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Exercise 4 - A Frequency Server with a functional interface

Home page:
Time-stamp:<2020-07-18 11:24:18, updated by Pierre Rouleau>

This page describes work related to the exercise 4, the second exercise of the second week of the course Concurrent Programming in Erlang.

Adding a functional interface to the server is relatively simple: add functions that will be called by the client(s) and will hold the code we used to execute explicitly inside the shell before. This will hide the complexity of the protocol but mainly will decouple the implementation from the use of the code: it will provide a stable API while allowing future internal modifications that would not affect the user's code.

Hopefully, we can also reduce the semantic gap between our user's thinking and the ideas and concepts our API provides.

This starts from my final version of example 3 frequency server code, e3/v3/frequency.erl then adds the functional layer, like presented in the course: the allocate and deallocate functions that are now part of the API are now meant to be called by the users' code.

The user now calls:

  • frequency:start()
  • frequency:allocate()
  • frequency: deallocate(Freq)
  • frequency:stop()

and I added, for debugging,

  • frequency:dump().

The transactions using a specific protocol is hidden from the user's code.

The graphical representation of this is, where I represent the API as the boundary of the system which the user interacts with:


code file:e4/v1/frequency.erl

Here's the code:

%%%  Concurrent Programming In Erlang -- The University of Kent / FutureLearn
%%%  Exercise  :
%%%  - Enhancing the frequency server with a functional interface
%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-08 22:08:15, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% What's New
%% ----------
%% - Providing a functional interface to the requests:
%%   - allocate()
%%   - deallocate(Freq)
%%   - dump()
%%   - stop()

%% Supported Transactions
%% ----------------------
%% Here's the representation of the supported transactions:
%% @startuml
%% actor Client
%% boundary API
%% database Frequency
%% == Operation: start the server ==
%% Client ->o API : start()
%% API    o-->o Frequency : register(spawn())
%% Client <-o API : ok | {error, Error}
%% == Operation: successful allocation ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {ok, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {ok, Freq}
%% == Operation: successful de-allocation ==
%% Client ->o API: deallocate(Freq)
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, ok}
%% Client <-o  API : ok
%% == Error: failed allocation (no available frequency) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, no_frequency}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, no_frequency}
%% == Error: failed allocation (client already owns one) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_already_owns, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, client_already_owns, Freq}
%% == Error: failed de-allocation (frequency not allocated by client) ==
%% Client ->o API : deallocate(Freq)
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}}
%% Client <-o  API : {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
%% == Development help ==
%% Client ->o API : dump()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, dump}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, FreqDb}
%% Client <-o API : FreqDb
%% == Shutdown ==
%% Client ->o API: stop()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, stop}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, stopped}
%% Client <-o API : stopped
%% @enduml

%% Server Functional State / Data Model
%% ------------------------------------
%% The server functional state is:
%% - a pair of lists {Free, Allocated}
%%   - Free := a list of frequency integers
%%   - Allocated: a list of {Freq, UserPid}
%% Db access functions:
%% - allocate/2   : Allocate any frequency  for Client
%% - deallocate/3 : de-allocate client owned frequency
%%   - is_owner/2 : predicate: return {true, Freq} if Client owns a frequency,
%%                  False otherwise.
%%   - owns/3     : predicate: return true if Client owns a specific frequency.

-export([start/0, init/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, dump/0, stop/0]).

%% Data Model:
%%    FreqDb := {free:[integer], allocated:[{integer, pid}]}

%%% Public API

%% start/0 : start the server
%%  return : ok | {error, Error}
start() ->
    case register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])) of
        true ->  ok;
        Error -> {error, Error}

%% allocate/0 : allocate a frequency for the caller's process
%%     return :  {ok, Freq} | {error, client_already_own, Freq{}
allocate() ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), allocate},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->

%% deallocate/1 : deallocate a specified frequency that should have
%%                already have been allocated by the caller's process.
%%       return : ok | {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
deallocate(Freq) ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->

%% dump/0 : return internal database data (should really be debug only)
dump() ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), dump},
    receive {reply, FreqDb} ->

% stop/0 : stop the frequency server
stop() ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), stop},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->

%%% Internal process logic

init() ->
    FreqDb = {get_frequencies(), []},

loop(FreqDb) ->
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),
            Pid ! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}  ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = deallocate(FreqDb, Freq, Pid),
            Pid! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, dump} ->
            Pid! {reply, FreqDb},
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            Pid! {reply, stopped}

%% Frequency 'Database' management functions.

%% allocate/2: FreqDb, ClientPid
%% allocate a frequency for ClientPid.  Allow 1 frequency per Client.
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
%%   1) when all frequencies are allocated (none free)
allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) ->
    { {[], Allocated},
      {error, no_frequency} };
%%   2) with some available frequency/ies
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}, Pid) ->
    case is_owner(Allocated, Pid) of
        false ->    { {Free, [{Freq, Pid} | Allocated]},
                      {ok, Freq} };
        {true, OwnedFreq} -> { {[Freq|Free], Allocated},
                               {error, client_already_owns, OwnedFreq} }

%% deallocate/3 : FreqDb, Freq, Pid
%% de-allocate client owned frequency
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq, Pid) ->
    case owns(Allocated, Freq, Pid) of
        true ->     NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
                    { {[Freq|Free], NewAllocated},
                      ok };
        false ->    { {Free, Allocated},
                      {error, client_does_not_own, Freq} }

%%% Database verification

%% is_owner/2 : Allocated, ClientPid
%% Return {true, Freq} when ClientPid already owns a frequency, false otherwise.
is_owner([], _ClientPid) -> false;
is_owner([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], ClientPid) -> {true, Freq};
is_owner([_Head | Tail], ClientPid) -> is_owner(Tail, ClientPid).

%% owns/3 : Allocated, Freq, ClientPid
%% Return true when ClientPid owns Freq, false otherwise.
owns([], _Freq, _ClientPid) -> false;
owns([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], Freq, ClientPid) -> true;
owns([_Head | Tail], Freq, ClientPid) -> owns(Tail, Freq, ClientPid).

%%% Database initialization

get_frequencies() ->

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's now much easier to use the server. Here's a session:

Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.7.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V10.7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v1/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v1/"}]).
c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v1/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v1/"}]).
2> frequency:start().
3> frequency:dump().
4> frequency:deallocate(42).
5> frequency:deallocate(3.14159).
6> frequency:dump().
7> frequency:allocate().
8> frequency:allocate().
9> frequency:deallocate(42).
10> frequency:dump().
11> self().
12> frequency:deallocate(10).
13> frequency:deallocate(10).
14> frquency:dump().
** exception error: undefined function frquency:dump/0
15> frequency:dump().
16> frequency:stop().
17> frequency:allocate().
** exception error: bad argument
     in function  frequency:allocate/0 (/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v1/frequency.erl, line 120)

Although the code provides a cleaner functional interface, I still need to include init/0 in the list of functions that are made available externally. Hopefully, there is a way this can be removed. At the moment I don't see it.

Also, when I first tried using this code it hung when I tried to deallocate on a empty database. The error was trivial: instead of sending a message with the request atom, I was sending the reply one. Of course the server was ignoring the message and the call never received a reply.

Yes it's possible to put a timeout. That's potentially defensive programming here and not necessarily a good thing either, waiting to mask other issues. My point is that a simple typo in the message atom in a large program can cause a deadlock like this. I know that unit testing, Quickcheck and all sorts of techniques can help here, but people do make typing mistakes and it be nice to be able to perform static analysis to detect these things. I wonder if the ML-like BEAM languages (Alpaca and Gleam) are getting close from being production ready. That could help here.

Another thing. It would be nice if it was possible to create a macro in the shell, to help increase efficiency in issuing commands, specially when you end up having to retype large parts of code. Yes history helps, but compared to other shells, the Erlang shell seems under-powered. Maybe I need to spend more time reading the complete Erlang shell man page.

Emacs Related Note

When I installed Erlang I also installed the Erlang Man pages and made them accessible from the command line, and therefore from Emacs. Because I'm using them inside Emacs. With Emacs I can quickly search the man pages: Emacs command allows me to list the available man pages. One thing I might want to do is find a way to restrict the available man pages to only Erlang man pages. This way when I list all available man pages I would only see the Erlang related ones. That's one of the things I want to do with Emacs. The other would be to implement quick access to local HTML documentation for a specific [Module][:Function[:Arity]] directly from the source code. That might have already been done.

I am now adding what is requested by the exercise:

  1. the ability to clear the client's mailbox,
  2. the ability for the client's API functions to timeout when waiting for a reply from the server, and
  3. the ability to simulate a busy server by making the server sleep for some time.

I'm adding a little bit more:

  • The clear() function returns the number of messaged removed from the mailbox and also prints each cleared message on stdout.
  • A set_server_load() function which sets the server's sleep time.

I submitted a first version of that file (v2) and then found a bug in the loop handling the reception of the set_server_load request. I fixed it in v2.1, but you'll have to see the file history for the changes between v2 and v2.1.

I have also updated the PlantUML diagram to represent the concept of timeout.

Note, however, that I have not added a clear in the server yet. I want to do this on request. That will be my next and final step.

This diagram now describes the potential timeout. Only one block is used for all of them.


code file:e4/v2/frequency.erl

Here's the code:

%%%  Concurrent Programming In Erlang -- The University of Kent / FutureLearn
%%%  Exercise  :
%%%  v2 - += Flushing the mailbox, adding timeout to client code
%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 10:57:29, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% What's New
%% ----------
%% - v2.1: - Fixed a bug in loop patter for set_wait: A *new* variable must be
%%           used for the time: ``NewWaitTime`` otherwise it patterns match
%%           only if the wait time value does *not* change!
%%         - Placed clear() code close to where it's used.
%%         - Added several io:format to see the clear and delay activities.
%% - v2: instrument for simulating server loading:
%%       - client can now timeout after CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT (set to 1 second via a macro)
%%       - Data structure change: FreDb has a TestData field.
%%         For now it holds a tuple of 1 tagged value: {sleep_period, integer}
%%         identifying the time the server should sleep before each receive
%%         to let message accumulate in its mailbox.
%%       - Added new debug command/message: set_server_load/1 which identifies
%%         how long the server should sleep.
%%       - Added clear/0 which clears a mailbox, printing each message removed
%%         and returning the number of cleared message.
%%         It is called by the client before the client sends a new request,
%%         to flush previous un-processed replies.
%% - v1: Providing a functional interface to the requests:
%%       - allocate()
%%       - deallocate(Freq)
%%       - dump()
%%       - stop()

%% Supported Transactions
%% ----------------------
%% Here's the representation of the supported transactions:
%% @startuml
%% actor Client
%% boundary API
%% database Frequency
%% == Operation: start the server ==
%% Client ->o API : start()
%% API    o-->o Frequency : register(spawn())
%% Client <-o API : ok | {error, Error}
%% == Operation: successful allocation ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {ok, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {ok, Freq}
%% == Operation: successful de-allocation ==
%% Client ->o API: deallocate(Freq)
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, ok}
%% Client <-o  API : ok
%% == Timeout: *for any command*: timeout waiting for server reply ==
%% Client -> API : allocate() | deallocate(Freq) | dump() | set_server_load(WaitTime)
%% API  -->x Frequency : {request, Pid, Msg}
%% Client <- API : {error, timeout}
%% == Error: failed allocation (no available frequency) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, no_frequency}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, no_frequency}
%% == Error: failed allocation (client already owns one) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_already_owns, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, client_already_owns, Freq}
%% == Error: failed de-allocation (frequency not allocated by client) ==
%% Client ->o API : deallocate(Freq)
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}}
%% Client <-o  API : {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
%% == Development help: dump DB ==
%% Client ->o API : dump()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, dump}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, FreqDb}
%% Client <-o API : FreqDb
%% == Development help: set server load ==
%% Client ->o API : set_server_load(WaitTime)
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {set_wait, WaitTime}}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {ok, OldWaitTime}}
%% Client <-o API : {ok, OldWaitTime}
%% == Shutdown ==
%% Client ->o API: stop()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, stop}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, stopped}
%% Client <-o API : stopped
%% @enduml

%% Server Functional State / Data Model
%% ------------------------------------
%% The server functional state is:
%% - a pair of lists {Free, Allocated}
%%   - Free := a list of frequency integers
%%   - Allocated: a list of {Freq, UserPid}
%% Db access functions:
%% - allocate/2   : Allocate any frequency  for Client
%% - deallocate/3 : de-allocate client owned frequency
%%   - is_owner/2 : predicate: return {true, Freq} if Client owns a frequency,
%%                  False otherwise.
%%   - owns/3     : predicate: return true if Client owns a specific frequency.

-export([start/0, init/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, dump/0, set_server_load/1,  stop/0]).

%% Data Model:
%%    FreqDb := { free     : [integer],
%%                allocated: [{integer, pid}]
%%                test     : sleep_period := integer
%%               }

%%% Public API
-define(CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT, 3000).   % Timeout for client waiting for server reply.

%% start/0 : start the server
%%  return : ok | {error, Error}
start() ->
    case register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])) of
        true ->  ok;
        Error -> {error, Error}

%% allocate/0 : allocate a frequency for the caller's process
%%     return :  {ok, Freq} | {error, client_already_own, Freq{}
allocate() ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), allocate},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% deallocate/1 : deallocate a specified frequency that should have
%%                already have been allocated by the caller's process.
%%       return : ok | {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
deallocate(Freq) ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% dump/0 : return internal database data (should really be debug only)
dump() ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), dump},
    receive {reply, FreqDb} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% set_server_load/1 : WaitTime (in milliseconds)
%% Return: ok | {error, timeout}
set_server_load(WaitTime) ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), {set_wait, WaitTime}},
    io:format("set_server_load(): request sent, waiting for reply~n"),
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

% stop/0 : stop the frequency server
stop() ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), stop},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%%% Client API utility function

%% clear/0: clear the mailbox
%%   return: number of cleared messages.
%%   side effect: prints each cleared message on stdout.

clear() -> clear(0).
clear(ClearCount) ->
        Msg ->
            io:format("Cleared Message: ~w~n", [Msg]),
            clear(ClearCount + 1)
    after 0 -> {ok, ClearCount}

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Server - Internal process logic

init() ->
    FreqDb = {get_frequencies(), [], {sleep_period, 0}},

loop(FreqDb) ->
    {_Allocated, _Free, {sleep_period, WaitTime}} = FreqDb,
    io:format("loop: waiting ~w...~n", [WaitTime]),
    io:format("loop: receiving~n"),
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),
            Pid ! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}  ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = deallocate(FreqDb, Freq, Pid),
            Pid! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, dump} ->
            Pid! {reply, FreqDb},
        {request, Pid, {set_wait, NewWaitTime}} ->
            io:format("loop received set_wait(~w)~n", [NewWaitTime]),
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, NewWaitTime),
            Pid ! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            Pid! {reply, stopped};
        Msg  ->
            io:format("loop: rx unexpected: ~w~n", [Msg]),

%% Frequency 'Database' management functions.

%% allocate/2: FreqDb, ClientPid
%% allocate a frequency for ClientPid.  Allow 1 frequency per Client.
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
%%   1) when all frequencies are allocated (none free)
allocate({[], Allocated, TestData}, _Pid) ->
    { {[], Allocated, TestData},
      {error, no_frequency} };
%%   2) with some available frequency/ies
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated, TestData}, Pid) ->
    case is_owner(Allocated, Pid) of
        false ->    { {Free, [{Freq, Pid} | Allocated], TestData},
                      {ok, Freq} };
        {true, OwnedFreq} -> { {[Freq|Free], Allocated, TestData},
                               {error, client_already_owns, OwnedFreq} }

%% deallocate/3 : FreqDb, Freq, Pid
%% de-allocate client owned frequency
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
deallocate({Free, Allocated, TestData}, Freq, Pid) ->
    case owns(Allocated, Freq, Pid) of
        true ->     NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
                    { {[Freq|Free], NewAllocated, TestData},
                      ok };
        false ->    { {Free, Allocated, TestData},
                      {error, client_does_not_own, Freq} }

%% set_wait/2: FreqDb, WaitTime
%% set server sleep time to WaitTime
%% Return: {FreqDb, {ok, OldWaitTime}}
set_wait({Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, OldWaitTime}}, WaitTime) ->
    {{Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, WaitTime}}, {ok, OldWaitTime}}.

%%% Database verification

%% is_owner/2 : Allocated, ClientPid
%% Return {true, Freq} when ClientPid already owns a frequency, false otherwise.
is_owner([], _ClientPid) -> false;
is_owner([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], ClientPid) -> {true, Freq};
is_owner([_Head | Tail], ClientPid) -> is_owner(Tail, ClientPid).

%% owns/3 : Allocated, Freq, ClientPid
%% Return true when ClientPid owns Freq, false otherwise.
owns([], _Freq, _ClientPid) -> false;
owns([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], Freq, ClientPid) -> true;
owns([_Head | Tail], Freq, ClientPid) -> owns(Tail, Freq, ClientPid).

%%% Database initialization

get_frequencies() ->

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The session is shown below. It's a bit verbose because of the io:format calls in various locations. Note also that I made a typo at some point. This had surprising impact! I discuss it in the next Looking Back section.

Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.7.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V10.7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/"}]).
c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/"}]).
2> frequency:start().
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
3> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
4> setlf().
** exception error: undefined shell command setlf/0
5> self().
6> frequency:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
7> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
8> frequency:deallocate(10).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
9> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 0...
loop: receiving
10> frwquency:set_server_load(10 * 1000).
** exception error: undefined function frwquency:set_server_load/1
11> frequency:set_server_load(10 * 1000).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
set_server_load(): request sent, waiting for reply
loop received set_wait(10000)
loop: waiting 10000...
12> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: receiving
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
13> frequency:allocate().
Cleared Message: {reply,{[10,11,12,13,14,15],[],{sleep_period,10000}}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
14> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
15> self().
16> invalid_command().
** exception error: undefined shell command invalid_command/0
17> self().
18> frequency:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
19> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
20> frequency:deallocate(10).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
21> frequency:deallocate(10).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
22> frequency:deallocate(10).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: receiving
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
loop: waiting 10000...
23> frequency:deallocate(10).
Cleared Message: {reply,{error,client_does_not_own,10}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
loop: receiving
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
24> frequency:dump().
Cleared Message: {reply,{error,client_does_not_own,10}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
25> frequency:deallocate(11).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
26> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
loop: waiting 10000...
loop: receiving
27> frequency:stop().

With this exercise I came up with the observations listed in the following sub-sections.

Learning a new programming language is also learning the way you create bugs. In Erlang one way to create a bug is to use the name of an already bound variable inside the pattern match part of a message you want to receive. That's exactly what I did when I introduced a command to set the sleep delay to impose to the server! When I first tried the code I was not able to change the delay. Everything seems to be OK, I was staring at the code where the message was sent, the code where the message was received and everything looked good! Look:

The set_server_load/1 code has the following statement that sends the message:

frequency ! {request, self(), {set_wait, WaitTime}},

Inside loop/0 I added the following:

{request, Pid, {set_wait, WaitTime}} ->
    io:format("loop received set_wait(~w)~n", [WaitTime]),
    {FreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, WaitTime),
    Pid ! {reply, Result},

Everything matched! I'm a bad typist, so I used my editor to ensure that everything, really everything matched. And it matched! Arghh!

Then, ah... I just looked at WaitTime... It just so happens that I named the function argument WaitTime:

%% set_server_load/1 : WaitTime (in milliseconds)
%% Return: ok | {error, timeout}
set_server_load(WaitTime) ->

I had thought about using NewWaitTime in the code for the loop reception, but then I was lazy and just used the shorter one. Laziness is a nice computer science concept, but I was just lazy and it costed me more than the time it would have taken to do it right. The correct loop/0 code is:

{request, Pid, {set_wait, NewWaitTime}} ->
    io:format("loop received set_wait(~w)~n", [NewWaitTime]),
    {NewFreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, NewWaitTime),
    Pid ! {reply, Result},

Having WaitTime in the pattern meant that the server would only receive messages requesting to change the sleep time to the same value it had!

One thing I did looking into this problem was to add a catch-all message reception inside the server loop. This is defensive programming but that's also what confirmed to me the message was received in the mailbox but not caught by the pattern. I'll have to remember to remove it: I'll probably want to fill the mailbox just be sending invalid messages!

I had read that. I heard it too. In the course. When an exception is caught and handled in the shell, the shell process died and a new one takes it place.

A new shell, with a new PID!

An when you mistype something, what happens? An exception is thrown and caught and the shell PID changes!

And I was wondering what was wrong with my code not being able to de-allocate a previously allocated frequency! Well I allocated the frequency, then I made a typo, that killed the shell process I had, and I got a new one with a new PID. So when I was sending a request to the frequency server asking to de-allocate the frequency it was telling me that by process did not allocate it in the first place!

The code was right. The use of the Erlang shell continues to provide surprises.

My previous version is using clear/0 to clear the mailbox of the client side. That is useful when the caller is expecting that its calls will not block his process for too long. Note, however, that because the server is not clearing its mailbox, it will get old replies, process them and send the reply back to the client that is no longer expecting it. Because the client code clears its mailbox in each of the functional interface calls, its OK but messages will accumulate inside the server still.

By placing a clear/0 call inside the server's loop/0 just before the receive statement, the simulation will be closer to reality: the clients requests that have timed-out at the client side will effectively be ignored by the server.

All that is needed is to add the call to clear/0 before the receive statement. And where should it be relative to the call to timer:sleep/1?

If I call clear/0 before the timer:sleep/1 that gives me the time to fill it up again while the server sleeping. In fact that's why I did not put the clear call in the server in the first place: I wanted to let the messages accumulate in the server mailbox.

But one thing was missing. I would have liked to confirm the messages accumulated inside the server's mailbox. I'm sure there must be a function call to get the number of messages in the mailbox.

To find it I had to "google" it because I did not find anything in the erlang man page (the page for the BIFs). It was there though: it's process_info/2 with a message_queue_len for the second argument.

So I added a call to this first in the v3 code before completing it. Just so I could see the count growing up. I added the show_mailbox() for that and I made it public to use it for the client-side.

code file:e4/v3/frequency.erl (final code)

The difference between v2.1 and v3 is shown here:

diff -u /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/frequency.erl /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
--- /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v2/frequency.erl     2020-07-10 10:57:29.000000000 -0400
+++ /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl     2020-07-10 13:11:38.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 %%%  Concurrent Programming In Erlang -- The University of Kent / FutureLearn
 %%%  Exercise  :
-%%%  v2 - += Flushing the mailbox, adding timeout to client code
+%%%  v3 - += Showing size of mailbox
-%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 10:57:29, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
+%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 13:11:38, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
 %% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 %% What's New
 %% ----------
+%% - v3:  - Added show_mailbox() public function to show number of messages
+%%          accumulating in the server and also to see the ones accumulating in the client.
+%%        - Removed other debug prints I introduced in v2.1.
+%%        - Removed the catch-all Msg reception in loop/0 I used for debugging v2.
 %% - v2.1: - Fixed a bug in loop patter for set_wait: A *new* variable must be
 %%           used for the time: ``NewWaitTime`` otherwise it patterns match
 %%           only if the wait time value does *not* change!
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@

--export([start/0, init/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, dump/0, set_server_load/1,  stop/0]).
+-export([start/0, init/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, dump/0, set_server_load/1, show_mailbox/0, stop/0]).

 %% Data Model:
 %%    FreqDb := { free     : [integer],
@@ -188,7 +192,6 @@
     Cleared = clear(),
     io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
     frequency ! {request, self(), {set_wait, WaitTime}},
-    io:format("set_server_load(): request sent, waiting for reply~n"),
     receive {reply, Reply} ->
     after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}
@@ -227,9 +230,7 @@

 loop(FreqDb) ->
     {_Allocated, _Free, {sleep_period, WaitTime}} = FreqDb,
-    io:format("loop: waiting ~w...~n", [WaitTime]),
-    io:format("loop: receiving~n"),
         {request, Pid, allocate} ->
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),
@@ -243,18 +244,15 @@
             Pid! {reply, FreqDb},
         {request, Pid, {set_wait, NewWaitTime}} ->
-            io:format("loop received set_wait(~w)~n", [NewWaitTime]),
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, NewWaitTime),
             Pid ! {reply, Result},
         {request, Pid, stop} ->
-            Pid! {reply, stopped};
-        Msg  ->
-            io:format("loop: rx unexpected: ~w~n", [Msg]),
-            loop(FreqDb)
+            Pid! {reply, stopped}

 %% Frequency 'Database' management functions.

 %% allocate/2: FreqDb, ClientPid
@@ -292,6 +290,12 @@
     {{Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, WaitTime}}, {ok, OldWaitTime}}.

+%% show_mailbox_size/0 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
+show_mailbox() ->
+    {message_queue_len, MsgCount} = process_info(self(), message_queue_len),
+    io:format("Size of ~w mailbox: ~w~n", [self(), MsgCount]),
+              MsgCount.

 %%% Database verification

Diff finished.  Fri Jul 10 13:14:45 2020

To be able to look at the server mail ox size I created show_mailbox/2 which takes the Pid as argument:

diff --git a/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl b/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
index 32e5642..03709b0 100644
--- a/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
+++ b/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 %%%  Exercise  :
 %%%  v3 - += Showing size of mailbox
-%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 13:11:38, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
+%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 13:59:31, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
 %% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 %% What's New
@@ -132,7 +132,15 @@

--export([start/0, init/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1, dump/0, set_server_load/1, show_mailbox/0, stop/0]).
+-export([ start/0
+        , init/0
+        , allocate/0
+        , deallocate/1
+        , dump/0
+        , set_server_load/1
+        , show_mailbox/0
+        , show_mailbox/1
+        , stop/0]).

 %% Data Model:
 %%    FreqDb := { free     : [integer],
@@ -290,12 +298,15 @@ set_wait({Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, OldWaitTime}}, WaitTime) ->
     {{Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, WaitTime}}, {ok, OldWaitTime}}.

-%% show_mailbox_size/0 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
+%% show_mailbox/0 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
 show_mailbox() ->
-    {message_queue_len, MsgCount} = process_info(self(), message_queue_len),
-    io:format("Size of ~w mailbox: ~w~n", [self(), MsgCount]),
-              MsgCount.
+    show_mailbox(self()).

+%% show_mailbox/1 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
+show_mailbox(Pid) ->
+    {message_queue_len, MsgCount} = process_info(Pid, message_queue_len),
+    io:format("Size of ~w mailbox: ~w~n", [self(), MsgCount]),
+    MsgCount.

 %%% Database verification

With the last v3 code (now submitted), I used the shell again to confirm that messages accumulate in the server and to watch them coming back in the client.

Of course, I mis-typed several thing, creating a new shell process with its new PID.

Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.7.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V10.7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/"}]).
c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/"}]).
2> frequency:start().
3> self().
4> whereis(frequency).
5> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
6> show_mailbox().
** exception error: undefined shell command show_mailbox/0
7> self().
8> frequency:show_mailbox().
Size of <0.91.0> mailbox: 0
9> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.91.0> mailbox: 0
10> frequency ! "an invalid message".
"an invalid message"
11> frequency ! {request, slef(), invalid}.
** exception error: undefined shell command slef/0
12> self().
13> S = self().
14> frequency ! {request, S, invalid}.
15> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 2
16> frequency:show_mailbox().
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 0
17> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
18> frequency:set_server_load(30 * 1000).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
19> frequency:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
20> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
21> frequency:allocate().
Cleared Message: {reply,{ok,10}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
22> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 3
23> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 3
24> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 3
25> frequency:show_mailbox(whereis(frequency)).
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 2
26> frequency:show_mailbox().
Size of <0.97.0> mailbox: 2
27> flush().
Shell got {reply,{[11,12,13,14,15],[{10,<0.97.0>}],{sleep_period,30000}}}
Shell got {reply,{error,client_already_owns,10}}
28> frequency:set_server_load(1 * 1000).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
29> frequency:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
30> frequency:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
31> frequency:deallocate().
** exception error: undefined function frequency:deallocate/0
32> self().
33> frequency:stop().

The last step is to get the server to clear its mailbox. It's done like the clients: before receiving. But, unlike the server, the clients do tot sleep. The location of the clear in the server is before the sleep, to give me some time in filling up the server mailbox.

The difference with the previous version of the source code is:

diff --git a/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl b/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
index 03709b0..12f76a6 100644
--- a/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
+++ b/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
 %%%  Exercise  :
 %%%  v3 - += Showing size of mailbox
-%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 13:59:31, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
+%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 14:40:00, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
 %% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 %% What's New
 %% ----------
-%% - v3:  - Added show_mailbox() public function to show number of messages
+%% - v3.1: - Added a clear in the server's loop, before the timer:sleep call so I can
+%%           get several messages to accumulate.
+%% - v3:  - Added show_mailbox() public functions to show number of messages
 %%          accumulating in the server and also to see the ones accumulating in the client.
 %%        - Removed other debug prints I introduced in v2.1.
 %%        - Removed the catch-all Msg reception in loop/0 I used for debugging v2.
@@ -237,8 +239,14 @@ init() ->

 loop(FreqDb) ->
+    %% extract WaitTime
     {_Allocated, _Free, {sleep_period, WaitTime}} = FreqDb,
+    %% clear the mailbox
+    Cleared = clear(),
+    io:format("frequency loop(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
+    %% simulate a server load
+    %% normal processing
         {request, Pid, allocate} ->
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),

With the io:format statements that a half-decent job of logging the internal activity...

code file:e4/v3/frequency.erl
%%%  Concurrent Programming In Erlang -- The University of Kent / FutureLearn
%%%  Exercise  :
%%%  v3 - += Showing size of mailbox, clearing mailbox at client & server,
%%%          imposing server load by sleeping+
%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 15:22:45, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% What's New
%% ----------
%% - v3.1: - Added a clear in the server's loop, before the timer:sleep call so I can
%%           get several messages to accumulate.
%% - v3:  - Added show_mailbox() public functions to show number of messages
%%          accumulating in the server and also to see the ones accumulating in the client.
%%        - Removed other debug prints I introduced in v2.1.
%%        - Removed the catch-all Msg reception in loop/0 I used for debugging v2.
%% - v2.1: - Fixed a bug in loop patter for set_wait: A *new* variable must be
%%           used for the time: ``NewWaitTime`` otherwise it patterns match
%%           only if the wait time value does *not* change!
%%         - Placed clear() code close to where it's used.
%%         - Added several io:format to see the clear and delay activities.
%% - v2: instrument for simulating server loading:
%%       - client can now timeout after CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT (set to 1 second via a macro)
%%       - Data structure change: FreDb has a TestData field.
%%         For now it holds a tuple of 1 tagged value: {sleep_period, integer}
%%         identifying the time the server should sleep before each receive
%%         to let message accumulate in its mailbox.
%%       - Added new debug command/message: set_server_load/1 which identifies
%%         how long the server should sleep.
%%       - Added clear/0 which clears a mailbox, printing each message removed
%%         and returning the number of cleared message.
%%         It is called by the client before the client sends a new request,
%%         to flush previous un-processed replies.
%% - v1: Providing a functional interface to the requests:
%%       - allocate()
%%       - deallocate(Freq)
%%       - dump()
%%       - stop()

%% Supported Transactions
%% ----------------------
%% Here's the representation of the supported transactions:
%% @startuml
%% actor Client
%% boundary API
%% database Frequency
%% == Operation: start the server ==
%% Client ->o API : start()
%% API    o-->o Frequency : register(spawn())
%% Client <-o API : ok | {error, Error}
%% == Operation: successful allocation ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {ok, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {ok, Freq}
%% == Operation: successful de-allocation ==
%% Client ->o API: deallocate(Freq)
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, ok}
%% Client <-o  API : ok
%% == Timeout: *for any command*: timeout waiting for server reply ==
%% Client -> API : allocate() | deallocate(Freq) | dump() | set_server_load(WaitTime)
%% API  -->x Frequency : {request, Pid, Msg}
%% Client <- API : {error, timeout}
%% == Error: failed allocation (no available frequency) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API    --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API    <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, no_frequency}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, no_frequency}
%% == Error: failed allocation (client already owns one) ==
%% Client ->o API : allocate()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, allocate}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_already_owns, Freq}}
%% Client <-o API : {error, client_already_owns, Freq}
%% == Error: failed de-allocation (frequency not allocated by client) ==
%% Client ->o API : deallocate(Freq)
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}}
%% Client <-o  API : {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
%% == Development help: dump DB ==
%% Client ->o API : dump()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, dump}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, FreqDb}
%% Client <-o API : FreqDb
%% == Development help: set server load ==
%% Client ->o API : set_server_load(WaitTime)
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, {set_wait, WaitTime}}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, {ok, OldWaitTime}}
%% Client <-o API : {ok, OldWaitTime}
%% == Shutdown ==
%% Client ->o API: stop()
%% API --> Frequency : {request, Pid, stop}
%% API <-- Frequency : {reply, stopped}
%% Client <-o API : stopped
%% @enduml

%% Server Functional State / Data Model
%% ------------------------------------
%% The server functional state is:
%% - a pair of lists {Free, Allocated}
%%   - Free := a list of frequency integers
%%   - Allocated: a list of {Freq, UserPid}
%% Db access functions:
%% - allocate/2   : Allocate any frequency  for Client
%% - deallocate/3 : de-allocate client owned frequency
%%   - is_owner/2 : predicate: return {true, Freq} if Client owns a frequency,
%%                  False otherwise.
%%   - owns/3     : predicate: return true if Client owns a specific frequency.

-export([ start/0
        , init/0
        , allocate/0
        , deallocate/1
        , dump/0
        , set_server_load/1
        , show_mailbox/0
        , show_mailbox/1
        , stop/0]).

%% Data Model:
%%    FreqDb := { free     : [integer],
%%                allocated: [{integer, pid}]
%%                test     : sleep_period := integer
%%               }

%%% Public API
-define(CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT, 3000).   % Timeout for client waiting for server reply.

%% start/0 : start the server
%%  return : ok | {error, Error}
start() ->
    case register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])) of
        true ->  ok;
        Error -> {error, Error}

%% allocate/0 : allocate a frequency for the caller's process
%%     return :  {ok, Freq} | {error, client_already_own, Freq{}
allocate() ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), allocate},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% deallocate/1 : deallocate a specified frequency that should have
%%                already have been allocated by the caller's process.
%%       return : ok | {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
deallocate(Freq) ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% dump/0 : return internal database data (should really be debug only)
dump() ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), dump},
    receive {reply, FreqDb} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%% set_server_load/1 : WaitTime (in milliseconds)
%% Return: ok | {error, timeout}
set_server_load(WaitTime) ->
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    frequency ! {request, self(), {set_wait, WaitTime}},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

% stop/0 : stop the frequency server
stop() ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), stop},
    receive {reply, Reply} ->
    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

%%% Client API utility function

%% clear/0: clear the mailbox
%%   return: number of cleared messages.
%%   side effect: prints each cleared message on stdout.

clear() -> clear(0).
clear(ClearCount) ->
        Msg ->
            io:format("Cleared Message: ~w~n", [Msg]),
            clear(ClearCount + 1)
    after 0 -> {ok, ClearCount}

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Server - Internal process logic

init() ->
    FreqDb = {get_frequencies(), [], {sleep_period, 0}},

loop(FreqDb) ->
    %% extract WaitTime
    {_Allocated, _Free, {sleep_period, WaitTime}} = FreqDb,
    %% clear the mailbox
    Cleared = clear(),
    io:format("frequency loop(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
    %% simulate a server load
    %% normal processing
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),
            Pid ! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}  ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = deallocate(FreqDb, Freq, Pid),
            Pid! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, dump} ->
            Pid! {reply, FreqDb},
        {request, Pid, {set_wait, NewWaitTime}} ->
            {NewFreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, NewWaitTime),
            Pid ! {reply, Result},
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            Pid! {reply, stopped}

%% Frequency 'Database' management functions.

%% allocate/2: FreqDb, ClientPid
%% allocate a frequency for ClientPid.  Allow 1 frequency per Client.
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
%%   1) when all frequencies are allocated (none free)
allocate({[], Allocated, TestData}, _Pid) ->
    { {[], Allocated, TestData},
      {error, no_frequency} };
%%   2) with some available frequency/ies
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated, TestData}, Pid) ->
    case is_owner(Allocated, Pid) of
        false ->    { {Free, [{Freq, Pid} | Allocated], TestData},
                      {ok, Freq} };
        {true, OwnedFreq} -> { {[Freq|Free], Allocated, TestData},
                               {error, client_already_owns, OwnedFreq} }

%% deallocate/3 : FreqDb, Freq, Pid
%% de-allocate client owned frequency
%% Return:  {FreqDb, Reply}
deallocate({Free, Allocated, TestData}, Freq, Pid) ->
    case owns(Allocated, Freq, Pid) of
        true ->     NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
                    { {[Freq|Free], NewAllocated, TestData},
                      ok };
        false ->    { {Free, Allocated, TestData},
                      {error, client_does_not_own, Freq} }

%% set_wait/2: FreqDb, WaitTime
%% set server sleep time to WaitTime
%% Return: {FreqDb, {ok, OldWaitTime}}
set_wait({Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, OldWaitTime}}, WaitTime) ->
    {{Free, Allocated, {sleep_period, WaitTime}}, {ok, OldWaitTime}}.

%% show_mailbox/0 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
show_mailbox() ->

%% show_mailbox/1 : print and return process mailbox size on stdout
show_mailbox(Pid) ->
    {message_queue_len, MsgCount} = process_info(Pid, message_queue_len),
    io:format("Size of ~w mailbox: ~w~n", [self(), MsgCount]),

%%% Database verification

%% is_owner/2 : Allocated, ClientPid
%% Return {true, Freq} when ClientPid already owns a frequency, false otherwise.
is_owner([], _ClientPid) -> false;
is_owner([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], ClientPid) -> {true, Freq};
is_owner([_Head | Tail], ClientPid) -> is_owner(Tail, ClientPid).

%% owns/3 : Allocated, Freq, ClientPid
%% Return true when ClientPid owns Freq, false otherwise.
owns([], _Freq, _ClientPid) -> false;
owns([{Freq, ClientPid} | _AllocatedTail], Freq, ClientPid) -> true;
owns([_Head | Tail], Freq, ClientPid) -> owns(Tail, Freq, ClientPid).

%%% Database initialization

get_frequencies() ->

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here's the session with the Erlang shell, non-touched with all of the typos that force a re-spawn of the shell.

It's a long one. I sent several invalid messages to the server to see it accumulate in its mailbox and also to see them cleared automatically.

Since both the client functions and the server loop print to stdout, the lines are sometimes intermingled. It seems that Erlang treats a line output as a critical section because the content of lines themselves are not affected, just their order.

Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.7.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] [dtrace]

Eshell V10.7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/"}]).
c("/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency", [{outdir, "/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/"}]).
2> S = self().
3> F=frequency.
4> whereis(F).
5> F:start().
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
6> whereis(F).
7> F:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
8> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
9> F:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
10> F ! 42.
11> F ! "the meaning of life".
"the meaning of life"
12> F:show_mailbox().
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 0
13> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 2
14> F:set_server_load(30 * 1000).
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: 42
Cleared Message: [116,104,101,32,109,101,97,110,105,110,103,32,111,102,32,108,105,102,101]
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,2}
15> F ! 43.
16> F ! 44.
17> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 2
18> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: 43
Cleared Message: 44
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,2}
19> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
20> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
21> F ! 45.
22> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.79.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: 45
Cleared Message: {request,<0.79.0>,allocate}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,3}
23> F:dump().
Cleared Message: {reply,{error,client_already_owns,10}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
24> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 1
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
25> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 0
26> whereis(F).
27> self().
28> F ! 1.
29> F ! 2.
30> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 2
31> F:show_mailbox().
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 1
32> flush().
Shell got {reply,{[11,12,13,14,15],[{10,<0.79.0>}],{sleep_period,30000}}}
33> F:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: 1
Cleared Message: 2
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,2}
34> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
35> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
36> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
37> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
38> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
39> F:show_mailbox(whereis(F)).
Size of <0.79.0> mailbox: 4
Cleared Message: {request,<0.79.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.79.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.79.0>,allocate}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,3}
40> f:dump().
** exception error: undefined function f:dump/0
41> F:fump().
** exception error: undefined function frequency:fump/0
42> F:dump().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,0}
43> F:dump().
Cleared Message: {reply,{[11,12,13,14,15],[{10,<0.79.0>}],{sleep_period,30000}}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
44> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
45> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,2}
46> F:allocate().
Cleared Message: {reply,{[11,12,13,14,15],[{10,<0.79.0>}],{sleep_period,30000}}}
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,1}
47> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
48> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
49> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
50> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,4}
51> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
52> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
53> F:allocate().
set_server_load(): cleared: {ok,0}
54> F:stop().
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,allocate}
Cleared Message: {request,<0.127.0>,stop}
frequency loop(): cleared: {ok,3}
55> F:stop().
56> F:stop().
Cleared Message: {reply,stopped}
** exception error: bad argument
     in function  frequency:stop/0 (/Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl, line 213)

With the shell dying and restarting I can't help than wonder if I could just have the server register the name of the shell as a client instead of its PID to associate the frequencies. If a client dies, and restarts, the new client will not be able to de-allocate the frequency that was allocated by its previous self.

Also, using io:format() as a poor mans tracing mechanism has it's limits: lines outputted by multiple processes are intermingled. Line content integrity is kelp but not their order. For a real system a better tool is needed. I'll have to read about tracing in Erlang. It would also be nice to use something like syslog with the ability to see the output in real-time, ideally filtered by processes if required. I have used SolarWind Kiwi Syslog server in the past. I wonder what people use with BEAM programming languages these days.

Version 4 is a code refactoring:

  • reduced code size using utility functions:
    • the call function that abstracts the transaction with mailbox clearing, sending the command and receiving the reply, handling the timeout,
      • send_X functions that hold the details about internal protocol: send_request and send-reply, making it easy to identify where to look for protocol conventions,
  • splitting of the various export statements to identify the regular API, the debug AI and isolate the init/0 that has to be present but is not used explicitly.

It also contains a copy/paste bug fix. Erlang code can have a lot of similar code. And therefore is subject of this insidious and hard to detect form of bugs: you can stare at the code and because it looks familiar you won't see the bug. The bug was in the tracing code. But still. A bug incurs a cost.

The new code is in:

code file:e4/v4/frequency.erl

The changes since last version is shown below:

diff -u /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v4/frequency.erl
--- /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v3/frequency.erl     2020-07-10 15:22:45.000000000 -0400
+++ /Users/roup/doc/trying-erlang/exercises/e4/v4/frequency.erl     2020-07-18 11:12:07.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,42 +1,15 @@
 %%%  Concurrent Programming In Erlang -- The University of Kent / FutureLearn
 %%%  Exercise  :
-%%%  v3 - += Showing size of mailbox, clearing mailbox at client & server,
-%%%          imposing server load by sleeping+
+%%%  v4 - += Compressed v3 code.
-%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-10 15:22:45, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
+%%% Last Modified Time-stamp: <2020-07-18 11:12:07, updated by Pierre Rouleau>
 %% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 %% What's New
 %% ----------
-%% - v3.1: - Added a clear in the server's loop, before the timer:sleep call so I can
-%%           get several messages to accumulate.
-%% - v3:  - Added show_mailbox() public functions to show number of messages
-%%          accumulating in the server and also to see the ones accumulating in the client.
-%%        - Removed other debug prints I introduced in v2.1.
-%%        - Removed the catch-all Msg reception in loop/0 I used for debugging v2.
-%% - v2.1: - Fixed a bug in loop patter for set_wait: A *new* variable must be
-%%           used for the time: ``NewWaitTime`` otherwise it patterns match
-%%           only if the wait time value does *not* change!
-%%         - Placed clear() code close to where it's used.
-%%         - Added several io:format to see the clear and delay activities.
-%% - v2: instrument for simulating server loading:
-%%       - client can now timeout after CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT (set to 1 second via a macro)
-%%       - Data structure change: FreDb has a TestData field.
-%%         For now it holds a tuple of 1 tagged value: {sleep_period, integer}
-%%         identifying the time the server should sleep before each receive
-%%         to let message accumulate in its mailbox.
-%%       - Added new debug command/message: set_server_load/1 which identifies
-%%         how long the server should sleep.
-%%       - Added clear/0 which clears a mailbox, printing each message removed
-%%         and returning the number of cleared message.
-%%         It is called by the client before the client sends a new request,
-%%         to flush previous un-processed replies.
-%% - v1: Providing a functional interface to the requests:
-%%       - allocate()
-%%       - deallocate(Freq)
-%%       - dump()
-%%       - stop()
+%% - v4.0: refactoring: common code placed in utility functions: call()
+%%         is now used by all the functional interface.  Doing this identified
+%%         *copy/paste* bugs.

 %% Supported Transactions
 %% ----------------------
@@ -136,24 +109,29 @@

 -export([ start/0
-        , init/0
         , allocate/0
         , deallocate/1
-        , dump/0
+        , stop/0]).
+-export([ dump/0
         , set_server_load/1
         , show_mailbox/0
-        , show_mailbox/1
-        , stop/0]).
+        , show_mailbox/1]).

+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %% Data Model:
 %%    FreqDb := { free     : [integer],
 %%                allocated: [{integer, pid}]
 %%                test     : sleep_period := integer
 %%               }

+-define(CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT, 3000).   % Timeout for client waiting for server reply.

+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %%% Public API
--define(CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT, 3000).   % Timeout for client waiting for server reply.

 %% start/0 : start the server
 %%  return : ok | {error, Error}
@@ -163,66 +141,45 @@
         Error -> {error, Error}

 %% allocate/0 : allocate a frequency for the caller's process
 %%     return :  {ok, Freq} | {error, client_already_own, Freq{}
-allocate() ->
-    Cleared = clear(),
-    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
-    frequency ! {request, self(), allocate},
-    receive {reply, Reply} ->
-             Reply
-    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}
-    end.
+allocate() -> call(frequency, allocate).

 %% deallocate/1 : deallocate a specified frequency that should have
 %%                already have been allocated by the caller's process.
 %%       return : ok | {error, client_does_not_own, Freq}
-deallocate(Freq) ->
-    Cleared = clear(),
-    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
-    frequency ! {request, self(), {deallocate, Freq}},
-    receive {reply, Reply} ->
-            Reply
-    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}
-    end.
+deallocate(Freq) -> call(frequency, {deallocate, Freq}).
+%%% Debugging Public API

 %% dump/0 : return internal database data (should really be debug only)
-dump() ->
-    Cleared = clear(),
-    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
-    frequency ! {request, self(), dump},
-    receive {reply, FreqDb} ->
-            FreqDb
-    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}
-    end.
+dump() -> call(frequency, dump).

 %% set_server_load/1 : WaitTime (in milliseconds)
 %% Return: ok | {error, timeout}
-set_server_load(WaitTime) ->
-    io:format("set_server_load()~n"),
-    Cleared = clear(),
-    io:format("set_server_load(): cleared: ~w~n", [Cleared]),
-    frequency ! {request, self(), {set_wait, WaitTime}},
-    receive {reply, Reply} ->
-            Reply
-    after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}
-    end.
+set_server_load(WaitTime) -> call(frequency, {set_wait, WaitTime}).

 % stop/0 : stop the frequency server
-stop() ->
-    clear(),
-    frequency ! {request, self(), stop},
+stop() -> call(frequency, stop).
+%%% Client API utility function
+%% call/2: send message and receive reply
+%% return: reply
+call(Server, Msg) ->
+    Cleared = clear(),
+    io:format("Before sending ~w, cleared: ~w~n", [Msg, Cleared]),
+    send_request(Server, Msg),
     receive {reply, Reply} ->
-            Reply
+             Reply
     after ?CLIENT_RX_TIMEOUT -> {error, timeout}

-%%% Client API utility function
 %% clear/0: clear the mailbox
 %%   return: number of cleared messages.
 %%   side effect: prints each cleared message on stdout.
 clear() -> clear(0).
 clear(ClearCount) ->
@@ -232,6 +189,9 @@
     after 0 -> {ok, ClearCount}

+%% send_request/2: send message to server
+send_request(Server, Msg) -> Server ! {request, self(), Msg}.
 %% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %%% Server - Internal process logic

@@ -251,26 +211,30 @@
         {request, Pid, allocate} ->
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = allocate(FreqDb, Pid),
-            Pid ! {reply, Result},
+            send_reply(Pid, Result),
         {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}}  ->
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = deallocate(FreqDb, Freq, Pid),
-            Pid! {reply, Result},
+            send_reply(Pid, Result),
         {request, Pid, dump} ->
-            Pid! {reply, FreqDb},
+            send_reply(Pid, FreqDb),
         {request, Pid, {set_wait, NewWaitTime}} ->
             {NewFreqDb, Result} = set_wait(FreqDb, NewWaitTime),
-            Pid ! {reply, Result},
+            send_reply(Pid, Result),
         {request, Pid, stop} ->
-            Pid! {reply, stopped}
+            send_reply(Pid, stopped)

+%%% Server utility functions

-%% Frequency 'Database' management functions.
+send_reply(Pid, Result) -> Pid ! {reply, Result}.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Frequency 'Database' management functions.

 %% allocate/2: FreqDb, ClientPid
 %% allocate a frequency for ClientPid.  Allow 1 frequency per Client.

Diff finished.  Sat Jul 18 11:12:21 2020

The morale here is that using utility code to reduce duplication is a good thing, just as refactoring code helps detect such problems.

I will eventually be looking for tools that perform static analysis (over Typer and Dialyzer) and can help perform code refactoring of Erlang code.