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Changelog (Django Spectator)

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[14.2.0] - 2024-08-13


  • Added support for Django 5.1


  • Dropped support for Django 3.2 and 4.1

[14.1.1] - 2023-12-19


  • Fixed error when rendering dates of events

[14.1.0] - 2023-12-10


  • Added support for Django 5.0


  • Allowed use of Pillow v10 and django-imagekit v5.0
  • Switched from using flake8 and black for linting and formatting to ruff

[14.0.0] - 2023-07-11


  • Dropped support for Python 3.7. (Nothing changed.)


  • Updated code after dropping support for Python 3.6 (Thanks @aqeelat)

[13.2.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Added support for Python 3.12. (Nothing changed.)
  • Added general tests for Admin classes

[13.1.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Dropped support for Python 3.6. (Nothing changed, but removed from tests.)
  • Dropped support for Django 4.0. (Nothing changed, but removed from tests.)


  • Added support for Django 4.2. (Nothing changed, but added to tests.)
  • Venue model has two new property methods all_names and previous_names.
  • Any previous names of a Venue are displayed on the default venue detail page.

[13.0.1] - 2022-12-28


  • Add support for python 3.11. (No changes required.)


  • Remove black version requirement

[13.0.0] - 2022-08-08


  • Dropped support for Django 3.1.


  • Add the latest master branch Django to the tox testing matrix.
  • Added support for Django 4.1.
  • Added .pre-commit-config.yaml


  • Fixed ValueError in Event.make_title() in Django 4.1.
  • Fixed handling of titles starting with "l'" when creating a sortable string from them (#81).


  • Update development project depenencies
  • Update included Bootstrap CSS from 4.6.0 to 4.6.2.
  • For the devproject, stopped using pipenv in favour of pip.

[12.0.1] - 2021-03-25


  • Allowed for use of Pillow > 9.0.0, to include 9.0.1 security bugfix release

[12.0.0] - 2021-12-15


  • Dropped support for Django 2.2.


  • Added support for Django 4.0.
  • Added support for python 3.10.

[11.7.0] - 2021-09-17


  • Any images uploaded as thumbnails that have GPS info in their EXIF data will have it stripped out, for added security. (#64)
  • Due to the above, Piexif is now a dependency.


  • Fix: Thumbnail images for brand new Events and Publications are now saved to a directory named after the object's slug. (#67)
  • Change CHANGEDLOG and README files from Re-structured Text to Markdown.

[11.6.1] - 2021-08-24


  • The 'Most read authors' card and other lists was omitting any Creators who had a Publication with a currently unfinished Reading. (#65)
  • Update development project dependencies.

[11.6.0] - 2021-04-07


  • Include support for Django 3.2.


  • Fix: Stop the "Most Read Authors" card counting unfinished Readings. (#59)

[11.5.0] - 2021-03-23


  • Add a management command (generate_letterboxd_export) that generates a CSV file of movies seen, suitable for importing into a account.


  • Update development project dependencies.
  • Update included Bootstrap CSS from 4.5.3 to 4.6.0.

[11.4.0] - 2020-12-21


  • Add missing migrations


  • Update python dependencies, including allowing django-debug-toolbar v3, frezegun up to v2, pillow up to v9.
  • Update Mapbox GL for Venue maps from v1.6.1 to v2.0.0. See the Mapbox GL Changelog.
  • Update included Bootstrap CSS from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3.
  • Change text "Publication Series" to "Series" in the reading/includes/card_nav.html template.
  • Make counts in .nav-tabs consistently <small> in templates.

[11.3.0] - 2020-08-22


  • Allow usage of Factory Boy v3

[11.2.0] - 2020-08-10


  • Move Bootstrap CSS files from /static/css/ to /static/spectator-core/css/.

[11.1.0] - 2020-08-10


  • Add flake8 to tests.
  • Allow usage of Django 3.1, Pillow 7.2, hashids 1.3.


  • Upgrade included Bootstrap CSS from v4.4 to v4.5.


  • Drop official support for python 3.5.



  • Fix display of thumbnails in templates.



  • Allow use of Pillow up to v7.2 (from v6.3)


  • Switch from using django-imagekit specs in spectator/core/ to adding ImageSpecFields directly on the Publication and Event models.
    • The spectator_core/includes/thumbnail_*.html templates have been updated.
    • The old image specs in are deprecated and should no longer be used. They will be removed in a future release.
    • This change means working with models' thumbnails is a little easier. e.g. if django-imagekit's "Optimistic" cache file strategy is used, all of a model's thumbnail sizes will have cached files generated when its thumbnail is added or changed.
  • Update Boostrap CSS files from v4.3.1 to v4.4.1
  • Make devproject's python dependencies a little laxer


  • Drop support for Django 1.11 and 2.1


  • Fix issue where the Mapbox map didn't load when creating a new venue in admin.
  • Fix issue where the Mapbox venue map marker moved when zooming out.
  • Reduce geocoding API calls from Venue add/change admin page.
  • Update devproject's Django version from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2


  • Breaking change: The SPECTATOR_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY is no longer supported. See the README for the new SPECTATOR_MAPS setting that replaces it.
  • Add option to use Mapbox for Venue maps and geocoding, instead of Google. See the SPECTATOR_MAPS setting.
  • Checked that it works with Python 3.8 and Django 3.0.


  • If the end reading dates for all publications on a year archive page only have year granularity, don't show the months (which was always "January").
  • Add loading="lazy" to thumbnail images in lists (only works on Chrome).
  • Fix sort order of names that end with parentheses like "Sam Taylor (1)".


  • Increase thumbnail JPEG quality from 60 to 80.


  • Add two ImageFields for uploading images: Publication.cover and Event.ticket.
  • Now installs ImageKit (which needs Pillow or PIL to be installed first).
  • Publication cover images are displayed in a publication's detail template, and in lists, but not in the sidebar cards. Also in the Admin.
  • Event ticket images are displayed in an event's detail template and in the Admin.
  • There are new settings (with defaults) related to these images: SPECTATOR_THUMBNAIL_DETAIL_SIZE, SPECTATOR_THUMBNAIL_LIST_SIZE, SPECTATOR_EVENTS_DIR_BASE and SPECTATOR_READING_DIR_BASE. See the README for more details.


  • Update included Bootstrap CSS from 4.1 to 4.3.


  • Ensure works with Django 2.2.
  • Stop testing in Python 3.4 and/or Django 2.0.


  • Stopped HTML tag appearing in the title tag of Event Detail template.


  • Ensure works with Django 2.1.
  • Change to use pipenv for managing devproject dependencies.
  • Add spectator.reading.utils.annual_reading_counts() method.
  • Add 'Books' and 'Periodicals' tabs to Reading Year Archive pages.


  • Upgrade Django used in devproject to 2.0.5.
  • Upgrade Bootstrap from v4.1.0 to v4.1.1.


  • Add missing migration.


  • Undid/simplified some of the previous date-related settings; needs more thought.



  • Remove leading www. from visible display of domains when URLizing them.
  • Better handle default settings.


  • Add optional settings to customise the format of dates when displaying Readings.
  • Stop possibility of a Publication appearing more than once when listing Publications being read on a specific day.
  • Order in-progress Publications by when they were started to be read.


  • Turn Exhibitions into a new kind of Work:
    • Renamed "exhibition" Events to be "museum" (Museum/Gallery) Events.
    • Added "exhibition" as a new Work kind.
    • Added a migration to add an Exhibition Work to every Museum/Gallery Event, and move any Creator(s) over to that Work.
  • Add optional settings to customise the format of Event dates in templates.
  • Display the number of Events on a Venue detail page.


  • Add Creator.get_events() method for more accurate counting.
  • Fix bug with counting Events or Works multiple times when counting a Creator's Events/Works and they had more than one role on an Event/Work.
  • Add counts of Venues and Movies/Plays/etc on their list pages.


  • Tweaked spectator_core/includes/chart.html template to allow multiple objects per chart position.


  • Added template tags for getting the Creators with the most Works.


  • Added several manager methods for getting Creators, Venues and Works ordered by things such as most-read, most-visited, most-seen, etc.
  • Added template tags for displaying charts of the above (and used them in templates).
  • Added annual_reading_counts_card template tag for displaying a table of how many books and/or periodicals were finished each year.
  • A few template fixes/tweaks.


  • Rationalise the usage of 'nav' cards in sidebars.
  • Fix the titles and breadcrumbs of the Work List templates.


  • Added title_html property to Event model, which wraps the names of any Works in the title in <cite></cite> tags.


  • Change theatre and cinema Events' 'kind' fields from 'movie' and 'play' to 'cinema' and 'theatre'.
  • Ensure 'sort' fields on models are trimmed to the correct length if greater than their max_length.
  • Some template tweaks, including to Event list/detail templates' title tags.


  • Combined ClassicalWorks, DancePieces, Movies and Plays into a single Work model, distinguished with a kind field. Makes things much simpler.


  • Make cinema_treasures_id a PositiveIntegerField instead of a PositiveSmallIntegerField.


  • Add a venue_name field to Events. This remains the same even if the attaached Venue object changes its name in the future. The new venue_name is used in templates related to the Event.


  • Add an optional cinema_treasures_id field, and cinema_treasures_url property, to the Venue model.


  • Fix the Event Year Archive view for Events with no Venue.


  • Fix templates for Events with no Venue.


  • Fix bug with adding an Event with no Venue.


  • Upgrade Bootstrap, for the included templates, to v4.0.0.
  • Allow Events to not specify a Venue.
  • Add a note field to the Venue model.


  • Fix the setting of Events' title_sort field when saving them in Admin.


  • Fix order of works (Movies, Plays, etc) on EventDetail pages.


  • An Event can have more than one Movie or Play.
  • An Event can have multiple Classical Works, Dance Pieces, Movies or Plays, no matter what 'kind' it is.
  • Each type of work (Movie, Classical Work, etc.) can be put in a specific order within an Event.
  • Removed old imports for Django 1.10 and below.
  • Various other internal tweaks.


  • Rationalise (change) URLs around Events, Movies and Plays. It used to be that Movies' and Plays' Detail page served as the place where their Events were listed. That's still the case, but now we also have individual Event Detail pages for Movie- and Play-related Events.
  • Change URLs of Dance Pieces and Classical Works. From /events/classical/works/ to /events/classical-works/ and from /events/dance/pieces/ to /events/dance-pieces/.
  • Fix some templates when there's missing Venue address or country.
  • In Venue admin list, in the countries filter, only show countries in use.
  • A few other bits of template tidying.


  • Add a Note field to Events.
  • Add JavaScript to the Admin Event Change form to show/hide fields that aren't required for the chosen Event kind.


  • Remove some leading and trailing spaces within links in some templates (also in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2)


  • Fix display of a movie's year if USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR is True


  • Fix broken migration for Creators.


  • All URL slugs have changed again. Now based on Hashids of objects' IDs.


  • Update Bootstrap to v4 beta 3.


  • Fix README formatting.


  • Works in Django 2.0.
  • No longer works in Django 1.8.


  • Use slugs in all URLs, rather than PKs. Which means all the URLs for objects have changed.
  • Added Sitemap classes for all the main objects, and used them in the devproject urlconf.


  • Fix bug in day_publications template tag.


  • Upgrade Bootstrap to v4 beta.


  • Change URL namespaces. The spectator.core.urls conf should now be included under the spectator namespace.


  • The apps all have new labels (e.g., spectator_core instead of core to make them less likely to clash with other apps. But this breaks everything, so all-new migrations again.