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File metadata and controls

163 lines (130 loc) · 7.71 KB

1. Base classes for memory device drivers

This doc is primarily to aid those wishing to use these base classes to write drivers for additional memory devices. It describes the two classes in namely BlockDevice and the subclass FlashDevice. Both provide hardware-independent abstractions of memory devices. The base class provides the API. This has the following characteristics:

  1. Support for single or multiple chips on the same bus. Multiple chips are automatically configured as a single byte array.
  2. The byte array can be accessed using Python slice syntax.
  3. Alternatively the array can be formatted and mounted as a filesystem using methods in the uos module. Any filesystem supported by the MicroPython build may be employed: FAT and littlefs have been tested. The latter is recommended.

The BlockDevice class supports byte-addressable technologies such as EEPROM and FRAM. Such devices can be written on a single byte basis. Where a chip also offers multi-byte writes this optimisation can be handled in the user driver: see the EEPROM drivers for examples of this.

FlashDevice subclasses BlockDevice to support devices which must buffer a sector of data for writing. The API continues to support byte addressing: this is achieved by modifying the buffer contents and writing it out when necessary.

2. The BlockDevice class

The class provides these characteristics:

  1. An API which represents multiple physical devices as a single byte array. The physical means of achieving this is provided in the hardware subclass.
  2. An implementation of the AbstractBlockDev protocol with extended interface as required by littlefs as documented here.
  3. An API based on Python slice notation for byte level access to the array.
  4. Support for the len operator.

2.1 Constructor

Constructor args - mandatory, positional, integer

  1. nbits Block size reported to the filesystem expressed as a number of bits: the block size is 2^nbits. The usual value is 9 (512 bit block).
  2. nchips Number of chips in the array.
  3. chip_size Size of each chip in bytes.

2.2 Necessary subclass support

The subclass must provide a method readwrite taking the following args:

  1. addr Address relative to the start of the array.
  2. buf A buffer holding data to write or to contain data to be read.
  3. read Boolean: True to read, False to write.

The amount of data read or written is defined by the length of the buffer.

Return value: the buffer.

The method must handle the case where a buffer crosses chip boundaries. This involves physical accesses to each chip and reading or writing partial buffer contents. Addresses are converted by the method to chip-relative addresses.

2.3 The AbstractBlockDev protocol

This is provided by the following methods:

  1. sync() In the BlockDevice class this does nothing. It is defined in the FlashDevice class section 3.3.

  2. readblocks(blocknum, buf, offset=0) Converts the block address and offset to an absolute address into the array and calls readwrite.

  3. writeblocks(blocknum, buf, offset=0 Works as above.

  4. ioctl This supports the following operands:

  5. sync Calls the .sync() method.

  6. sector count Returns chip_size * nchips // block_size

  7. block size Returns block size calculated as in section 2.1.

  8. erase Necessary for correct filesystem operation: returns 0.

The drivers make no use of the block size: it exists only for filesystems. The readwrite method hides any physical device structure presenting an array of bytes. The specified block size must match the intended filesystem. Littlefs requires >=128 bytes, FATFS requires >=512 bytes. All testing was done with 512 byte blocks.

2.4 Byte level access

This is provided by __getitem__ and __setitem__. The addr arg can be an integer or a slice, enabling the following syntax examples:

a = eep[1000]  # Read a single byte
eep[1000] = 42  # write a byte
eep[1000:1004] = b'\x11\x22\x33\x44'  # Write 4 consecutive bytes
b = eep[1000:1004]  # Read 4 consecutive bytes

The last example necessarily performs allocation in the form of a buffer for the resultant data. Applications can perform allocation-free reading by calling the readwrite method directly.

2.5 The len operator

This returns the array size in bytes.

3. The FlashDevice class

By subclassing BlockDevice, FlashDevice provides the same API for flash devices. At a hardware level reading is byte addressable in a similar way to EEPROM and FRAM devices. These chips do not support writing arbitrary data to individual byte addresses. Writing is done by erasing a block, then rewriting it with new contents. To provide logical byte level writing it is necessary to read and buffer the block containing the byte, update the byte, erase the block and write out the buffer.

In practice this would be slow and inefficient - erasure is a slow process and results in wear. The FlashDevice class defers writing the buffer until it is necessary to buffer a different block.

The class caches a single sector. In currently supported devices this is 4KiB of RAM. This is adequate for littlefs, however under FATFS wear can be reduced by cacheing more than one sector. These drivers are primarily intended for littlefs with its wear levelling design.

3.1 Constructor

Constructor args - mandatory, positional, integer

  1. nbits Block size reported to the filesystem expressed as a number of bits: the block size is 2^nbits. The usual value is 9 (512 bit block).
  2. nchips Number of chips in the array.
  3. chip_size Size of each chip in bytes.
  4. sec_size Physical sector size of the device in bytes.

3.2 Necessary subclass support

A subclass supporting a flash device must provide the following methods:

  1. readwrite(addr, buf, read) Args as defined in section 2.2. This calls the .read or .write methods of FlashDevice as required.
  2. rdchip(addr, mvb) Args addr: address into the array, mvb a memoryview into a buffer for read data. This reads from the chip into the memoryview.
  3. flush(cache, addr) Args cache a buffer holding one sector of data, addr address into the array of the start of a physical sector. Erase the sector and write out the data in cache.

The constructor must call initialise() after the hardware has been initialised to ensure valid cache contents.

3.3 Methods

  1. read(addr, mvb) Args addr address into array, mvb a memoryview into a buffer. Fills the memoryview with data read. If some or all of the data is cached, the cached data is provided.
  2. write(addr, mvb) Args addr address into array, mvb a memoryview into a buffer. If the address range is cached, the cache contents are updated. More generally the currently cached data is written out using flush, a new sector is cached, and the contents updated. Depending on the size of the data buffer this may occur multiple times.
  3. sync() This flushes the current cache. An optimisation is provided by the ._dirty flag. This ensures that the cache is only flushed if its contents have been modified since it was last written out.
  4. is_empty(addr, ev=0xff) Arg: addr start address of a sector. Reads the sector returning True if all bytes match ev. Enables a subclass to avoid erasing a sector which is already empty.
  5. initialise() Called by the subclass constructor to populate the cache with the contents of sector 0.

4. References

uos docs Custom block devices Littlefs