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Cannot build in iOS #103

rrarey02 opened this issue May 29, 2019 · 13 comments

Cannot build in iOS #103

rrarey02 opened this issue May 29, 2019 · 13 comments


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I am using this plugin in Android and it works great, but I cannot get my app to build in iOS. I receive a lot of errors.

I've created my Flutter project with the Swift dependencies, updated my Podfile to use frameworks, specify the SWIFT_VERSION, and done everything else I can think of. Errors persist.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Flutter doctor:
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.5.4-hotfix.2, on Mac OS X 10.14.5 18F132, locale en-US)
• Flutter version 1.5.4-hotfix.2 at /flutter
• Framework revision 7a4c33425d (4 weeks ago), 2019-04-29 11:05:24 -0700
• Engine revision 52c7a1e849
• Dart version 2.3.0 (build 2.3.0-dev.0.5 a1668566e5)

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3)
• Android SDK at /Users/r/Library/Android/sdk
• Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support)
• Platform android-28, build-tools 28.0.3
• Java binary at: /Applications/Android
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01)
• All Android licenses accepted.

[✓] iOS toolchain - develop for iOS devices (Xcode 10.2.1)
• Xcode at /Applications/
• Xcode 10.2.1, Build version 10E1001
• ios-deploy 1.9.4
• CocoaPods version 1.5.3

[✓] Android Studio (version 3.4)
• Android Studio at /Applications/Android
• Flutter plugin version 35.3.1
• Dart plugin version 183.6270
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b01)

[✓] Connected device (1 available)
• iPhone Xʀ • 9A4E48A2-2726-481D-A07C-7C7235E4754C • ios • (simulator)

• No issues found!

flutter run output:
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
options.parse(options: initialOptions)
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: conditional downcast from 'String?' to 'String' does nothing
let data = (initialData!["data"] as? String)!

/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: conditional downcast from 'String?' to 'String' does nothing
            let mimeType = (initialData!["mimeType"] as? String)!

/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: conditional downcast from 'String?' to 'String' does nothing
            let encoding = (initialData!["encoding"] as? String)!

/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: conditional downcast from 'String?' to 'String' does nothing
            let baseUrl = (initialData!["baseUrl"] as? String)!

/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                    inAppWebViewOptions.parse(options: inAppWebViewOptionsMap)
                                        ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSLayoutAttribute' has been renamed to 'NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute'
        webView_BottomFullScreenConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom, multiplier: 1,
        constant: 0)
UIKit.NSLayoutAttribute:2:18: note: 'NSLayoutAttribute' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias NSLayoutAttribute = NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSLayoutAttribute' has been renamed to 'NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute'
        webView_TopFullScreenConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView, attribute:, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute:, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
UIKit.NSLayoutAttribute:2:18: note: 'NSLayoutAttribute' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias NSLayoutAttribute = NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSStringFromCGRect' has been replaced by 'NSCoder.string(for:)'
        print("Setting the WebView's frame to \(NSStringFromCGRect(frame))")
                                                NSCoder.string     for: 
UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect:2:13: note: 'NSStringFromCGRect' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func NSStringFromCGRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> String
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSStringFromCGRect' has been replaced by 'NSCoder.string(for:)'
        print("Setting the WebView's frame to \(NSStringFromCGRect(frame))")
                                                NSCoder.string     for: 
UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect:2:13: note: 'NSStringFromCGRect' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func NSStringFromCGRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> String
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                    self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                  UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                    self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                  UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        newInAppWebViewOptions.parse(options: newOptionsMap)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' has been replaced by instance method 'UIImage.pngData()'
                    imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(screenshot)!
                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
UIKit.UIImagePNGRepresentation:2:13: note: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func UIImagePNGRepresentation(_ image: UIImage) -> Data?
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' has been replaced by instance method 'UIImage.pngData()'
                    imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(screenshot)!
                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
UIKit.UIImagePNGRepresentation:2:13: note: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func UIImagePNGRepresentation(_ image: UIImage) -> Data?
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to 'Any'
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: provide a default value to avoid this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
                                                            ?? <#default value#>
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: explicitly cast to 'Any' with 'as Any' to silence this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
                                                            as Any
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'Error?' to 'Any'
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: provide a default value to avoid this warning
                                    ?? <#default value#>
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: explicitly cast to 'Any' with 'as Any' to silence this warning
                                    as Any
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSLayoutAttribute' has been renamed to 'NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute'
        webView_BottomFullScreenConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.bottom, multiplier: 1,
        constant: 0)
UIKit.NSLayoutAttribute:2:18: note: 'NSLayoutAttribute' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias NSLayoutAttribute = NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSLayoutAttribute' has been renamed to 'NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute'
        webView_TopFullScreenConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView, attribute:, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute:, multiplier: 1, constant: 0)
UIKit.NSLayoutAttribute:2:18: note: 'NSLayoutAttribute' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias NSLayoutAttribute = NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSStringFromCGRect' has been replaced by 'NSCoder.string(for:)'
        print("Setting the WebView's frame to \(NSStringFromCGRect(frame))")
                                                NSCoder.string     for: 
UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect:2:13: note: 'NSStringFromCGRect' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func NSStringFromCGRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> String
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'NSStringFromCGRect' has been replaced by 'NSCoder.string(for:)'
        print("Setting the WebView's frame to \(NSStringFromCGRect(frame))")
                                                NSCoder.string     for: 
UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect:2:13: note: 'NSStringFromCGRect' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func NSStringFromCGRect(_ rect: CGRect) -> String
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                    self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                  UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                    self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                  UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        newInAppWebViewOptions.parse(options: newOptionsMap)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' has been replaced by instance method 'UIImage.pngData()'
                    imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(screenshot)!
                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
UIKit.UIImagePNGRepresentation:2:13: note: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func UIImagePNGRepresentation(_ image: UIImage) -> Data?
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' has been replaced by instance method 'UIImage.pngData()'
                    imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(screenshot)!
                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
UIKit.UIImagePNGRepresentation:2:13: note: 'UIImagePNGRepresentation' was obsoleted in Swift 3
public func UIImagePNGRepresentation(_ image: UIImage) -> Data?
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to 'Any'
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: provide a default value to avoid this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
                                                            ?? <#default value#>
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: explicitly cast to 'Any' with 'as Any' to silence this warning
                    print((result as! FlutterError).message)
                                                            as Any
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'Error?' to 'Any'
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: provide a default value to avoid this warning
                                    ?? <#default value#>
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ note: explicitly cast to 'Any' with 'as Any' to silence this warning
                                    as Any
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
            self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                          UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of 'MyCookieManager' initializer is unused
            MyCookieManager(registrar: registrar)
            ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                        inAppBrowserOptions.parse(options: inAppBrowserOptionsMap)
                                            ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                safariOptions.parse(options: options)
                              ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                browserOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                webViewOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
            browserOptions.parse(options: options)
                           ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
            webViewOptions.parse(options: options)
                           ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: forced cast from 'InAppBrowserWebViewController??' to 'InAppBrowserWebViewController' only unwraps
optionals; did you mean to use '!!'?
        let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                              UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        browserOptions.parse(options: options)
                       ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        webViewOptions.parse(options: options)
                       ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: forced cast from 'InAppBrowserWebViewController??' to 'InAppBrowserWebViewController' only unwraps
optionals; did you mean to use '!!'?
        let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                              UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
                        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                            self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                          UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: value 'webViewController' was defined but never used; consider replacing with boolean test
        if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] {
                                                                 != nil
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
            self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                          UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of 'MyCookieManager' initializer is unused
            MyCookieManager(registrar: registrar)
            ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                        inAppBrowserOptions.parse(options: inAppBrowserOptionsMap)
                                            ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                safariOptions.parse(options: options)
                              ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                browserOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
                webViewOptions.parse(options: optionsFallback!)
                               ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
            browserOptions.parse(options: options)
                           ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
            webViewOptions.parse(options: options)
                           ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: forced cast from 'InAppBrowserWebViewController??' to 'InAppBrowserWebViewController' only unwraps
optionals; did you mean to use '!!'?
        let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                              UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        browserOptions.parse(options: options)
                       ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'parse(options:)' is unused
        webViewOptions.parse(options: options)
                       ^    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: forced cast from 'InAppBrowserWebViewController??' to 'InAppBrowserWebViewController' only unwraps
optionals; did you mean to use '!!'?
        let webViewController: InAppBrowserWebViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] as! InAppBrowserWebViewController
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                              UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: 'UIWindowLevel' has been renamed to 'UIWindow.Level'
                        self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = UIWindowLevel(baseWindowLevel! + 1)
UIKit.UIWindowLevel:2:18: note: 'UIWindowLevel' was obsoleted in Swift 4.2
public typealias UIWindowLevel = UIWindow.Level
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ error: cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'UIWindow.Level'
                            self.tmpWindow?.windowLevel = 0.0
                                                          UIWindow.Level(rawValue:  )
/Users/r/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: value 'webViewController' was defined but never used; consider replacing with boolean test
        if let webViewController = self.webViewControllers[uuid] {
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Did you specify SWIFT_VERSION to 4.0, right? However, I think I need to update my code to Swift 4.2

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Ugh. I did try 4.0 but I must have been experiencing error message fatigue. Sorry about that. After trying that version again and looking more closely at the errors I see it was another plugin causing problems there. This plugin appears to be building fine now after resolving that other plugin's issues.

However now while using it I am running into another issue which has already been reported:

This issue can be closed. Thanks!

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@rrarey02 Hi man, how did you solve this at last, which plugin you have been resolved to fix this issue? I'm facing this issue too.

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@rrarey02 Hi man, how did you solve this at last, which plugin you have been resolved to fix this issue? I'm facing this issue too.

@AlexVincent525 - I am still using flutter_inappbrowser. The SWIFT_VERSION issue was a problem with the url_launcher plugin, if I recall correctly. So I upgraded the url_launcher plugin and then my app would build. At the time there was still an iOS bug in flutter_inappbrowser that would cause the app to crash, but that was fixed in v1.2.1. Everything is working for me now.

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@AlexVincent525 - I am still using flutter_inappbrowser. The SWIFT_VERSION issue was a problem with the url_launcher plugin, if I recall correctly. So I upgraded the url_launcher plugin and then my app would build. At the time there was still an iOS bug in flutter_inappbrowser that would cause the app to crash, but that was fixed in v1.2.1. Everything is working for me now.

@rrarey02 I found another solution for this issue, and i'm using flutter_inappbrowser too with v1.2.1, my conflict was with multi_image_picker, which is they are using different version of swift, makes thoes APIs conflicted, so I specified swift version for each of them, and thing works fine now.

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kihonq commented Aug 1, 2019

@AlexVincent525 - I am still using flutter_inappbrowser. The SWIFT_VERSION issue was a problem with the url_launcher plugin, if I recall correctly. So I upgraded the url_launcher plugin and then my app would build. At the time there was still an iOS bug in flutter_inappbrowser that would cause the app to crash, but that was fixed in v1.2.1. Everything is working for me now.

@rrarey02 I found another solution for this issue, and i'm using flutter_inappbrowser too with v1.2.1, my conflict was with multi_image_picker, which is they are using different version of swift, makes thoes APIs conflicted, so I specified swift version for each of them, and thing works fine now.

Hi Alex,
How do you determine and redefine the swift version inside each pods?

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AlexV525 commented Aug 1, 2019

@qeehong Hi, I don't have macOS environment now, so I can't provide more information about how I done this, but what I can remember is it's located in something related to pod configuration itself.

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hrsma2i commented Oct 20, 2019

@AlexVincent525 Hi, I can specify Swift version only for flutter_inappbrowser along with this way.

In the Podfile,

target 'Runner' do
  use_frameworks!  # required by simple_permission

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      if == 'flutter_inappbrowser'
        config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.0'
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'

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@hrsma2i Thanks for providing a better solution 😄 , and this repo hasn't been maintain for a while, I've just switch to other package.

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hrsma2i commented Oct 20, 2019

@AlexVincent525 Thanks for your advice! I'm finding in-app browser packages for Flutter and tried webview_flutter and flutter_webview_plugin, but in both the keyboard doesn't appear. Do you know better packages?

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@hrsma2i For now those packages both displayed keyboard normally. You can upgrade your flutter version to latest stable and try again. The flutter_webview_plugin support all android versions displaying keyboard, but webview_flutter might just support from sdk 23 or 24 to higher I guess? It's been written in the document.

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hrsma2i commented Oct 20, 2019

@AlexVincent525 Thank you. Maybe flutter_webview_plugin doesn't support iOS now.

But I'll use flutter_webview_plugin, contributing it.

This was referenced Jul 6, 2020
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5 participants