The output of the tidy dataset project is a dataframe which has 180 observations of the following 80 variables:
- "subjectID" Person who participated in the experiment. Integer value from 1 to 30
- The variables below represent data from accelerometer and gyroscope signals and are bounded in the range of [-1,1]
- The next 3 variables measure the mean for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body acceleration
- "tBodyAccMeanY"
- "tBodyAccMeanZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the standard deviation for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body acceleration
- "tBodyAccStdX"
- "tBodyAccStdY"
- "tBodyAccStdZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the mean for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the gravity acceleration
- "tGravityAccMeanX"
- "tGravityAccMeanY"
- "tGravityAccMeanZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the standard deviation for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the gravity acceleration
- "tGravityAccStdX"
- "tGravityAccStdY"
- "tGravityAccStdZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the mean for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the jerk for body acceleration
- "tBodyAccJerkMeanX"
- "tBodyAccJerkMeanY"
- "tBodyAccJerkMeanZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the standard deviation for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the jerk for body acceleration
- "tBodyAccJerkStdX"
- "tBodyAccJerkStdY"
- "tBodyAccJerkStdZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the mean for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body acceleration from gyroscope signals
- "tBodyGyroMeanX"
- "tBodyGyroMeanY"
- "tBodyGyroMeanZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the standard deviation for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body acceleration from gyroscope signals
- "tBodyGyroStdX"
- "tBodyGyroStdY"
- "tBodyGyroStdZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the mean for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body jerk from gyroscope signals
- "tBodyGyroJerkMeanX"
- "tBodyGyroJerkMeanY"
- "tBodyGyroJerkMeanZ"
- The next 3 variables measure the standard deviation for the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the body jerk from gyroscope signals
- "tBodyGyroJerkStdX"
- "tBodyGyroJerkStdY"
- "tBodyGyroJerkStdZ"
- The next 2 variables measure the mean and standard deviation for the magnitude of the body acceleration
- "tBodyAccMagMean"
- "tBodyAccMagStd"
- The next 2 variables measure the mean and standard deviation for the magnitude of the gravity acceleration
- "tGravityAccMagMean"
- "tGravityAccMagStd"
- The next 2 variables measure the mean and standard deviation for the magnitude of the body acceleration jerk
- "tBodyAccJerkMagMean"
- "tBodyAccJerkMagStd"
- The next 3 variable names measure the standard deviation and mean values from the gyroscope signals
- "tBodyGyroMagStd"
- "tBodyGyroJerkMagMean"
- "tBodyGyroJerkMagStd"
- The following variables have similar meaning to the previous 3:42 variables, except that were obtained after applying a Fast Fourier Transform to the signals and they signify frequency domain signals
- "fBodyAccMeanX"
- "fBodyAccMeanY"
- "fBodyAccMeanZ"
- "fBodyAccStdX"
- "fBodyAccStdY"
- "fBodyAccStdZ"
- "fBodyAccJerkMeanX"
- "fBodyAccJerkMeanY"
- "fBodyAccJerkMeanZ"
- "fBodyAccJerkStdX"
- "fBodyAccJerkStdY"
- "fBodyAccJerkStdZ"
- "fBodyGyroMeanX"
- "fBodyGyroMeanY"
- "fBodyGyroMeanZ"
- "fBodyGyroStdX"
- "fBodyGyroStdY"
- "fBodyGyroStdZ"
- "fBodyAccMagMean"
- "fBodyAccMagStd"
- "fBodyBodyAccJerkMagMean"
- "fBodyBodyAccJerkMagStd"
- "fBodyBodyGyroMagMean"
- "fBodyBodyGyroMagStd"
- "fBodyBodyGyroJerkMagMean"
- "fBodyBodyGyroJerkMagStd