1.3.4 (2025-02-05)
- command: add isApplicable method to ShireCommand (4857af8)
- commands: add commandName property to all ShireCommand implementations (08fc7f3)
- commands: enhance command descriptions and add enableInSketch flag (0f88b46)
- database: add schema function and simplify toolchain provider (05acdae)
- search: add ripgrep search command (bafff1b)
- terminal: add terminal sketch provider for bash support (1148dc8)
1.3.3 (2025-01-14)
- compiler: update file validation in LocalSearchInsCommand (fb26400)
- run-code: wrap scratch file deletion in runWriteAction (5271cd7)
- commands: add local search, related symbol, and open file commands (7e7de3b)
- editor: Add file selection support in preview editor (07140f3)
- kotlin: add KotlinPsiContextVariableProvider (512cb3a)
- markdown: add support for Shire code fence parsing (b72753c)
- parser: add support for
command to list directory contents (8d0ddc9) - streaming: integrate OnStreamingService into ShireInlineChat (23858b1)
1.3.2 (2025-01-09)
- debugger: add debug tab layout and session listener #183 (2053470)
- debugger: add Shire debugger support #183 (3b1fd51)
- debugger: enhance debug process with variable snapshot support #183 (184e691)
- debugger: enhance debugger with breakpoint handling and UI improvements #183 (743f4ca)
- debugger: enhance stack frame presentation with custom variables #183 (bfc1f10)
- Revert "refactor(debugger): remove unused ShireDebugSettings file #183" (c7f6f14), closes #183
- Revert "refactor(debugger): remove unused ShireDebugSettings configuration" (358a343)
1.3.1 (2025-01-06)
- build: disable prepareTestSandbox task (0140675)
- code-highlight: normalize line separators in text replacement #157 (1a4ddd4)
- compatibility: refactor database session handling (0d4885e)
- compatibility: remove deprecated client property setting (f0b2774)
- editor: add missing row for highlight sketch #178 (3d9f6cb)
- editor: set PlainTextLanguage for CodeHighlightSketch #157 (6fd404f)
- editor: update sample file label format #178 (8c68528)
- injection: change error log to warn for language injection (6cf0cda)
- input: ensure safe removal of elements from listModel (a433c42)
- input: Resolved close button functionality in chat box (5d66d68)
- input: skip invalid psiFile in ShireInput (c3c49a8)
- input: skip invalid psiFile in ShireInput (0b0f011)
- python: restore PythonCore plugin and simplify PsiUtil check (63f73e5)
- tests: update file extension and add error handling (eae3a8c)
- ui: execute table update on UI thread (9bec8f3)
- chat: add inline chat provider support #157 (594d985)
- chat: add prompt method to inline chat service #157 (ab09b82)
- chat: enhance inline chat UI and interaction #157 (c85ff46)
- compiler: add database command support #271 (6f079b4)
- compiler: add ResolvableVariableSnapshot for variable tracking #178 (22131dd)
- compiler: add ResolvableVariableSnapshot for variable tracking #183 (c6f319a)
- completion: enhance custom agent completion with auto-insert (146ecc4)
- database: add SQL query execution support #171 (660eb67)
- editor: add document listener for real-time updates #157 (68c88ba)
- editor: add gutter icon handler for editor selections #157 (bf85b08)
- editor: add ShireFileEditorProvider for custom file editing #178 (a309063)
- editor: add ShirePreviewEditorProvider and enhance editor creation #157 (99058b6)
- editor: add ShireVariablePanel for variable display #157 (ff245f5)
- editor: enhance variable debug panel UI and functionality #157 (c51b388)
- editor: improve UI and async handling (42e350f), closes #178
- editor: replace ShireFileEditor with ShireSplitEditor #157 (4b51084)
- editor: replace variable panel with table and add refresh action #157 (1dca503)
- inline-chat: add inline chat service and integrate with gutter icon #157 (933e8d7)
- inline-chat: add LLM integration and input handling #157 (13b49e2)
- inline-chat: enhance inline chat panel with improved UI and state management #157 (a9cfd60)
- inline-chat: enhance prompt handling with dynamic actions #157 (97ce772)
- java: add test file lookup for related classes (680c804)
- kotlin: add Kotlin language support for testing, refactoring, and related classes (9f55993)
- parser: add DATABASE command to code block checks #171 (8339428)
- prompt: add ShirePromptBuilder for dynamic prompt generation #157 (df07fcc)
- runner: add streaming service support in ShireRunner #157 (58124a3)
- runner: add support for custom editor in ShireRunner #178 (dd139d2)
- sonarlint: move SonarLint listener to thirdparty package #157 (b3c1530)
- sse: enhance custom request body handling (5a424fb)
- ui: adjust editor and panel border styles #157 (ae76259)
- ui: enhance border styling and add submit button #157 (982db35)
- Revert "chore(gradle): update Gradle wrapper to 8.12 and try to resolve GitHub Action issue and add SPDX license" (fcad6ba)
1.2.4 (2024-12-26)
- compiler: add file path comment in code block output #170 (81a93dd)
- completion: add priority to file reference completion elements (c97be93)
- completion: add ShireCompletionLookupActionProvider and ShireLookupElement (8ff9ee3)
- completion: enhance lookup functionality and refactor dependencies (38b2f3d)
- core: add related classes provider and lookup functionality (e97e828)
- core: add relative file path and caching for related classes #170 (58858b9)
- diff: add openDiffView method and refactor diff panel creation (acf2245)
- diff: enhance diff view and prevent duplicate entries (61795f2)
- diff: try to add for local compare view (8d6e4c1)
- folding: add file command support to folding builder (b502605)
- input: add editor and related listeners to ShireInput #170 (9e71d1e)
- shirelang: add support for STRUCTURE command #170 (be8084e)
- ui: add element list and append text functionality (fb5c61d)
- ui: extract LookupManagerListener to separate file #170 (6514ce9)
1.2.3 (2024-12-23)
- core: handle missing Shire language and FileCreateService (dcece27)
- fix Compatibility issue for 243 (81b5d5f)
- shire: add FileCreateService and integrate with ShireInput (50e698e)
- ui: add stop button and refactor document listener (c544688)
1.2.2 (2024-12-23)
- core: Unregister the shortcut to ensure it works the second time (5381851)
- llm: NPE in streamSSE (07a900c)
- run: 修复ShireProgramRunner的ID获取问题并优化代码结构 (b4aaabe)
- CodeHighlight: enhance editor with line number handling #159 (4a416f4)
- compiler: add line number functionality #159 (471d710)
- lifycycle: Add TimingStreamingService and refactor provider interface #160 (656915e)
- marketplace: replace LightVirtualFile with ScratchRootType for temp files #165 (11c1082)
- run: add ShireConsoleView and ShireProcessAdapter (617ae40)
- runner: add ShireFileRunService and enhance run configuration (e08c831), closes #165
- shire: add chatbox functionality and update file references (d045cd3)
- streaming: add logging streaming service and refactor streaming API #160 (ecbd342)
- streaming: Add profiling capability and enhance documentation #160 (8f299e2)
- streaming: add StreamingServiceProvider interface and OnStreamingService #160 (8997e96)
- streaming: enhance OnStreamingService with registration and notification #160 (b7cc22e)
- ui: add custom progress bar and input section components #165 (6531f4c)
- ui: add scratch file management to ShireInput (510965e)
- ui: add ShireInputTextField component and integrate with ShireInputSection #165 (7f71c0d)
- utils: add PostCodeProcessor for markdown code formatting (11cd109)
- variable-resolver: add support for selection with line numbers #159 (cdf84c4)
- viewer: Add cancel functionality to progress bar (d947425)
1.2.1 (2024-12-12)
- diff: correct line selection logic in DiffStreamHandler #153 (511f7f1)
- diff: optimize StreamDiff handling and add DiffLineType conversion #153 (b103f58)
- openrewrite: resolve missing OpenRewriteType class (46f4084)
- ui: remove redundant revalidate and repaint calls (78374cd)
- utils: prevent adding empty new lines to CodeFence content (449efdf), closes #153
- action: Add RunCode action and refactor execution flow (11d48c0)
- code-highlight: enhance setupActionBar and add Mermaid support #153 (f8f69a2)
- core: add DiffLangSketchProvider for diff language support #153 (61b592b)
- diff-ui: implement apply patch from clipboard dialog and enhance SingleFileDiffLangSketch #153 (a1e89d2)
- diff: add diff streaming support for editors #153 (f2014bc)
- diff: enhance diff view and context handling (ea610a4)
- diff: enhance SingleFileDiffLangSketch with new actions and dialog (72a667f), closes #153
- DiffPatchViewer: enhance patch application and UI #153 (a2099cf)
- diffs: add StreamDiff feature and improve UI #153 (b260b49)
- extensions: add DiffStreamService project service #153 (d8cb1b0)
- patch: add clipboard patch application dialog (7ea22c5)
- shirelang: implement
command for file navigation #153 (bd37fda) - stream-diff: implement stream diff functionality #153 (57ee622)
- toolbar: add ShireDiffCodeAction #153 (74d995a)
- toolsets: add mermaid support and integration plugin #153 (55e33d0)
- ui: add diff viewer and toolbar actions #153 (ed903cd)
- ui: add doneUpdateText method and optimize component handling #153 (5622123)
- ui: add patch display and action buttons to ShireMarketplaceTableView #153 (17eb9ff)
- ui: enhance diff viewer with preview dialog #153 (b9a62db)
- ui: enhance DiffPatchViewer with project context and diff viewing #153 (7b88f2a)
- ui: enhance DiffPatchViewer with project context and diff viewing #153 (7cd80ea)
- ui: implement LangSketch and add PlantUML support #153 (6aa5b75)
- view: Implement ShirePanelView for enhanced UI representation (676df38)
- revert change of delete file for MKT place (1adbd5a)
1.1.1 (2024-12-02)
- core: correctly assign stdout and stderr in RunServiceTask (c320749)
- core: resolve compatibility issues with editor highlighter service (175e6c9)
- set default python execute to python 3 and update && closed #146 (3f57680)
- shire-javascript: remove deprecated JSXHarmonyFileType reference (9760487)
- intellij-plugin: Add soft wrap and scroll to end actions to console toolbar (8453f57)
- shell: improve temp file cleanup in shell command execution (8a5493d)
- ui: add CodeView component for code preview (bc8e07a)
- ui: add toolwindow actions for copy, insert code, and language label (b42962c)
- ui: scroll to end of text on insert and add interaction type check (4b3ecf8)
- variables: add Component data class and ReactPsiUtil utility (0300680)
1.0.6 (2024-11-24)
- core: return complexity count as String instead of Int (4cea791)
- runner: Run fails due to duplicate variables (430e57a)
- actions: add ShireConsoleAction and update related configurations (8ee1a18)
- actions: add ShireDatabaseAction to Database panel menu bar (19d02df)
- compiler: Improve the logic of the if expression to handle variables in velocityBlock (61e3aab)
- kotlin: add complexity analysis for Kotlin language (412a90d), closes #139
- provider: add change count, line count, and complexity count variables #143 and closed #139 (e23687c)
- provider: add process method to ComplexityProvider interface #139 (61a6cad)
- provider: implement complexity count calculation for PsiVariableProvider #139 (8a8f1e8)
- shirelang: add Shire Vcs Log Action and update menu text (b90f450)
- shirelang: add SonarLint action and tool window integration (20e7f13)
- shirelang: add Vcs.Log action to ShireActionStartupActivity (d34a8da)
- vcs: add support for Diff variable in VcsToolchainVariable (d448e33)
1.0.4-SNAPSHOT (2024-11-13)
- core: add ActionableWebView class for enhanced web interaction #132 (b65fdc0)
- grammar: Add support for if expressions (d536289)
1.0.2 (2024-11-03)
- hobbit: refine key bindings for approval processor (d402baa)
- openrewrite: improve run configuration setup #119 (eecd294)
- openrewrite: update working directory for configuration #119 (35600e3)
- brace-matching: enhance ShireBraceMatcher with improved pairs and conditions (65f500e)
- navigation: add APPROVAL_EXECUTE pattern and refactor goto declaration handling (f856236)
- openwrite: try to add OpenRewrite support and integration #119 (b1cc797)
- shirelang: add formatter support for Shire language files (a37bf9d)
- shirelang: add highlight error filter for improved syntax highlighting (c743528)
- shirelang: implement beforeCharTyped override for custom handling (ee12c7f)
- shirelang: implement highlighting, brace matching, and quote handling (ced541f)
0.9.1 (2024-10-10)
- actions: The shire file downloaded from the marketplace has not been dynamically updated (4a0aa6f)
- build: comment out failureLevel in pluginVerification #100 (e260a10)
- fix for json module outside project issue #112 (ed12724)
- fix plugin group error issue (acbdeca)
- github-actions: correct gradle task paths in release workflow #100 (4d5a39d)
- javascript: fix for siganture issue (94ebee5)
- javascript: update variable resolution in JSPsiContextVariableProvider (8e2a7e9)
- lexer: make sure front-matter parse success #112 (a9c3770)
- logging: improve error messages for PatternActionFunc arguments (844dcd8)
- settings: Test connection failed without applying settings (e883e38)
- shirelang: correct typo in ShireFileModificationListener class name (8baad36)
- build.gradle.kts: import Changelog and update PatchPluginXmlTask (cd7df2c)
- build: configure specific subprojects in build.gradle.kts #100 (e7db461)
- build: optimize GitHub Actions build space (0f3a6f9)
- build: try to resize verify range for reduce size of disk in GitHub Action #100 (e127f88)
- build: update Gradle setup and plugin verification tasks (b779cd0)
- build: update Gradle version and enable PatchPluginXmlTask #100 (8044084)
- compiler: enable support for custom foreign functions #116 (c4e51fc)
- compiler: implement foreign function support #116 (61059cd)
- compiler: refine input type rules in PatternActionProcessor #112 (db58a87)
- docs, shirelang: update function parameters and syntax highlighting #116 (b6c6e9d)
- gradle: update IntelliJ IDEA version and add plugin verification #100 (c5b58a1)
- gradle: update IntelliJ platform version and add shire-json language support #100 (da4f120)
- IDEA-243: add deps plugins #100 (276f391)
- init tokenizer function for #104 (1ae89ed)
- javascript: enhance JavaScriptLanguageToolchainProvider for detailed context collection (d4341e4)
- javascript: fix for import issues (c646e4c)
- json-plugin: add dependency on IntelliJ JSON plugin #100 (ce0bbad)
- markdown: add support for markdown headers in ShireCompileTest #112 (b1d96f6)
- parser: add process and output for parser #116 (5b9bbd9)
- parser: Support Markdown headers in ShireParser #112 (f3e2e09)
- patternaction: add tokenizer function and refactor PatternActionFuncType to PatternActionFuncDef (37ece32)
- patternaction: enhance function documentation and formatting #112 (1dfd2a9)
- plugin: update plugin name and improve markdown table formatting (05aa38a)
- post-processors: Add descriptions and list view for processors #112 (4535863)
- shire-json: move JSON related functionalities from core to shire-json module #100 (3f3a77a)
- ShireFileListener: ignore directories and LightVirtualFiles in onUpdated method (086ed79)
- shirelang: add example option to ShireToolchainFunctionProvider #112 (4c16e36)
- shirelang: add ShireToolchainFunctionProvider and update GitFunctionProvider #112 (90a962f)
- shirelang: add support for custom functions and update lexer and parser #116 (14ef5a0)
- shirelang: enhance foreign function execution with args support (f9658ea), closes #119
- timeout (c02f7b2)
- tokenizer: add Jieba Chinese tokenizer support #112 (2f73edf)
- tokenizer: add multiple tokenizer types support in TokenizerProcessor #100 (9575b14)
- tokenizer: add variable substitution in tokenizer and related test #104 (30c40c5)
- tokenizer: ensure distinct tokenization results (09746ca)
0.8.2 (2024-09-23)
- middleware: use <html to replace (483ab87)
- add OpenWebpage processor (24c2bf2)
- core: add ShowWebviewProcessor and WebViewWindow (6a3ddb4)
- core: allow OpenFileProcessor to accept arguments (f54e0c0)
- core: enhance error message in RunCodeProcessor (87d65cd)
- database: add Excel toolchain functions (868510c)
- docs: update documentation and add WebView functionality (15b5a4c)
- gradle: update pluginUntilBuild version in gradle.properties (a219ce4)
- httpclient: add log display in console for HTTP requests (d181831)
- httpclient: improve request logging format in CUrlHttpHandler (3f7740e)
- httpclient: refactor CUrlHttpHandler and CUrlConverter for better variable handling (a039679)
- json-path: enable for parse start for
(d5a2d71) - PatternFuncProcessor: add newline join for Array and List results (57ea7e6)
- ShireFileModifier: wrap file processing in runReadAction (e8cc6f0)
- UI: enable off-screen rendering and improve webview popup (96f3791)
0.8.1 (2024-09-18)
- core: update file path validation regex and related tests (3ab4e9f)
- database: update rror messages (8b4e932)
- llm: add configuration update from state in OpenAILikeProvider #85 (56a1961)
- middleware: 修正文件保存处理器,避免非法文件名 (35785bd)
- patternaction: 修复PatternActionFunc中的空指针异常 (e048ab9)
- PatternFuncProcessor: enhance path resolution and refactor tests #83 (a81c603)
- PatternFuncProcessor: remove joinToString from array operations #83 (9e251f7)
- runner: adjust execution subscription order in ConfigurationRunner (8ba7447)
- runner: LlmProvider is still working after canceling the shire process (d458e1f)
- runner: 简化输出LLM模型名 (06ddd76)
- shirelang: add empty intentions check and change error level in ShireIntentionHelper (badc42c)
- shirelang: refactor array handling and add regression test #83 (1f4c8fe)
- Wiremock: 添加文件路径到 Wiremock 错误信息中,以便于调试 (2a888cd)
- 在ShireProcessHandler中添加异常日志记录 (28d6dea)
- add basic batch processor of content (ec4fa1c)
- add more psiUtil for helper #89 (b4fa3eb)
- batch-processing: implement batch processing functionality (f38dbc2)
- batch: add custom variables support to ShireTemplateCompiler (6ce8430)
- batch: add goto decl (9412afb)
- beforeStreaming: refactor function naming and add coroutine support (1a1bd30)
- codemodel: enhance class name extraction in DirectoryStructure #89 (dfb02b3)
- compiler: add Batch and Destroy functions to PatternActionFunc (e32fc61)
- compiler: refactor action classes and add beforeStreaming functionality (461361d)
- execute: enable for gradle run support (9521375)
- git: add git commit function support (820ec89)
- git: enhance commitChanges function in GitFunctionProvider (fb7c286)
- go: add golang tool context provider #89 (6058a5a)
- GoLanguageProvider: add method to get Go version #89 (56478b5)
- GoPsiContextVariableProvider: map related types to text #89 (cce91ed)
- init downloader for marketplace #86 (9aaa430)
- javascript: add variable provider and utility functions (1e5ff4e)
- lifecycle: add 'beforeStreaming' and 'mock' functions (293d361)
- marketplace: add download notifications and refresh functionality #86 (97482aa)
- marketplace: add MarketplacePanel UI and functionality #86 (ece56e0)
- marketplace: add MarketplaceToolWindowFactory and ShireIdeaIcons #86 (70ef324)
- marketplace: add refresh button and refactor UI layout #86 (f996913)
- marketplace: change UI anchor and update error messages #86 (a34fd1c)
- marketplace: enhance ShirePackage table with download functionality #86 (e868010)
- marketplace: refactor MarketplacePanel and add table view #86 (7088492)
- marketplace: refactor table component and add install action #86 (fc18040)
- marketplace: update ShireMarketplaceTable to fetch data from API #86 (bcecadb)
- mock: init for run mock serivce (ec41dfb)
- mock: init mock server for testing apis (6813876)
- mock: update Wiremock provider path and improve error handling (2389f53)
- patternaction: refactor pattern action function parsing (4b6e13a)
- PatternFuncProcessor: change argument addition order and improve error message (9d2c1bc)
- python: init py psi util (c441f62)
- run-service: wrap operations in runReadAction in ShirePythonRunService.kt (478a3d9)
- search: disable semantic embedding functionality (3560a23)
- shire-go: add GoPsiContextVariableProvider for Go language support #89 (aefdadb)
- shire-go: add iota detection in Go expressions and constants #89 (33216d7)
- shire-go: add support for Go language #89 (ab09a6f)
- shire-go: enhance related classes and code smell handling in GoPsiContextVariableProvider #89 (8d91a88)
- variable-provider: enhance context variable handling in JS and Go (d344944)
- 添加 LLM 提供者未找到的错误信息 (fde5a88)
0.7.4 (2024-09-09)
- db: fix toolchain call issue (99eb680)
- runner: An unexpected exception occurred, causing the shire process cannot be canceled (7eba18c)
- runner: The consoleView is not the original consoleView when processing the exit code of the script (474b681)
- runner: The messageFilter of the console view appends extra data (a47db5d)
- shirelang: ensure null safety in ShireVcsSingleAction #78 (0c4665b)
- actions: add support for enabling/disabling actions and improve action config handling #78 (045c962)
- codemodel: Add JavaScript and TypeScript structure providers (ce936bd)
- javascript: add JavaScript support and build system integration (c09e3d3)
- javascript: add JestCodeModifier and JSAutoTestingService (fde85ad)
- javascript: implement TypeScript refactoring tool and language support (f46a3f8)
- llm: add LlmConfig class for LLM configuration management #78 (a824eda)
- llm: add maxTokens parameter to CustomFields and LlmConfig #78 (c47ae75)
- model: enable for custom model in project && closed #78 (d3e4859)
- navigation: implement GotoDeclarationHandler for Shire language (2c7d744)
- pattern-action: refactor to use PatternActionFuncType enum (445b2ac)
0.7.2 (2024-09-05)
- database: add function to retrieve and display database info (c30dd13)
- httpclient: enable pass variable table value to curl.sh file (615b280)
- middleware: add DiffProcessor support #66 (b3110f6)
- middleware: add Patch processor for applying code patches (425fdb4)
- parser: enable regex pattern function support (8f88ddd)
- parser: implement custom ShireGrepFuncCall and refactor related components (4a319ec)
- parser: implement sed function call and improve injection handling (00f3aca)
- shirelang: implement regex pattern support for 'grep' function (e3bb682)
- testing: add Shire language annotation to test cases and implement shell script runner (9c53db9)
0.7.1 (2024-09-02)
- browse: add useragent generator #60 (df595f4)
- compiler: add JsonPath support for pattern actions and closed #11 (14bed16)
- compiler: add support for 'capture' and 'thread' pattern actions #11 (dc50586)
- core: add cURL execution support and HTTP handler extension point #11 (2717014)
- httpclient: add functionality to convert cURL to HTTP request scratch file #11 (079968e)
- httpclient: enhance CUrlConverter with variable support and testing adjustments #11 (9e97423)
- httpclient: implement buildFullUrl function for RestClientRequest #11 (b49049b)
- httpclient: Implement URL builder and scratch file creation #11 (9a2162e)
- index: add ShireEnvironmentIndex for indexing environment variables #11 (d43eb96)
- kotlin-refactor: implement Kotlin refactoring tool support #58 (ad6d1b2)
- kotlin: implement structure providers for Kotlin plugin #58 (393b747)
- languages: add shire-markdown module and update dependencies #59 (26fd92a)
- markdown: add MarkdownPsiCapture for URL extraction #59 (ab9739b)
- runner: Add LLM output to runFinish method and process handling #60 (5870ef8)
- shire-kotlin: add Java support for KotlinLanguageToolchainProvider #58 (e026929)
- shirelang: add crawl functionality and processor support #59 (ee5a3ea)
- shirelang: add support for threading function execution #60 (0d31f9e)
- executor: handle exceptions in ShireDefaultLlmExecutor #60 (da44e85)
- plugin: add Kotlin module support (c3c1ecb)
- shirelang: add exception handling for LlmProvider streaming output #60 (a8272b2)
0.5.2 (2024-08-15)
- add lost files (e6f524d)
- compiler: enhance query processor to lookup elements #41 (dbcdc6b)
- git-plugin: add Git4Idea plugin dependency #41 (f59cc83)
- search: add LLM reranker and reranker interface #46 (6a7b599)
- search: add new ranking algorithm and update reranking methods #46 (b0b92b5)
- search: enhance search functionality in SemanticService #46 (995331c)
- search: replace IndexEntry with ScoredEntry and add reranking functionality #46 (6a84387)
0.4.8 (2024-08-02)
- core: add GuardScanner interface and ScanResult data class #47 (b32b7d8)
- guard: add matching and masking functions, remove Joni dependency #47 (6a12233)
- scanner: refactor scanner classes and update documentation #47 (a223428)
- schema-provider: add CustomAgentSchemaFileProvider to factory list #47 (c8999e5)
- search: add dimensions parameter to embedInternal function (494a8b5)
- secrets-detection: rename secretType to description and add LocalModelBasedScanner #47 (091bacd)
- secrets-guard: implement regex-based secret detection #47 (1eb2517)
- secrets: implement regex patterns for PII detection (a718ac7)
- security: implement BanKeywordsScanner and Replacer interface #47 (47f2b69)
- shirelang: implement redact function for data masking #47 (ed28585)
0.4.7 (2024-07-30)
- core: enhance InsertUtil to validate offset range (022d8e2)
- core: add UpdateEditorTextProcessor (1d8b566)
- docs: update lifecycle documentation and examples (9ca64fe)
- git-provider: implement lookupGitData and ShireVcsCommit updates #41 (2d56eaf)
- llm: enhance OpenAILikeProvider to include temperature setting (cbb6f1d)
- provider: add GitQLDataProvider and update ShireQLDataProvider interface #41 (5af617e)
- settings: add temperature setting and UI component (264211f)
- shirelang: add VcsStatementProcessor for commit info handling #41 (c71fe57)
0.4.6 (2024-07-24)
- compiler: handle exceptions when finding files (e85eb79)
- compiler: add support for preserving last output in function execution (73739f5)
- compiler: enhance afterStreaming execution flow (c2b7227)
- core: add MarkdownPsiContextVariableProvider (5418957)
- core: allow null values in compiledVariables and refactor file execution (20eed68)
- core: enhance MarkdownPsiContextVariableProvider for file context (33b97da)
- core: enhance MarkdownPsiContextVariableProvider for HTML conversion (451e61d)
- custom: add custom SSE handling (5735a58)
- docs: update response routing for Java and dynamic input (0bd650d)
- runner: enhance Shire runner to handle last output (4e2804b)
- searching: add similarity threshold to search function (dd8cd73)
- search: normalize embeddings and update search methods (ad907ec)
- Shirelang: enhance HobbitHole and ShireRunFileAction for dynamic interaction (18f3679)
- shirelang: improve file not found error logging (043488e)
- ShireRunner: enhance error handling for detachProcess (d221082)
- testing: add new test case for afterStreamingOnly functionality (a91be0d)
0.4.5 (2024-07-19)
- core: implement equals and hashCode for IndexEntry (2543805)
- search: add interface for similarity algorithms (27c65c1)
- search: implement BM25 similarity algorithm and refactor SimilarChunkSearcher (ef32475)
0.4.3 (2024-07-14)
- actions: handle null hole in context menu actions (4a04f35)
- compiler: add Tee class for writing to files #36 (153cc93)
- interaction: add PasteBoard interaction type (33afb37)
- middleware: add append functionality and AppendProcessor #36 (7413368)
- middleware: expose and update compiledVariables across components #36 (c83ffbe)
- provider: add method support for JavaPsiQLInterpreter (ad83803)
- provider: add PsiQLMethodCallInterpreter interface (c9b6606)
- shirelang: extend pipelineArg syntax and add contentTee test #36 (42031b7)
0.4.2 (2024-07-09)
- git: handle null data context in GitToolchainVariableProvider (69c48cd)
- build: add kotlinx-coroutines-core dependency (836332b)
- run: add console message before running configuration (a27e899)
- search: add caching support to semantic search (7ef7287)
0.4.1 (2024-07-07)
- compiler: handle null defaultTask in TaskRoutes.kt (10cfc67)
- completion: update HobbitHoleValueCompletion to display action location with descriptions. (71153b4)
- config: handle nullable Flow in EditorInteractionProvider (6086166)
- core: ensure thread safety in BaseCodeGenTask.kt (4479e8a)
- run: handle line markers for leaf elements only (62f09f6)
- runner: detach process handler in ShireRunner (041c356)
- shirelang: check for null before adding action to toolsMenu (289f578)
- shirelang: update line marker provider to support front matter entries (2e843a9)
- actions: add method to set keymap shortcut (f99686a)
- code-completion: refactor code completion task and add InsertUtil #29 (b02987e)
- compiler: add CaseMatch functionality in PatternActionFunc #29 (0521198)
- compiler: add save file functionality (c6bbde6)
- compiler: add support for WHEN condition and VARIABLES (593abd5)
- completion: add PostProcessor completion provider (4968586)
- completion: add PSI context variables to VariableCompletionProvider #29 (564b0fe)
- completion: add QueryStatementCompletion provider (696a306)
- core: add code completion task and related changes #29 (34eb6fe)
- core: add GitActionLocationEditor for commit menu (48db3c4)
- core: add postExecute callback to code execution tasks #29 (af6567b)
- core: add postExecute invocation and update interactionType in ShireDefaultRunner #29 (8bc4b8b)
- core: add reflection support for ToolchainVariable (72ec463)
- docs: add agent examples and documentation provider (8d7aafe)
- docs: add examples for code comments, refactoring, CLI copilot, and commit message generation (1e07f68)
- EditorInteractionProvider: enhance task creation and error handling #29 (e0f34a3)
- git: add commit message UI retrieval improvement in ShireVcsSingleAction (a8f11de)
- input: add custom input box action (8ec40a4)
- interaction: add support for running code in Run panel (7c4e8d5)
- interaction: improve code completion and generation tasks #29 (957e75d)
- interaction: refactor code generation tasks and add BaseCodeGenTask #29 (0f84b3b)
- java: add class structure representation and data builder #29 (90f2364)
- java: add method caller and called method lookup #29 (6b46c00)
- java: add methods to retrieve containing class and method (b4c26ea)
- keyboard: add support for setting keymap shortcuts (4eda080)
- lints: add duplicate agent inspection (7947d3c)
- logging: improve error handling and logging in ShireActionStartupActivity (e661e16)
- middleware: add InsertNewlineProcessor (73cebef)
- middleware: add ParseCommentProcessor (aafb938)
- provider: add terminal location executor (99c93a0)
- runner: add support for user input in Shire configuration (6ffebd6)
- runner: refactor ShireRunner to improve terminal task execution and error handling (b236ad2)
- shirelang: add icon support and improve line marker provider #29 (f12c199)
- shirelang: add ShirePsiExprLineMarkerProvider for line marker support #29 (1a5c3ca)
- shirelang: refactor and improve pattern action processing #29 (57689a2)
- shirelang: update line marker provider for ShirePsiExpr (6448aa1)
- shirelang: update line marker provider to support front matter entries (1d4bb4b)
- terminal: add input box popup for terminal action (03dce26)
- terminal: add shell command suggestion action (958340c)
- terminal: add ShireTerminalAction for custom assistants (01023de)
- terminal: add TerminalToolchainVariableProvider (8b13dc3)
- variable: add BuiltinVariable and resolver (f88af49)
- variable: add SystemInfoVariable and resolver (c1a54eb)
- VariableCompletionProvider: add icon to variable lookup elements #29 (7ae12c5)
- variables: add code smell detection and test data generation #29 (3763184)
- variables: add support for similar code search (5fe7f8f)
- vcs): add Shirefeat VCS single(vcs: action (e982cec)
0.0.8 (2024-07-01)
- compiler: wrap parsing operations in read actions (97c8d15)
- compiler: wrap parsing operations in read actions (76e1700)
- completion: fix code fence insertion in completion (7beb240)
- shirelang: refine action body parsing in FrontmatterParser kt file (32776cd)
- shirelang: update when condition syntax and test evaluation (2ee436c)
- actions: refactor action groups and context menu action (900d613)
- chat: add ChatRole enum and FileGenerateTask for file output (9bf98d5)
- compiler: add 'afterStreaming' feature and enhance pattern action processing #24 (bb21198)
- compiler: add FunctionStatementProcessor and refactor related classes #24 (1179c5e)
- compiler: add jsonpath support and modify error condition #24 (1913e4f)
- compiler: enhance function statement processing and add new pattern actions #24 (054fec5)
- compiler: enhance statement processing in FunctionStatementProcessor #24 (56a551c)
- compiler: refactor function execution and improve logging #24 (8944045)
- compiler: refactor method invocation in FunctionStatementProcessor (5b4911b)
- compiler: update function execution and case matching logic #24 (ae44272)
- core: enhance code parsing and saving #24 (0e95539)
- core: modify execute method to return string #27 (aeaf5d4)
- core: refactor LlmProvider and related classes to shirecore package #27 (92e4026)
- core: update InteractionType and improve coroutine handling (fffda5c)
- custom: add custom SSE processor and JSON response callback #10 (6f75068)
- docs: add custom AI agent quickstart guide #10 (03f777b)
- docs: add IDE note and update GitToolchainVariableProvider #27 (d59fcb8)
- editor: add smart code insertion feature #24 (788051f)
- folding: add support for query statements and block comments (32e1da8)
- grammar: add support for QUOTE_STRING in agentId (3fdf55c)
- InteractionType: add new interaction type and change defaults (b944f93)
- java: add smart insert method in JavaCodeModifier (42d8326)
- lexer: add brace level tracking and state transitions #16 (882444a)
- lexer: add support for multiple front matter variables #16 (9eb9f8d)
- middleware: Add console parameter to PostProcessor execute methods #24 (ebcbd94)
- middleware: add FormatCode functionality (6905f4f)
- middleware: add OpenFileProcessor to handle file opening #24 (99a2ec2)
- middleware: add RunCodeProcessor and ExtensionPoint for file execution #24 (0b9f065)
- middleware: enhance code execution, file saving and verification #24 (ed7ca3b)
- parser: add parentheses detection in method calls #16 (29abe86)
- plugin: add Python support to Shirelang plugin #24 (7da1a1f)
- QueryStatementProcessor: enhance error logging for method or field not found #16 (9dd696f)
- run-code: add CLI execution support for Python, JavaScript, and Ruby files #24 (0619ecb)
- runFile: wrap file search in runReadAction for thread safety (d8324c3)
- runner: refactor interaction handling in IDE locations #27 (e51dc98)
- runners: add HobbitHole to ShireRunner classes #24 (9e55bd1)
- schema: add Shire Custom Agent schema provider factory #16 (dc03d0c)
- shire-core: implement EditorInteractionProvider and add Shire Toolchain Variable doc #27 (aff5380)
- shirelang: add default condition and new test for afterStreaming #24 (e5a28cb)
- shirelang: add file execution support and improve condition handling (d37e306), closes #24
- shirelang: add new lifecycle keywords and update grammar #24 (c957282)
- shirelang: add new lifecycle keywords to syntax highlighter (3e43d38)
- shirelang: add support for finish flags in output control flow #24 (99f1023)
- shirelang: enhance pattern action processing and test handling #24 (cb59bfb)
- TaskRoutes: make defaultTask optional and refactor execution logic #24 (5787cca)
- testing: add success condition and improve function execution #24 (6eadfda)
- variable resolver: add project context to resolveAll method #27 (b5f05f9)
- variable-resolver: add support for toolchain variables #27 (fdbb4c9)
- variables: add ToolsetVariable and ToolsetVariableProvider #27 (c1da8a5)
- vcs: add dynamic actions to VCS action group #24 (9018da5)
- vcs: add ShireVcsActionGroup for dynamic actions (902bc2a)
- wrap code blocks with appropriate application run actions #24 (55f7495)
0.0.7 (2024-06-24)
- grammar: update frontMatterArray syntax in ShireParser.bnf #16 (428033c)
- pattern-searcher: handle invalid regex and refactor code #18 (b00cd54)
- codemodel: add FileStructure and VariableStructure classes #14 (322e897)
- codemodel: add MethodStructureProvider and related modifications #14 (29eedb9)
- codemodel: add VariableStructureProvider and FileStructureProvider, refactor MethodStructureProvider #14 (4be010b)
- codemodel: enhance ClassStructure and MethodStructure formatting #14 (07488b0)
- codemodel: update FileStructure and add DirectoryStructure #14 (076368e)
- compiler: add error handling for function arguments (376691f)
- compiler: add execution logic for variable pattern functions #16 (3542461)
- compiler: add operator handling in QueryStatementProcessor #16 (fc9f89d)
- compiler: add PatternSearcher for file matching by regex #18 (d129e40)
- compiler: add query statement support in pattern action #16 (12fd4fd)
- compiler: add regex support and array handling in PatternActionFunc #18 (aebf478)
- compiler: add support for query statements in Shire language #16 (824c9f0)
- compiler: add Value class and evaluate function in ShireExpression #16 (8b04548)
- compiler: enhance QueryStatementProcessor functionality #16 (ddc2ff5)
- compiler: handle null arguments and improve error handling #16 (59502be)
- compiler: improve pattern action execution and testing #18 (4cada42)
- compiler: improve pattern handling and file loading in ShireCompiler #18 (4f3062e)
- compiler: refactor built-in methods to enum class #18 (07e0475)
- compiler: refactor pattern action classes and move to ast package #18 (35a5515)
- compiler: refactor query statement parsing and improve documentation #16 (6e385d5)
- compiler: refactor template compilation and variable resolution (93d7536), closes #18
- compiler: refactor VariableStatement to VariableElement and add new PatternActionFunc subclasses #16 (6c9c9f3)
- console: add console output for Shirelang execution and error handling #18 (b9e4bb1)
- core: add comment and refactor code in CustomAgent, ClassStructure, ShireExpression (d5c0573)
- docs, core, languages: add design samples and method context variables (bf99f08)
- FrontMatterType: add QUERY_STATEMENT subclass #16 (a7ccc1a)
- java-toolchain: add Maven support and refactor tech stack detection #18 (9c14272)
- java-toolchain: refactor Maven build tool functionality into separate class #18 (39f4783)
- java-toolchain: replace JavaTasksUtil with GradleTasksUtil #18 (83c5e00)
- java: enhance RelatedClassesProvider to support PsiClass #14 (f39aa4e)
- java: refactor method name and add JavaCodeModifier #14 (319cd74)
- parser: add 'and' operator and improve comment handling #16 (153c5a4)
- parser: add support for comments in ShireParserDefinition #16 (dbdf410)
- parser: remove whitespace support in query and from clauses #16 (9ac9d82)
- parser: update grammar and lexer for query expressions #16 (7fd6746)
- parsing: update grammar and lexer for query expressions #16 (383e1ac)
- pattern-action: add array handling in Grep function #18 (9a76f1c)
- plugin: add Shire plugin configuration and enhance symbol lookup #16 (d25e77b)
- QueryStatementProcessor: implement Expression and String cases (915dd81)
- QueryStatementProcessor: implement operator and type evaluation #16 (4369408)
- remove saql project from build (53d4d1f)
- runner: add system info variable resolution #16 (9f5d86b)
- runner: enhance data fetching methods in SystemInfoVariable (411ebf4)
- saql: add lexer and parser for Shire SQL #16 (a4479c3)
- saql: add saql project and related files #16 (572694e)
- saql: enable getSqlTable methods in SAQLParser (16d1c3c)
- saql: refactor Saql language support and add new classes #16 (cad778d)
- saql: refactor Saql language support and add new classes #16 (0b00f60)
- shirelang: add ShireCommenter and update lexer and parser #16 (916a7d7)
- shirelang: enhance FrontMatterType subclasses and refactor pattern action processing #18 (4777ee3)
- shirelang: improve query expression and statement processing #16 (62cd708)
- shirelang: refactor methods and improve error handling #18 (9b170ee)
- ShireLang: update grammar rules and lexer definitions #16 (29cc1b1)
- syntax-highlighter: add new keywords to ShireSyntaxHighlighter #16 (9d937ec)
- testing: add DefaultShireSymbolProvider and update ShireQueryExpressionTest (e756f77), closes #16
- variable-resolver: add date and time to SystemInfoVariableResolver (bc3356b)
- variable-resolver: refactor variable resolution system #18 (a96c00e)
- VariablePatternActionExecutor: add project, editor, and hole as class properties #18 (54da7a6)
- variable: refactor PsiVariable to PsiContextVariable #18 (6e5e176)
- build: optimize Gradle build performance in GitHub Actions (f09254d)
0.0.6 (2024-06-16)
- java: fix null check for JavaSdkType in JavaToolchainProvider (fb8ad5f)
- java: handle null psiElement in resolveVariableValue (ba34428)
- test: update file patterns in test data (bfbe463)
- actions: add WhenConditionValidator for dynamic actions (2e1c06a)
- compiler: add support for method call with arguments (1cb74e3)
- compiler: update HobbitHole variables to use list of conditions (dd9dc0a)
- completion: add support for when condition functions (35e13aa)
- core: add CodeStructVariableProvider for code struct generation #14 (9a6c573)
- frontmatter: add support for logical OR expressions in frontmatter parsing (3c0f5dc)
- grammar: add support for velocity expressions (c71fb07)
- highlight: add 'WHEN' keyword support (abdcb6c)
- java: add JavaCodeStructVariableProvider for code struct generation #15 (378f44e)
- runner: add SymbolResolver for variable resolution #14 (ed03e25)
- search: add TfIdf class for text analysis #14 (55e94a6)
- shire: add PatternFun Cat subclass (ca2b531)
- template: add Shire Action template and action #14 (0493d23)
- tokenizer: add TermSplitter and StopwordsBasedTokenizer #14 (a774f48)
0.0.4 (2024-06-11)
- build: remove unnecessary project dependency (4628e8b)
- build: update paths for plugin directory in workflows (a0b6570)
- parser: fix filenameRules regex in ShireFmObject test (85de5bd)
- parser: fix filenameRules regex in ShireFmObject test (74783a1)
- release: update gradle task path for patching changelog (201c458)
- action: add ShireAction and ShireActionRegister interfaces (e5ed7b8)
- actions: add context and intent action retrieval (1be1fda)
- agent: add custom agent response actions and configurations (d6b7501)
- codeedit: add CodeModifier interface for code editing (3bcdf44)
- codemodel: add ClassStructureBuilder, ClassStructureProvider, and FormatableElement (5504468)
- compiler: add ElementStrategy for auto selecting parent block element (4f5118b)
- compiler: add FrontmatterParser for dynamic action configuration (12bb82a)
- compiler: add ShellRunService for running shell scripts (63ab840)
- compiler: add support for browsing URLs (3b63e52)
- compiler: add support for DATE type in front matter (3062445)
- compiler: add support for filename rules (c9e860c)
- compiler: add support for front matter configuration (aada8af)
- compiler: add support for frontmatter parsing (b80cee1)
- compiler: add support for head and tail functions (b3f0aa0)
- compiler: add support for loading custom agents (62357fe)
- compiler: add support for print function (511cdde)
- compiler: add support for replace pattern function (9d4160f)
- compiler: add support for variables in HobbitHole (0178647)
- completion: add basic completion for project run tasks (e8c6578)
- completion: add completion providers for code fence languages, file references, variables, agents, commands, and more (4ef7ab4)
- completion: add completion support for Git revisions (c977564)
- completion: add Hobbit Hole code completion (4fd6e41)
- core: add commit functionality to RevisionProvider (7be17f1)
- core: add DAG support with topological sort and cycle detection (c01ada5)
- core: add file filtering functionality (8864237)
- core: add Java build system provider (5afd1ba)
- core: add ProjectRunService interface and extension point (71d02e1)
- core: add ToolchainProvider extension point (6a6d1d8)
- docs: add roadmap section to README (e2def4d)
- docs: add support for frontmatter in code highlighting (dbf5765)
- frontmatter: add filename and file content filters (be33598)
- git: add GitQuery and VcsPrompting classes (f5d5fe7)
- git: add GitQuery and VcsPrompting classes (eddfe37)
- grammar: add qualRefExpr to ShireParser.bnf (e5bf261)
- grammar: add support for 'when' keyword in condition expressions (ee3dc7e)
- grammar: add support for pattern actions (9471994)
- grammar: extend grammar for expressions and operators (0aa661f)
- hobbit: add support for action location in HobbitHole (3c530dd)
- hobbit: add support for selection strategy (0b4e090)
- httpclient: add HttpClientRunService for HTTP requests (8a33137)
- httpclient: add support for REST client plugin (994ff0e)
- index: add ShireIdentifierIndex for file content (62891a0)
- intention: add Shire Assistant with AI AutoAction (0b23d35)
- intention: add Shire Hobbit AI action support (c1122e1)
- java: add Java element strategy builder (a4d571a)
- java: add Java symbol provider implementation (76c2042)
- java: add Java toolchain provider (864c1cb)
- java: add method to find nearest target element (3cf769c)
- java: add method to get run task name (4e4ab8a)
- java: add MvcContextService and ControllerContext (b5edce5)
- language: add Shire language injector, folding builder, and completion contributor (8f5ca99)
- language: add Shire language support (8332a3c)
- language: add Shire language support (f351552)
- llm: add MockProvider for testing (089d496)
- llm: add OpenAI LLM provider and settings (8518bd3)
- middleware: add CodeVerifyProcessor for syntax error checking (1bec4c3)
- middleware: add post processor support (0a2aeea)
- middleware: add PostCodeHandler interface and PostCodeHandle enum (9d734c5)
- middleware: add TimeMetricProcessor for measuring code execution time (2c3b1a6)
- modify: add ShireModificationListener for file modification (c61f973)
- modify: add ShireModificationListener for file modification (230b00e)
- parser: add new test data files and refactor code (b666fc6)
- parser: add support for front matter parsing (01ef64e)
- parser: add support for pattern actions (bb30004)
- parser: add support for pattern element (12fb06e)
- pattern: add pattern actions for filtering, sorting, and executing commands (be08b28)
- project: add core and language modules (2b4a6f0)
- provider: add AutoTesting provider for unit testing (2fb10e2)
- provider: add PsiElementStrategyBuilder interface (c5ca72b)
- provider: add RevisionProvider interface and implementation (fa05221)
- provider: add RunService interface and implementation (a509717)
- psi: add method to get relative PsiElement with PsiComment (ba3b521)
- run: add Shire program runner and process processor (554c39f)
- runner: add support for running tasks in projects (586a9d6)
- settings: add LlmCoroutineScope, CustomAgent loadFromProject, and TestConnection (efdc2f9)
- settings: add Shire settings configurable UI (dba5d68)
- shell: add shell language support plugin file (bdc1c90)
- shire: add Shire context action group and location support (e3df86d)