This is a Proxy component applied to the practices of style.
Say we have a button. It uses classes to be styled as a “primary” button.
<button type="button" className="btn btn-primary">
We can generate this output using a couple single-purpose components.
const PrimaryBtn = props =>
<Btn {...props} primary/>
const Btn = ({ className, primary, ...props }) => (
primary && "btn-primary",
It can help to visualize this.
↳ Btn({primary: true})
↳ Button({className: "btn btn-primary"}, type: "button"})
↳ <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary"></button>
Using these components, all of these result in the same output.
<PrimaryBtn />
<Btn primary/>
<button type="button" className="btn btn-primary"/>
This can be a huge boon to style maintenance. It isolates all concerns of style to a single component.