#Development Environment
Install the nuke-build tool in order to run the build commands:
dotnet tool install Nuke.GlobalTool --global
Install the dotnet-nugetize tool to assist with debugging packaging issues
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-nugetize
set version number in _build\Build.cs
- To execute all build targets use the following commands:
set-executionpolicy -scope process -executionpolicy bypass .\build.ps1
- To only run a specific target and it's dependencies include the target name after the build command:
set-executionpolicy -scope process -executionpolicy bypass .\build.ps1 -target publish
Build Targets
- Clean
- Test
- Publish
- GenerateSampleOutput
- Pack
- PublishNuGet
#Test NuGet Packages Locally
- create an empty folder
- at the command line enter "dotnet new tool-manifest"
- at the command line enter "dotnet tool install --add-source <path to .nupkg without file name> "