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Simple Python SQLite3 ORM

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A simple yet powerful SQLite3 ORM based on Python's sqlite3 DB engine, powered by pydantic.

It targets basic CRUD operations while does it well, and is also opened to complicated use cases.

Features and hightlights

  • Light-weight sqlite3 ORM based on Python3's std sqlite3 DB engine, with only pydantic and typing_extensions as dependencies.
  • Support defining database as code with ease.
  • Provides simple and clean APIs for basic CRUD operatations.
  • All functions and types are fully typed and docstrings applied.
  • Opened to advanced and more complicated use cases with helper functions, extra APIs and sqlite3 specific constants.

Natively supported Python types by simple-sqlite3-orm

Besides the Python types that sqlite3 directly supported,simple-sqlite3-orm also adds direct support to the following python types:

  • Enums types: IntEnum and StrEnum.
  • Literal types: str Literal and int Literal.
  • Supported types that wrapped within Optional.

Also, simple-sqlite3-orm provides datetime support with the following types:

  • DatetimeUnixTimestamp: will be serialized and stored as REAL in database.
  • DatetimeUnixTimestampInt: will be serialized and stored as INTEGER in database.
  • DatetimeISO8601: will be serialized into ISO8601 format string and stored as TEXT in database.


simple-sqlite3-orm is published on pypi.

pip install simple-sqlite3-orm

simple-sqlite3-orm supports Python 3.8+.

Basic usage

simple-sqlite3-orm applies docstrings to most of the APIs, you can always refer to docstrings for help and more information. Also, this chapter only shows usage of baisc CRUD operations, there are also many extra APIs available for advanced use cases.

Define table as code with TableSpec

simple-sqlite3-orm provides TableSpec as base for you to define table. TableSpec subclasses pydantic's BaseModel, so you can follow your experience of using pydantic to define your table with ease. With pydantic's powerful validation/serialization feature, you can also simply define custom type that mapping to sqlite3's data type following pydantic way.

from simple_sqlite3_orm import ConstrainRepr, TableSpec, TypeAffinityRepr

class MyTable(TableSpec):
    entry_id: Annotated[int, ConstrainRepr("PRIMARY KEY")]
    entry_type: Annotated[
        Literal["A", "B", "C"],
        ConstrainRepr("NOT NULL", ("CHECK", "entry_type IN (A,B,C)"))
    entry_token: bytes

    # A custom type that defines validator/serializer in pydantic way,
    #   this custom type is serialized into bytes and stored as BLOB in database.
    special_attrs: Annotated[SpecialAttrsType, TypeAffinityRepr(bytes), ConstrainRepr("NOT NULL")]

Define database as code with ORMBase

After the table definition is ready, you can further define ORM types.

simple-sqlite3-orm provides ORMBase for you to define the ORM with table you defined previously. ORMBase supports defining database as code(table_name, table create configuration, indexes) for deterministically bootstrapping new empty database file. You can do it as follow:

from simple_sqlite3_orm import CreateIndexParams, CreateTableParams, ORMBase

class MyORM(ORMBase[MyTable]):

    orm_bootstrap_table_name = "my_table"
    orm_bootstrap_create_table_params = CreateTableParams(without_rowid=True)
    orm_bootstrap_indexes_params = [
        CreateIndexParams(index_name="entry_token_index", index_cols=("entry_token",))

Bootstrap new database

After defining the ORM, you can bootstrap a new database deterministically as follow:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect("my_db.sqlite3")
orm = MyORM(conn)


Alternatively, you can also use orm_create_table and orm_create_index separately to bootstrap a new database.

Insert entries into database

You can use orm_insert_entry to insert exactly one entry:

entry_to_insert: MyTable

Or you can insert an Iterable that yields entries:

entries_to_insert: Iterable[MyTable]
inserted_entries_count = orm.orm_insert_entries(entries_to_insert)

Select entries from database

You can select entries by matching column(s) from database:

res_gen: Generator[MyTable] = orm.orm_select_entries(entry_type="A", entry_token=b"abcdef")
for entry in res_gen:

Delete entries from database

Like select operation, you can detele entries by matching column(s):

affected_row_counts: int = orm.orm_delete_entries(entry_type="C")

Advanced usage

simple-sqlite3-orm also provides ORM threadpool(ORMThreadPoolBase) and asyncio ORM(AsyncORMBase, experimental) supports.

ORM threadpool and asyncio ORM implements most of the APIs available in ORMBase.


simple-sqlite3-orm is licensed under Apache 2.0 License.