(c) 2022 RENware Software Systems
[PDF VERSION](/download{{ request.path }})
- Version: 0.1.0
- Last update: 230112
810 DESIGN index document
This document describe the technical design and comply to RENware SDEVEN Development & Engineering methodology and all other company rules stated on RENware Systems portal.
documents marked as not applicable are not used in COSANA system either not being applicable either are not applicable in actual system size and complexity
# High Level Design (HLD / 810)depending on your system edition and license, some of these documents should not be available
- 810.00 System Overview
- #TODO... 810.01 System Requirements
- 810.02 System Landscape
- 810.03 System Data & Objects
- 810.04 System UI] - not applicable
- 810.05a System Processes] - not applicable
- #TODO... 810.05b Application Software Organization
- 810.06 System API & Interfaces - not applicable
- 810.40 System Concepts in Detail - not applicable
- #TODO... 810.45 Licensing Model
- 810.46 Product Features
- #TODO... 820.01 System States - reflecting ADS states
- 820.02 System Interfaces & BUS-es - not applicable
- 820.03 Synchronization & Clocks - not applicable
- 820.04 Algorithms & Strategies - not applicable
- 820.90 Toolstack notes
- Account Data Sheet -
- Application Portal -
- Commons Global Data package -
- CRUD Data Administration -
- System Database -
- Documents Viewer -
- ...#TODO - sys_cfg tbd...
- ...#TODO System Health check -
- System Core -
- System Data Models -
* ...#TODO - user preferences
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