cli for json-serverless project
$ npm install -g json-serverless
$ jsonsls COMMAND
running command...
$ jsonsls (-v|--version|version)
json-serverless/1.6.16 linux-x64 node-v10.24.0
$ jsonsls --help [COMMAND]
$ jsonsls COMMAND
jsonsls create-stack FILE [STAGE]
jsonsls help [COMMAND]
jsonsls run FILE
jsonsls update-stack [STAGE]
jsonsls validate FILE
create the stackfolder and deploy the stack in the cloud
$ jsonsls create-stack FILE [STAGE]
FILE path of JSON file
STAGE [default: dev] stage name
-a, --apikeyauth require api key authentication to access api
-d, --description=description api description
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --region=region AWS region
-l, --loglevel=info|debug [default: info] loglevel of outputs
-n, --name=name api name
-r, --readonly set api to readonly (true) or writeable (false)
-s, --[no-]swagger enable or disable swagger interface support
-y, --autoapprove skip interactive approval before deployment
--apiRoute=apiRoute [default: /api] path to use for api route
--apikey=apikey set a specific api key - if not set a random key will be generated
--apispecRoute=apispecRoute [default: /api-spec] path for the swagger / open api specification
--graphqlRoute=graphqlRoute [default: /graphql] path for the graphql interface
--swaggeruiRoute=swaggeruiRoute [default: /ui] path for the swagger ui interface
display help for jsonsls
$ jsonsls help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
run and test the api locally
$ jsonsls run FILE
FILE path of JSON file
-a, --apikeyauth enable api key authentication to access api
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --loglevel=info|debug [default: info] loglevel of outputs
-r, --readonly set api to readonly (true) or writeable (false)
-s, --[no-]swagger enable or disable swagger interface support
--apiRoute=apiRoute [default: /api] path to use for api route
--apikey=apikey set a specific api key - if not set a random key will be generated
--apispecRoute=apispecRoute [default: /api-spec] path for the swagger / open api specification
--graphqlRoute=graphqlRoute [default: /graphql] path for the graphql interface
--swaggeruiRoute=swaggeruiRoute [default: /ui] path for the swagger ui interface
update the stackfolder and update the stack in the cloud
$ jsonsls update-stack [STAGE]
STAGE [default: dev] stage name
-a, --apikeyauth require api key authentication to access api
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --loglevel=info|debug [default: info] loglevel of outputs
-p, --currentdirectory=currentdirectory current working directory that will be used for execution
-r, --readonly set api to readonly (true) or writeable (false)
-s, --[no-]swagger enable or disable swagger interface support
--apiRoute=apiRoute [default: /api] path to use for api route
--apikey=apikey set a specific api key - if not set a random key will be generated
--apispecRoute=apispecRoute [default: /api-spec] path for the swagger / open api specification
--graphqlRoute=graphqlRoute [default: /graphql] path for the graphql interface
--swaggeruiRoute=swaggeruiRoute [default: /ui] path for the swagger ui interface
validate the json file against specific rules
$ jsonsls validate FILE
FILE path of JSON file
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --[no-]swagger enable or disable swagger interface support