This pipeline is only compatible with PCF 1.12 and newer. If you are using an older version then please use this pipeline instead.
Main differences compared to the old pipeline:
- it uses manifests from prometheus-boshrelease
- it deploys more VMs (firehose_exporter has a dedicated VM, there is a database for Grafana)
- pipeline property names changed to match the manifests
- it automatically discovers some of the properties by querying OpsManager (that's why it requires PCF 1.12+)
- it uses a named runtime-config (a relatively new BOSH feature)
- it only uses BOSH CLI v2 (directly and through BOSH Deployment Resource)
This pipeline deploys Prometheus BOSH release to monitor PCF but can be deployed to a separate BOSH Director.
Use director_for_deployment
property to configure whether you want to deploy it to OpsManager Director or a separate BOSH Director.
This is a high-level overview of monitoring Cloud Foundry with Prometheus
- since Prometheus uses a pull mechanism, connections are initiated by Prometheus
- most of exporters are colocated with Prometheus (exceptions: firehose exporter has a dedicated VM and node_exporter is a BOSH add-on and runs on all VMs)
- prometheus-boshrelease includes a number of other exporters you can use which are not used in this example; you can see them here
First of all, have a Concourse running. If you don't have Concourse yet, you can quickly spin one up using BUCC or Concourse-Up.
- clone this repository
- copy pipeline/params.yml to a different place (to avoid polluting the GIT repo)
- edit the params accordingly (there are helpful comments)
- fly -t target set-pipeline -p deploy-prometheus -c pipeline/pipeline.yml -l your-params.yml
- fly -t target unpause-pipeline -p deploy-prometheus
- trigger create-uaa-clients job manually
- trigger install-node-exporter job manually
- trigger deploy job manually
If the deployment was successful use bosh vms
to find out the IP address of your nginx server. Then connect:
- https://NGINX:3000 to access Grafana
- https://NGINX:9090 to access Prometheus
There is a number of ready to use Dashboards that should be installed automatically. You can edit them in Grafana or create your own. They are coming from prometheus-boshrelease/jobs.
Warning Current version doesn't allow you to easily configure your alertmanager notifications. This should be fixed soon.
The prometheus-boshrelease
does include some predefined alerts for CloudFoundry as well as for BOSH. You can find the alert definitions in prometheus-boshrelease/jobs. Check the *.alerts
rule files in the corresponding folders.
Access the AlertManager to see active alerts or silence them:
All configured rules as well as their current state can be viewed by accessing Prometheus: