- Agenda
- debrief on UN presentation
- what worked
- what didn't work
- what impact we had
- cleaning up (making sure we have all the material documented and archived)
- protocol for next time
- daily/weekly timetable
- chapters web pages (need to be able to display each chapter instantly to the world)
- contents
- title,
- toc,
- exec summary,
- intro,
- faqs,
- knowledge gaps
- editor comments
- .md files for hyperbook
- use of github/discussions to keep notes
- our working practices are part of our output! They must be a showcase
Presentation to UN, GITA Talk
Aim: non technical audience message is more important then technical issue
Brand semanticClimate works
We have produced new slides Peter, Gita, Manny
yesterday was political meeting
Giving message is important.
How we can manage, so that we can get fund from that
Intraction with public
Next Hackathon for wikimedian
WE need IPCC onboarding
- Next Technical Hackathon: In Janurary
- UNDP head of india. very successful meeting will SPARC
Issue: UNlibrary did`t target us because lack of contacts
Political meeting Focus on grants Work on grants
2 days to install py4ami
- virtual env. Hosting vml file
Angram: Yake, Rake
content of system hypergraph
py4ami pdf2html is being refactored
review of proposal
Flow HTML for Chapters
- Doing central program
- Dict. most important to show to the world
- Grants putting can be sensitive
- Wikimedia grants can be sensitive
- How to get funding from wikimedia
- we got funded by wikimedia thrice
- Structured terminology, links
summerise chapter
GPT3: open access is available
Automated Dict. observation
False negative
true positive
- We need 3 dictionaries for each chapter. There must be no obvious false positives (e.g. not "total pages") - that may need manual filtering
- Abbreviations
- Keywords/phrases (docanalysis)
- Manual
- For each dictionary, In order of value. Do as much as you can
- A list of words/phrases
- A valid XML file wth
- Wikidata IDs with ambiguities
- Wikidata IDs resolved, with description
- software issue dicussion
- Chapter specific
- Climate specific
- More general
- link to wikidataID
Review of dictionaries
- @Karthikeyan V: chapter05
- @Parasu Nagesh Sunag: chapter03
- @Mandeep: chapter06
- @Priti: chapter17
- Use table with numbers and traffic lights. light green means can-be-displayed. Should contain:
- abbreviations
- manual
- word/phrases
- explanation of chapters
- dictionaries
- ExecSummary
- FAQs
- Intro
- knowledge gaps
- list of images if possible
- Jupyter notebook
- presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
- review of materials (mainly those above)
- explanation of chapters()
- dictionaries
- ExecSummary
- FAQs
- Intro
- knowledge gaps
- list of images if possible
- Jupyter notebook
- presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
- review of materials (mainly those above)
- explanation of chapters(manual summary that can be understandable by high school student)
- dictionaries
- Manual Dict(created by Chapter owner)
- Abbrevation Dict(created by Docanalysis using specific library spacy)
- Keyword and phrases(created by gensim)
- ExecSummary(Just copy paste from chapter)
- FAQs(Just copy paste from chapter)
- Intro(Just copy paste from chapter)
- knowledge gaps(Just copy paste from chapter)
- Jupyter notebook
- presentations for Southern Univ Denmark
- review of materials (mainly those above)
DENMARK VISIT: @GY, @Axel Dürkop, @Simon Worthington, @Shweata Hegde Discussed this visit in depth. The 4 current team below will create a series of presentations. @Peter Murray-Rust will coordinate these . Details may change *Introduction to IPCC chapters @Priti ca 3 minutes review by Chapter Owners @Mandeep (Chapter06)
@Parasu Nagesh Sunag(Chapter03)
@Karthikeyan V(Chapter05) ca 2 mins: personal summary of chapter 30 secs demo of IPCC component (ONE of FAQ, ExecSummary, Knowledge gaps, etc>) review of ONE dictionary (from Abbreviation, Manual, NLP/ML) We will rehearse these tomorrow at 0900 UTC. @Priti please coordinate who does which component and who does which dictionary Date 12th Dec time 14:15 - 15:00 Central European Time @Peter will add more details in #dictionaries and #outreach
Meeting with Southern university
Meeting wwith Joe Miller
Actions: Work on extraction of images Work on chapter readme files
- Intern ROADMAP
- high-level tasks (documents and software)
- 3 per-chapter dictionaries (manual, abb, keyphrase NLPconsistent nomenclature validation reference material (non-Wikidata) entry-status (e.g. NYI) review of NLP methods
- merge common terms between chapters
- chapter snippets
- exec summary
- introduction
- other sections
- knowledge gaps
- ToC
- captions
- images (numbered by IPCC)
- tables
- explore hypermedia systems
- obsidian
- markup HTML chapters with dictionaries
SemanticClimate Vision
-toolkit for a typical chapter.
-knowledge graph
-for each chapter
-annotated chapters
-knowledge graph
-unify / automate for "all" IPCC
Roadmap: semanticClimate will create starter toolkits for any new project, including workshops. Other projects:
- phytochemistry 2 interns (also @Manny)
- chemistry dictionary (exists in CEVOpen)
- plants dictionary (also CEVOpen)
- imageanalysis semanticClimate (barcharts) (0.5-2 people) joined by @Anuv (info only) website for @GY(0.5 person)