The first beta of phpDocumentor contains the final functionality for version 2.0. A lot of effort has been put in making sure that the API, Object structure and plugin mechanism will remain backwards compatible until version 3.0.
Features have been changed, removed and added; making this an incredibly large backwards compatibility break compared to 2.0.0a13.
Important: if you have written your own XSL based template; please change the template.xml to generate the XML output first by adding a transformation with the XmlAst writer. Please look at our existing templates for an example.
Important: please open an issue for every broken piece of functionality. We have taken the utmost care not to introduce bugs but due to large change some might occur.
In the following list we have tried to exhaustively document the list of changes and their impact. Due to the size of the refactoring it is nigh impossible to make a 100% accurate list. Please contact us if you have questions; the website describes various methods.
========== ================================================================================================== ADDED Twig Writer ADDED Xml Writer ADDED Router component to provide locations for various Url Schemes ADDED Responsive-twig template ADDED More tests ADDED Statistics are being logged to a log file (more will be logged there in the future) ADDED Compiler component that adds the ability to inject compiler passes at various points ADDED Linker to create object links between the various elements ADDED Indexes containing pre-generated lists to make the generation of templates faster ADDED More unit tests FIXED Define transformations in phpdoc.xml FIXED Define multiple templates in phpdoc.xml FIXED Performance is improved by re-approaching inheritance from a different angle FIXED Various small and unnamed bugs CHANGED Temporarily removed deprecated report CHANGED Target option of parser now only accepts a folder CHANGED Various performance improvements CHANGED Doctrine Support is moved to its own Service Provider CHANGED Rewired dependencies and injection scheme to make better of the DIC CHANGED Object graph is written to various cache folders in a directory named 'build' by default CHANGED Cache is generated by Zend\Cache CHANGED Commands have been moved to their respective component CHANGED The Parser has been promoted to Service Provider CHANGED The Transformer has been promoted to Service Provider CHANGED Parse command has been prepared for internationalization CHANGED Template configuration is parsed using JmsSerializer CHANGED All logging is now PSR-3 compliant CHANGED Removed documentation for components that are still in flux CHANGED Updated documentation for existing functionality DEPRECATED Behaviours are only executed for the XmlAst writer BC-BREAK Moved Validators to the Descriptor Builder and refactored for internationalization BC-BREAK Parser generates an object graph and not XML (structure.xml, use XmlAst writer now for XML output) BC-BREAK Replaced plugin system with Service Providers ========== ==================================================================================================