Permissive and unrestrictive, more than one way to do it (Perl), everything can change at Runtime
Human oriented - optimized for happiness (i.e. how the programmer reading/writing the code feels)
“suitable for writing day to day scripts as well as full-scale applications”
“Machines should serve human beings. Often programmers serve machines”
“the interface is everything”
“Ruby’s primary focus is productivity.”
“Ruby is your friend, not your parent”
“Python and Ruby provide almost the same power to the programmer”
“Instead of emphasizing the what, I want to emphasize the how part: how we feel while programming. That’s Ruby’s main difference from other language designs. I emphasize the feeling, in particular, how I feel using Ruby. I didn’t work hard to make Ruby perfect for everyone, because you feel differently from me. No language can be perfect for everyone. I tried to make Ruby perfect for me, but maybe it’s not perfect for you. The perfect language for Guido van Rossum is probably Python.”
Design your programs to balance paranoia and flexibility
The capital letter for constants and the variable name prefixes are not conventions, they are required by the interpreter