppositeAmountBound)

[1.4.0] - 2022-07-05


  • Add DelegateApproval
    • Currently only allow delegating ClearingHouseOpenPosition
  • Add ClearingHouse.openPositionFor()
  • Add ClearingHouse.getDelegateApproval()

[1.3.0] - 2022-06-20


  • Add BaseToken.cacheTwap to offer the flexibility of updating index prices by either users or ourselves.

[1.2.0] - 2022-04-28


  • ClearingHouse.getAccountValue() function now calls Vault.getAccountValue()
  • Vault.deposit(), Vault.withdraw(), Vault.depositFor() can be used for non-settlement token


  • Vault now supports depositing non-settlement token as collateral
  • Add CollateralManager contract for non-settlement collateral related params management
  • Add Vault.depositEther(), Vault.depositEtherFor() Vault.withdrawEther() for ETH deposit/withdraw
  • Add Vault.getAccountValue() to get the account value in settlement token's decimals
  • Add Vault.getBalanceByToken() to query collateral balance by token address
  • Add Vault.getCollateralTokens() to query all non-settlement collateral token addresses of a trader
  • Add Vault.getFreeCollateralByToken() to query free collateral by given collateral token addresses
  • Add Vault.getSettlementTokenValue() to query trader's settlement token value
  • Add Vault.isLiquidatable() to check if a trader's non-settlement collateral can be liquidated
  • Add Vault.getMarginRequirementForCollateralLiquidation() to get the margin requirement that a trader's non-settlement collateral is eligible to be liquidated
  • Add Vault.getCollateralMmRatio() to get the mmRatio for collateral liquidation
  • Add Vault.getLiquidatableCollateralBySettlement() to get the liquidatable collateral amount by given repaid settlement amount
  • Add Vault.getRepaidSettlementByCollateral to get the repaid settlement amount by given collateral amount for liquidation
  • Add Vault.getMaxRepaidSettlementAndLiquidatableCollateral() to query the max repaid settlement amount and max collateral amount for liquidation
  • Add Vault.liquidateCollateral to liquidate trader's non-settlement collateral

[1.1.0] - 2022-04-12

  • Add BaseToken.pause() (only owner)
  • Add BaseToken.close(uint256) (only owner)
  • Add IBaseToken.close()
  • Add IBaseToken.getPausedTimestamp()
  • Add IBaseToken.getPausedIndexPrice()
  • Add IBaseToken.getClosedPrice()
  • Add IBaseToken.isOpen()
  • Add IBaseToken.isPaused()
  • Add IBaseToken.isClosed()
  • Add IVault.depositFor(address, address, uint256)
  • Add IClearingHouse.quitMarket(address, address)
  • Add new event PositionClosed to ClearingHouse, will emit in quitMarket(address, address)

[1.0.15] - 2022-02-09


  • emit PositionChanged event in cancelExcessOrders and cancelAllExcessOrders

[1.0.14] - 2022-01-28


  • Add IClearingHouse.liquidate(address, address, uint) to liquidate with slippage protection.

[1.0.13] - 2022-01-21


  • Deploy SOL market to optimism

[1.0.12] - 2022-01-20


  • Deploy LUNA market to optimism

[1.0.11] - 2022-01-18


  • Deploy AVAX market to optimism

[1.0.10] - 2022-01-17


  • Add _backstopLiquidityProviderMap in ClearingHouseConfigStorageV2. It's for only configured backstopLiquidityProvider can liquidate the trader's position who has bad debt.


  • Upgrade AccountBalance, ClearingHouse, ClearingHouseConfig, Exchange, Vault

[1.0.9] - 2022-01-14


  • Revert swap if _maxTickCrossedWithinBlockMap[baseToken] is 0


  • Upgrade Exchange on Optimism

[1.0.9-staging] - 2022-01-13

  • Upgrade Exchange for zero tick crossing

[1.0.8] - 2022-01-12

Code is same as v1.0.8-staging.


  • Upgrade ClearingHouse on Optimism

[1.0.8-staging] - 2022-01-11


  • revert when reducing position with bad debt


  • Upgrade ClearingHouse on Optimism Kovan

[1.0.7] - 2022-01-06


  • Upgrade vBTC and vETH on Optimism

[1.0.7-staging] - 2022-01-05


  • add BaseToken.setPriceFeed() to set address of price feed.


  • Upgrade vBTC and vETH on Optimism Kovan

[1.0.6] - 2022-01-05

  • Only includes new deployments on Optimism Kovan compared with 1.0.5.

[1.0.6-staging] - 2022-01-04

  • Clean deploy all contracts on Optimism Kovan except external contracts (DefaultProxyAdmin, USDC, UniswapV3Factory). Note that the contract proxy addresses has been changed. Can find all contract addresses in ./metadata/optimismKovan.json.

[1.0.5] - 2022-01-03


  • Deploy AVAXUSDBandPriceFeed on Optimism.
  • Deploy LUNAUSDBandPriceFeed on Optimism.
  • Deploy SOLUSDBandPriceFeed on Optimism.

[1.0.4] - 2021-12-23

  • Add fluctuation limit on exchange.swap

[1.0.3] - 2021-12-10

  • Fix permission check in setttleFunding and updateFundingGrowthAndLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment

[1.0.3-staging] - 2021-12-10

  • Fix permission check in setttleFunding and updateFundingGrowthAndLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment

[1.0.1] - 2021-11-25

  • Code is the same as 1.0.0, but it's a clean deploy to Optimism Mainnet.
  • Contract source code is also included.

[1.0.0] - 2021-11-24

  • Code is the same as 1.0.0-staging, but it's a clean deploy to Optimism Mainnet.

[1.0.0-staging] - 2021-11-24

  • Code is the same as 0.15.1-staging, but it's a clean deploy to Optimism Kovan and Arbitrum Rinkeby.

[0.15.1-staging] - 2021-11-23

  • No public change in this version.

[0.15.0-staging] - 2021-11-22


  • rename ClearingHouse.settleAllFundingAndPendingFee to ClearingHouse.settleAllFunding

  • rename AccountBalance.addTakerBalances to AccountBalance.modifyTakerBalance

  • rename params of AccountBalance.modifyTakerBalance

    1. deltaTakerBase to base
    2. deltaTakerQuote to quote
  • rename params of AccountBalance.settleBalanceAndDeregister

    1. deltaTakerBase to takerBase
    2. deltaTakerQuote to takerQuote
  • rename AccountBalance.addOwedRealizedPnl to AccountBalance.modifyOwedRealizedPnl

  • rename param delta of AccountBalance.modifyOwedRealizedPnl as amount

  • rename the param sqrtPriceAfter in the ClearingHouse.PositionChanged event to sqrtPriceAfterX96

  • rename error codes in ClearingHouse

    2. CH_PSC to CH_PSCF
    3. CH_ANC to CH_ENC
    4. CH_ANC to CH_TFNC
  • rename params of ClearingHouse.openPosition

    1. deltaBase to base
    2. deltaQuote to quote
  • rename params of ClearingHouse.closePosition

    1. deltaBase to base
    2. deltaQuote to quote
  • rename error code in Exchange: EX_ANC to EX_BNC

  • rename params in struct Exchange.SwapResponse

    1. deltaAvailableBase to base
    2. deltaAvailableQuote to quote
  • rename params in struct Exchange.RealizePnlParams

    1. deltaAvailableBase to base
    2. deltaAvailableQuote to quote
  • rename OrderBook.getOwedFee as OrderBook.getPendingFee

  • rename params in struct OrderBook.RemoveLiquidityResponse

    1. deltaTakerBase to takerBase
    2. deltaTakerQuote to takerQuote
  • rename params of OrderBook.updateOrderDebt

    1. deltaBaseDebt to base
    2. deltaQuoteDebt to quote
  • rename params in struct AccountMarket.Info

    1. takerBaseBalance to takerPositionSize
    2. takerQuoteBalance to takerOpenNotional
  • rename error codes in Vault

    1. V_ANC to V_CHNC
    2. V_ANC to V_TFNC
  • move event FundingPaymentSettled to ClearingHouse


  • add a new parameter insuranceFundArg to initialize of ClearingHouse
  • add a new parameter orderBookArg to initialize of AccountBalance


  • remove AccountBalance.getNetQuoteBalanceAndPendingFee
  • remove parameter exchangeArg from initialize of AccountBalance
  • remove parameter insuranceFundArg from initialize of Exchange
  • remove Exchange.getTick
  • remove Exchange.getFundingGrowthGlobalAndTwaps
  • remove OrderBook.getFeeGrowthGlobal

[0.14.0-staging] - 2021-11-17


  • add OrderBook.getTotalQuoteBalance()
  • add OrderBook.getTotalOrderDebt()
  • add OrderBook.getMakerBalance()
  • add Clearinghouse.settleAllFundingAndPendingFee()


  • move PositionChanged event from Exchange to ClearingHouse

  • move Exchange.getTotalOpenNotional to AccountBalance.getTotalOpenNotional

  • move Exchange.getTakerOpenNotional to AccountBalance.getTakerOpenNotional

  • rename OrderBook.getTotalTokenAmountInPool to OrderBook.getTotalTokenAmountInPoolAndPendingFee

  • rename AccountBalance.getOwedAndUnrealizedPnl to AccountBalance.getPnlAndPendingFee

  • rename AccountBalance.getNetQuoteBalance to AccountBalance.getNetQuoteBalanceAndPendingFee

  • rename AccountBalance.settleQuoteToPnl to AccountBalance.settleQuoteToOwedRealizedPnl

  • add new second return value pendingFee of AccountBalance.getOwedAndUnrealizedPnl

  • add new second return value pendingFee of AccountBalance.getNetQuoteBalance

  • add new second return value totalPendingFee of OrderBook.getTotalQuoteBalance

  • add new second return value totalPendingFee of OrderBook.getTotalTokenAmountInPool


  • remove AccountBalance.getTakerQuote

[0.13.3-staging] - 2021-11-11


  • rename useTakerPosition to useTakerBalance in ClearingHouse.AddLiquidityParams

[0.13.2-staging] - 2021-11-11


  • update artifacts

[0.13.1-staging] - 2021-11-11


  • add optimismKovan.json and rinkeby.json of v0.12.7

[0.13.0-staging] - 2021-11-10


  • use the new NPM package name: @perp/curie-contract
  • rename AccountBalance.getLiquidateMarginRequirement to AccountBalance.getMarginRequirementForLiquidation
  • rename Vault.balanceOf to Vault.getBalance
  • rename AccountBalance.getPositionSize to AccountBalance.getTotalPositionSize
  • rename AccountBalance.getPositionValue to AccountBalance.getTotalPositionValue
  • rename Exchange.getOpenNotional to Exchange.getTotalOpenNotional
  • fix error codes in Exchange
  • add field useTakerPosition to ClearingHouse.AddLiquidityParams
  • move event LiquidityChanged from OrderBook to ClearingHouse


  • add AccountBalance.getTakerQuote() to get taker's quote balance
  • add Exchange.getTakerOpenNotional() to get taker's open notional
  • add ClearingHouseConfig.getMaxFundingRate() and ClearingHouseConfig.setMaxFundingRate()
  • add MarketRegistry.hasPool()
  • add event MaxFundingRateChanged to ClearingHouseConfig
  • add event TrustedForwarderChanged to ClearingHouse
  • add event TakerBalancesChanged to AccountBalance
  • add event MaxTickCrossedWithinBlockChanged to Exchange
  • add event AccountBalanceChanged to Exchange
  • add event BorrowerChanged to InsuranceFund


  • remove state _versionRecipient from ClearingHouse and Vault
  • remove Quoter and Multicall2 contracts from core.

[0.12.7] - 2021-11-09

  • deploy on Optimism Kovan

[0.12.6] - 2021-10-25

  • bug fixes
    • rounding error at ClearingHouse.closePosition() and Vault.withdraw()

[0.12.5] - 2021-10-22

  • deploy 0.12.4 on Rinkeby

[0.12.4] - 2021-10-21


  • changed the returned value of ClearingHouse.getAccountValue to 18 decimals

[0.11.1] - 2021-10-08


  • add AccountBalance.getTotalAbsPositionValue()

[0.11.0] - 2021-10-08


  • add ClearingHouseConfig.getSettlementTokenBalanceCap()
  • add a new parameter insuranceFundArg to initialize of Exchange
  • add a new event SettlementTokenBalanceCapChanged to ClearingHouseConfig
  • add a new field sqrtPriceAfter to PositionChanged of Exchange


  • remove parameter insuranceFundArg from initialize of ClearingHouse
  • remove event PositionChanged from ClearingHouse
  • remove getTotalAbsPositionValue from AccountBalance
  • remove parameter marketRegistryArg from initialize of AccountBalance


  • move event PositionChanged to Exchange
  • combine getTotalUnrealizedPnl and getOwedRealizedPnl to getOwedAndUnrealizedPnl
  • move getLiquidateMarginRequirement from Vault to AccountBalance
  • rename CleairngHouseConfig.liquidationPenaltyRatio to ClearingHouseConfig.getLiquidationPenaltyRatio
  • rename CleairngHouseConfig.partialCloseRatio to ClearingHouseConfig.getPartialCloseRatio
  • rename CleairngHouseConfig.twapInterval to ClearingHouseConfig.getTwapInterval
  • rename CleairngHouseConfig.maxMarketsPerAccount to ClearingHouseConfig.getMaxMarketsPerAccount
  • rename MarketRegistry.clearingHouse to MarketRegistry.getClearingHouse
  • rename MarketRegistry.maxOrdersPerMarket to MarketRegistry.getMaxOrdersPerMarket
  • rename Vault.totalDebt to Vault.getTotalDebt

[0.9.4] - 2021-09-28


  • Error messages emitted by ClearingHouse._checkSlippage()
    • CH_TLR to CH_TLRS or CH_TLRL, depending on the side
    • CH_TMR to CH_TMRS or CH_TMRL, depending on the side

[0.9.3] - 2021-09-27

  • bug fixing

[0.9.2] - 2021-09-24


  • add AccountBalance.getBaseTokens()
  • add a new parameter sqrtPriceX96 to SwapResponse of Quoter.swap()

[0.9.0] - 2021-09-22


  • add ClearingHouseConfig contract
  • add OrderBook contract
  • add AccountBalance contract
  • add MarketRegistry contract


  • remove getOwedRealizedPnlWithPendingFundingPayment from AccountBalance
  • remove getLastUpdatedTick from Exchange


  • TwapIntervalChanged now emitted by ClearingHouseConfig
  • LiquidationPenaltyRatioChanged now emitted by ClearingHouseConfig
  • PartialCloseRatioChanged now emitted by ClearingHouseConfig
  • ReferredPositionChanged now emitted by ClearingHouseConfig
  • MaxMarketsPerAccountChanged now emitted by ClearingHouseConfig
  • The following function move from ClearingHouse to AccountBalance
    • getOwedRealizedPnl
    • getTotalAbsPositionValue
    • getTotalDebtValue
    • getTotalUnrealizedPnl
    • getNetQuoteBalance
    • getPositionSize
    • getPositionValue
  • getOpenNotional moved to Exchange
  • setMaxTickCrossedWithinBlock and getMaxTickCrossedWithinBlock moved to Exchange
  • getPendingFundingPayment and getAllPendingFundingPayment moved to Exchange

[0.5.3] - 2021-09-03


  • remove twapIntervalArg from ClearinHouse.getPositionValue()

[0.5.2] - 2021-09-02


  • add Exchange contract
  • add BaseToken contract
  • add MetaTxGateway contract


  • Set ClearingHouse.setMaxMarketsPerAccount(10)
  • Set Exchange.setMaxOrdersPerMarket(100)
  • Set Exchange.setFeeRatio(baseToken, 1000) (0.1%) for all BaseTokens
  • Set Exchange.setInsuranceFundFeeRatio(baseToken, 100000) (10%) for all BaseTokens
  • PoolAdded now emitted by Exchange
  • LiquidityChanged now emitted by Exchange
  • Swapped is renamed to PositionChanged and still emitted by ClearingHouse
    • event parameters also changed
event PositionChanged(
    address indexed trader,
    address indexed baseToken,
    int256 exchangedPositionSize,
    int256 exchangedPositionNotional,
    uint256 fee,
    int256 openNotional,
    int256 realizedPnl
  • GlobalFundingGrowthUpdated is renamed to FundingUpdated and still emitted by ClearingHouse
    • event parameters also changed
event FundingUpdated(
    address indexed baseToken,
    uint256 markTwap,
    uint256 indexTwap
  • FundingSettled is renamed to FundingPaymentSettled and still emitted by ClearingHouse
  • QuoteToken inherits from VirtualToken contract
  • All BaseTokens inherit from BaseToken contract

[0.4.2] - 2021-08-24


  • add ClearingHouse.getTotalInitialMarginRequirement()

[0.4.0] - 2021-08-23


  • add new global arguments to ClearingHouse:
    • ClearingHouse.setMaxOrdersPerMarket()
    • ClearingHouse.setMaxMarketsPerAccount()
    • ClearingHouse.setPartialCloseRatio()
    • ClearingHouse.setLiquidationPenaltyRatio()
    • ClearingHouse.setTwapInterval()
  • add new market-specific arguments to ClearingHouse:
    • ClearingHouse.setFeeRatio()
    • ClearingHouse.setInsuranceFundFeeRatio()
    • ClearingHouse.setMaxTickCrossedWithinBlock()


  • replace hourly-based funding with block-based funding
  • replace cancelExcessOrders(maker, baseToken) with cancelAllExcessOrders(maker, baseToken) and cancelExcessOrders(maker, baseToken, orderIds)
    • now cancelAllExcessOrders() will not automatically remove all liquidity


  • remove ClearingHouse.updateFunding()
  • remove fundingPayment and badDebt from Swapped event

[0.3.3] - 2021-08-13


  • fix how realizedPnl and openNotional calculate for maker/taker


  • add whitelist feature for VirtualToken
  • add Quoter contract

[0.2.0] - 2021-08-04


  • rename ClearingHouse.getTotalMarketPnl to ClearingHouse.getTotalUnrealizedPnl
  • fix Vault.getFreeCollateral wrong numbers

[0.1.5] - 2021-08-03


  • add InsuranceFund contract
  • add ClearingHouse.getBuyingPower()
  • add ClearingHouse.liquidate()


  • change the interface of ClearingHouse.addLiquidity() and ClearingHouse.removeLiquidity()
    • support slippage protection


  • fix ClearingHouse.swap()
    • fix TransferHelper::SafeTransfer: Transfer Failed when opening a short position
  • fix ClearingHouse.getAccountValue()

[0.1.4] - 2021-07-29


  • re-deployed all contracts

[0.1.3] - 2021-07-28


  • implemented quote-only fee
  • changed event parameters of FundingRateUpdated, FundingSettled, and Swapped:
event FundingRateUpdated(address indexed baseToken, int256 rate, uint256 underlyingPrice);

event FundingSettled(
    address indexed trader,
    address indexed baseToken,
    uint256 nextPremiumFractionIndex,
    int256 amount

event Swapped(
    address indexed trader,
    address indexed baseToken,
    int256 exchangedPositionSize,
    int256 exchangedPositionNotional,
    uint256 fee,
    int256 settledFundingPayment,
    uint256 badDebt

[0.1.1] - 2021-07-26


  • fix Vault is missing from @perp/curie-contract/artifacts/contracts

[0.1.0] - 2021-07-23


  • add Vault contract


  • move ClearingHouse.deposit to Vault.deposit
  • move ClearingHouse.withdraw to Vault.withdraw
  • move ClearingHouse.getFreeCollateral to Vault.getFreeCollateral