today today:
- repo cleanup
- some of the changes below and for the rest open issues
- update notion and update people on slack
repo cleanup:
- rename repo and hide fork
- deploy on pages?
- add issue on deploy real site on new domain
- navbar
- add py4ai logo
- banner
- photo!
- sponsor logo
- home announcement (replace it's a wrap)
- name: "A new conference"
- added back description.html for reference
- news and updates
- remove all blog posts, add "site is up" blogpost
- the location
- description
- photo
- map
- sponsors section
- remove all sponsors
- add community section
- footer: adapt
- layouts/partials/custom_headers.html
- plausible analytics!
- twitter and social
- tickets
- ticket tailor (aks NumFocus)
- currently hidden but there was a call out in the banner
- domain
- pydata subdomain (or keep py41ai?)
- map
- broken in local dev
- generate and change a google api key
- conference overview
- committee members
- (rest stays the same)
- update
improvement for the pydata theme, see issue #12
- using cwebp tool (
brew install webp
or to convert images to webp