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101 lines (56 loc) · 5.98 KB


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Provides a composer custom installer that works with loadsys/puphpet-release to add a vagrant box to a project via composer.

You probably will never need to use this project yourself directly. We use it for our loadsys/puphpet-release package to copy parts of the PuPHPet package into the necessary locations for the consuming project.

⚠️ Big Important Warning

It's critically important to point out that this installer does things that composer very explicitly should not be doing. We break this very good and wise rule only because the tools we're working with (vagrant and puphpet) leave us with no other practical choice. Again: You should NOT do what this installer does. In all likelihood there is a better way.

If you use this installer, it will overwrite existing (important!) files in your project. If you have customized your Vagrantfile, then composer require a project that uses this installer, your Vagrantfile file and puphpet/ folder will be unceremoniously overwritten without notice. Do not complain about this. This is what this installer is designed to do and you've been duly warned of its danger.


To use this installer with another composer package, add the following block to your package's composer.json file:

    "type": "puphpet-release",
    "require": {
        "loadsys/puphpet-release-composer-installer": "*"

Composer Post Install Actions

This installer is responsible for performing post-composer install actions for the loadsys/puphpet-release package.

When this package is included in another project via composer, the installer fires a number of additional actions in order to address some of the incompatibilities between puphpet's default setup and the requirements for Vagrant (such as the Vagrantfile living in the project's root directory instead of the composer-installed /vendors/loadsys/puphpet-release/release/ folder.)

  • Copies a Vagrantfile into the consuming project's root folder.
  • Copies a puphpet/ folder into the consuming project's root folder.
  • Copies the consuming project's /puphpet.yaml into the correct place as /puphpet/config.yaml.
  • Tries to ensure that the consuming project's /.gitignore file contains the proper entries to ignore /Vagrantfile and /puphpet/, if it is present.

Unresolved Questions:

  • Do we always overwrite the Vagrantfile and puphpet/ folders?
  • What if there are customizations to files/ or exec-*/ folders? Should we even try to detect those? (diff the contents of the package's release/ folder with the versions in project root?)
  • Should we try to validate that the target project's config.yaml file has all expected (mandatory) keys as the spec changes upstream. Can we write/maintain a "unit test" and/or diffing tool for it? It's just YAML after all.
  • What should we do if there isn't a /puphpet.yaml for us to copy? The VM will surely not work correctly with completely "default" options. Maybe prompt the user to go generate one?


Running Unit Tests

  • composer install
  • vendor/bin/phpunit

Manually Testing Installer Output

Testing this composer plugin is difficult because it involves at least 2 other projects: the loadsys/puphpet-release, and the project from which you want to consume it. This project contains a tests/integration/ directory that is set up to exercise this installer and test the result of including the loadsys/puphpet-release package in a consumer project. To use it:

  1. Check out this project: git clone

  2. Check out a copy of the puphpet-release project somewhere to work on it. git clone (Make a note of this path.)

  3. Create a feature branch in either project, and commit your changes to the branch. (Committing the changes is very important to the process: Any changes you wish to test must exist in the git index already, not just in your working copy.)

  4. Run ./tests/integration/

    The script will prompt you for any necessary information, reset the build/ dir for use, write the appropriate "composer.json" changes for you, and execute a composer install command for you in the build/ dir where you can review the results.

    • The build/ folder should end up with a Vagrantfile and puphpet/ folder in it.
    • The sample build/puphpet.yaml file should have been copied to build/puphpet/config.yaml.
    • The sample .gitignore file should have been "safely" updated to include the new additions to the "root" project folder (build/).
  5. From here, the process loops through the following steps:

    • Make changes to the puphpet-release or puphpet-release-composer-installer projects.
    • Commit the changes to your working branch.
    • Run ./tests/integration/ again.
    • Check the results in the build/ directory.
    • Repeat.
  6. Once you're satisfied with the results, push your branch and submit a PR.

Running Integration Tests

The simulation script also includes a number of functional tests for verifying the results of the installer's operation. Use the -t flag to enable them.

  • ./tests/integration/ -t [puphpet-release-branchname] # Release project branch name defaults to master.

The script will report any errors and exit non-zero on failure.


MIT. In particular, all PuPHPet work belongs to the original authors. This project is strictly for our own convenience.


© Loadsys Web Strategies 2015