This is the roadmap containing detailed information on all goals that need to be hit before a release.
- jl_is_leaf_type
- jl_type_union
- jl_type_intersection
- jl_has_empty_intersection
- jl_type_unionall
- jl_new_typename
- jl_new_typevar
- jl_instantiate_unionall
- jl_apply_type
- jl_apply_type1
- jl_apply_type2
- jl_apply_tuple_type
- jl_gensym
- jl_get_root_symbol
- jl_is_vararg_type
- jl_unwrap_vararg
- jl_vararg_kind
- jl_is_va_tuple
- jl_va_tuple_kind
- jl_new_array
- jl_value_ptr
- jl_reshape_array
- jl_ptr_to_array_1d
- jl_alloc_array_1d
- jl_alloc_array_2d
- jl_alloc_array_3d
- jl_arrayref
- jl_arrayset
- jl_array_ptr_1d_push
- jl_array_ptr_1d_push2
- jl_array_ptr_1d_append
- jl_apply_array_type
- jl_array_size
- jl_new_module
- jl_is_const
- jl_module_using
- jl_module_use
- jl_module_import
- jl_module_importall
- jl_module_export
- jl_is_imported
- jl_new_main_module
- jl_add_standard_imports
- jl_is_submodule
- jl_errno
- jl_set_errno
- jl_stat
- jl_cpu_cores
- jl_getpagesize
- jl_getallocationgranularity
- jl_is_debugbuild
- jl_get_UNAME
- jl_get_ARCH
- jl_cpuid_tag
- jl_uses_cpuid_tag
- julia_init
- jl_init_with_image
- jl_get_default_sysimg_path
- jl_create_system_image
- jl_save_system_image
- jl_restore_system_image
- jl_restore_system_image_data
- jl_throw
- jl_rethrow
- jl_rethrow_other