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File metadata and controls

84 lines (57 loc) · 2.74 KB


This repository is meant to track different financial programs and scripts. As long as the tools are relativley small, they are all tracked in here. Sensitive files have been exlcluded, but there are some test files that can be seen to use for practice or comparison.

Tools: Complete


Tools: In-progress

trade_history tool set: convert_single_td_csv: After downloading a csv of trade history from a platform ( currently only working with TD Ameritrade ), the script converts the details into a more consistant / readable csv format
    Finds all the csv's that have been converted by "convert_single_td_csv", then condenses them into a single csv

filter details:
    Uses the results from to gather and filter information into a readable format.

convert_paycheck: Takes a paycheck pdf and converts it into an easily read format to append to an excel file.

                STATUS: Non-working state.

scan_option_value: scans a selected list of stocks that will return a list based on a given set of risk vs. rewards settings. Status: working state, but rudimentary.

Tools: Future Ideas

stock_overview: QT Centered UI that allows user to sort through an excel file for statistics like how much money has been gained or lost on a single company, how many options were sold / lost, average amount gained from options in a week, etc.

show_tools: script to list all all tools and the progress / state of them at a quick glance

scan_large_change: Scanner to show if if a stock drops more than 30-40% in a day.

Setup for use

  1. Pre-requisits: If using a script related to TD Ameritrade: * Set up a developer account with TDA Ameritrade API
  2. Setup pipenv install pipenv shell pipenv run <> ( if in vscode, run with debugger ) exit ( when ready to be done / exit pipenv )

This repository TODOs

  • Research ways to:
    1. Structure projects i.e. output / input, tools, bin, etc.
    2. Work with envirnmental variables across the project
  • Fill out "contents / navigation" section in the readme


Really good video for how to get started: inside the .env file - Consumer Key -> also known as: Client ID, Token -> can be found - Redirect URI -> found on the 'tda developer api' -> Also known as Callback URI - JSON Path ->

References / Resources

- tutorial:
- tda developer api: