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Deploys a new Kubernetes scheduler, extended by the linstor-scheduler-extender.

The schedule is volume placement aware. That means that it prefers placing Pods on the same nodes as any Persistent Volume they might use. This works for any setup using LINSTOR, i.e. Piraeus Data-Store or LINBIT SDS.


The scheduler is meant to be installed in the same namespace as LINSTOR itself, otherwise additional steps may be required.

If installed along side Piraeus Operator, the LINSTOR endpoint is determined automatically. Otherwise, you need to set linstor.endpoint and linstor.clientSecret values as appropriate.

The following command will install the scheduler for a typical Piraeus Data-Store configuration with TLS enabled:

helm repo add piraeus-charts
helm install linstor-scheduler piraeus-charts/linstor-scheduler --set linstorEndpoint=https://piraeus-op-cs.piraeus.svc:3371 --set linstorClientSecret=piraeus-client-secret


To use the scheduler, you need to configure it on your Pods (or Pod templates):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: some-pod
  schedulerName: linstor-scheduler


The following options are available:

Option Usage Default
replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy. 1
linstor.endpoint URL of the LINSTOR Controller API. ""
linstor.clientSecret TLS secret to use to authenticate with the LINSTOR API ""
extender.image.repository Repository to pull the linstor-scheduler-extender image from.
extender.image.pullPolicy Pull policy to use. Possible values: IfNotPresent, Always, Never IfNotPresent
extender.image.tag Override the tag to pull. If not given, defaults to charts AppVersion. ""
extender.resources Resources to request and limit on the container. {}
extender.securityContext Configure container security context. Defaults to dropping all capabilties and running as user 1000. {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 1000}
scheduler.image.repository Repository to pull the kubernetes scheduler image from.
scheduler.image.pullPolicy Pull policy to use. Possible values: IfNotPresent, Always, Never IfNotPresent
scheduler.image.tag Override the tag to pull. If not given, defaults to kubernetes version. ""
scheduler.image.compatibleKubernetesRelease Compatible kubernetes version for this scheduler, used to generate configuration in the right version. ""
scheduler.resources Resources to request and limit on the container. {}
scheduler.securityContext Configure container security context. Defaults to dropping all capabilties and running as user 1000. {capabilities: {drop: [ALL]}, readOnlyRootFilesystem: true, runAsNonRoot: true, runAsUser: 1000}
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets to add to the deployment. []
podAnnotations Annotations to add to every pod in the deployment. {}
podSecurityContext Security context to set on the webhook pod. {}
nodeSelector Node selector to add to each webhook pod. {}
tolerations Tolerations to add to each webhook pod. []
affinity Affinity to set on each webhook pod. {}
rbac.create Create the necessary roles and bindings for the snapshot controller. true
serviceAccount.create Create the service account resource true Sets the name of the service account. If left empty, will use the release name as default ""
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable creation of a pod disruption budget to protect the availability of the scheduler true
autoscaling.enabled Enable creation of a horizontal pod autoscaler to ensure availability in case of high usage` "false