The SNVPhyl (SNV PHYLogenomics) pipeline is a pipeline for identifying Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV) within a collection of microbial genomes and constructing a phylogenetic tree. Detailed documentation can be found at This repository contains the customized Galaxy tools for this pipeline as well as the source for the documentation.
A command-line interface for SNVPhyl is available at This can be used to automatically prepare data and run SNVPhyl in a pre-existing Galaxy instance, or in a custom Docker container. To quickly try out SNVPhyl, the following can be run (assuming Python and Docker are installed).
git clone
cd snvphyl-galaxy && pip install -r requirements.txt
# append `--with-docker-sudo` if docker command requires sudo
python bin/ --deploy-docker --fastq-dir example-data/fastqs --reference-file example-data/reference.fasta --min-coverage 5 --output-dir output1
Please see for more details.
A version of SNVPhyl available for execution in Nextflow has been developed by Jill Hagey and is available at
The SNVPhyl pipeline is available via a Galaxy toolshed at Dependency tools are installable via the suite_snvphyl_x_y_z
tool suite. Workflow files are available at docs/workflows/SNVPhyl/.
Please see for more details.
A virtual machine containing the SNVPhyl workflow pipeline and Galaxy is available for download at or, using Vagrant, can be launched like:
git clone
cd snvphyl-galaxy/vagrant
vagrant up
Galaxy and SNVPhyl can then be accessed through http://localhost:48888 with username admin@localhost.localdomain
and password adminpassword
Please see for more details.
A Docker image of SNVPhyl and Galaxy can be launched by running:
docker run -d -p 48888:80 phacnml/snvphyl-galaxy-1.0.1
Galaxy and SNVPhyl can then be access through http://localhost:48888 with username
and password admin
Please see for more details, or for details on the underlying Galaxy Docker image.
Petkau A, Mabon P, Sieffert C, Knox N, Cabral J, Iskander M, Iskander M, Weedmark K, Zaheer R, Katz L, Nadon C, Reimer A, Taboada E, Beiko R, Hsiao W, Brinkman F, Graham M, Van Domselaar G. SNVPhyl: a single nucleotide variant phylogenomics pipeline for microbial genomic epidemiology. 08/06/2017. M Gen 3(6): doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000116.
Copyright 2012-2019 Government of Canada
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.