- Purpose: Select the appropriate technology stack for our travelmate web application.
- ⚡️ Next.js 13 - Front-end Framework
- 🦾 TypeScript - Front-end programming language
- 🎨 MUI - UI components
- ⚙️ SWR - React Hook for Data Fetching
- ⚙️ Axios - HTTP Client library
- ⚙️ Yarn - Package Manager
- ⚡️ Jest - Unit Testing Framework
- ⚡️ Playwright - E2E Testing Framework
- 🎨 ESlint - Linter for JavaScript and TypeScript
- 🎨 Prettier - Code Formatter
- 🎨 Stylelint - Linter for styles
- ⚡️ Nest.js - Back-end Framework
- ⚡️ Node.js - Javascript Runtime
- 🦾 TypeScript - Back-end programming language
- ⚡️ MySQL - Database
- 📦 TypeORM - Object-Relational Mapping library
- ⚡️ Jest - Testing Framework
- 🎨 ESlint - Linter for JavaScript and TypeScript
Please feel free to suggest and discuss any stack you would like to explore. I am confident that we all enjoy discovering interesting stacks in this project!