A no-nonsense spin, pan, and zoom web viewer for 3D models built as a jQuery plugin
The script should usually be included after the jQuery library:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.spazm.js"></script>
Dependencies are limited to the mousewheel and imagesloaded plugins:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.imagesloaded.min.js"></script>
Because the plugin is strictly client-side it relies on a specific naming scheme for the images: 'angle_zoomlevel_x_y.format'. If you are only using the spinning functionality of spazm.js then you may name your images numerically by 'angle' (0_0_0_0.jpg, 1_0_0_0.jpg, and so forth). If not and this seems like a real pain then the spazm.js app can help.
0_0_0_0.jpg (the first angle, completely zoomed out, at the upper left hand corner)
5_1_0_2.jpg (the fifth angle, zoomed in one level, panned down 2 tile lengths)
Create an empty DIV element to contain your viewer and set its width and height.
<div id='spazm_viewer' style='width:500; height:500'></div>
Initiate a spazm.js viewer on your div with only the required parameters
'full_width' : 5000,
'full_height' : 3750,
'num_zoom_levels' : 2
Alternatively, initiate a spazm.js viewer and pass in extra options
'full_width' : 5000,
'full_height' : 3750,
'zoom_level' : 1,
'angle_index' : 90,
'rotate_right' : false,
'format' : 'png'
The path to the images to be used with the viewer *
Tell spazm.js how many images are in your sequence *
Tell spazm.js the full (source) width of your images *
Tell spazm.js the full (source) height of your images *
Tell spazm.js how many zoom levels are available (set to 0 for spin only) *
Set the initial zoom level, 0 is fully zoomed out
Set the initial angle of the viewer
Flip the direction of rotation, if desired
Set your selected image file format if not 'jpg'
If true spazm.js will provide more console feedback
- Hosted at GitHub
- Please report problems, questions, and feature requests on GitHub Issues
- Nathan Bailey
- Chris Barnes
- Alex Peterson