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Installation instructions for TSC

Time-stamp: <2016-08-03 10:13:02 quintus>

TSC uses CMake as the build system, so the first thing you have to ensure is that you have CMake installed.

TSC supports the Linux and Windows platforms officially. On Windows, testing is done on Windows 7. Windows XP is unsupported.

TSC can be installed either from Git, meaning that you clone the repository, or from a release tarball, where for the purpose of this document a beta release is considered a release. Finally, you have the possibility to cross-compile to Windows from Linux either from Git or from a release tarball. Each of these possibilities will be covered after we have had a look on the dependencies. Note that if you want to crosscompile, you should probably read this entire file and not just the section on crosscompilation to get a better understanding.

Installation instructions tailored specifically towards compiling TSC from Git on Lubuntu 16.10 can be found in the separate file tsc/docs/pages/


I. Dependencies 1. Common dependencies 2. Linux dependencies 3. Windows dependencies II. Configuration options III. Installing from a released tarball IV. Installing from Git V. Upgrade notices VI. Crosscompiling from Linux to Windows 1. Crosscompiling from a released tarball 2. Crosscompiling from Git

I. Dependencies

In any case, you will have to install a number of dependencies before you can try installing TSC itself. The following sections list the dependencies for each supported system.

1. Common dependencies

The following dependencies are required regardless of the system you install to.

  • A Ruby 1.9 or 2.0 installation with rake in your PATH.
  • The gperf program.
  • The pkg-config program.
  • The bison program.
  • OpenGL.
  • GLEW OpenGL wrangler extension library.
  • GNU Gettext.
  • The LibPNG library.
  • The libPCRE regular expression library.
  • The libxml++ library.
  • The Freetype library.
  • CEGUI >= 0.8.5
    • Lower versions of CEGUI do not work due to CEGUI bug #1063 (incompatibility with a new version of glm), which was resolved first with CEGUI 0.8.5.
    • Before starting to compile the most recent CEGUI, you should try with your distibutions's CEGUI if it is >= 0.8.0. Chances are that you are not subject to the glm bug and it might just work fine for you. If the game appears to have no menus, then you are subject to the glm bug and you need a newer CEGUI.
  • Boost >= 1.50.0 (to be exact: boost_system, boost_filesystem, boost_thread)
  • SFML >= 2.3.0
  • Optionally for generating the docs:
    • kramdown RubyGem.
    • The coderay RubyGem.
    • The dot program.
    • The doxygen program.
    • Ruby’s rdoc program.

2. Linux dependencies

  • The DevIL library.

Example for Ubuntu

(specific instructions for Lubuntu 16.10 can be found in tsc/docs/pages/

Install core dependencies:

sudo apt install ruby-full rake gperf pkg-config bison libglew-dev \
  freeglut3-dev gettext libpng-dev libpcre3-dev libxml++2.6-dev \
  libfreetype6-dev libdevil-dev libboost1.58-all-dev libsfml-dev \
  libcegui-mk2-dev cmake build-essential git git-core

Install rubygems for documentation generation etc (optional; you need this only if you want the docs):

sudo gem install kramdown coderay

3. Windows dependencies

  • The FreeImage library.
  • For generating a setup installer:
    • The NSIS tools.

II. Configuration options

This section describes possible configuration you may apply before building. If you just want to build the game, you can skip it. If you want custom configuration or want to package it for e.g. a Linux distribution, read on. Each of the flags described in this section needs to be passed when invoking cmake by use of a -D option, e.g. -DENABLE_EDITOR=OFF. Default values are indicated in brackets.

The following options are available:

ENABLE_EDITOR [ON] : Enables or disables the in-game editor. Switching this off is not yet supported.

ENABLE_MRUBY [ON] : Enables or disables the scripting engine. Switching this off is not yet supported.

ENABLE_NLS [ON] : Enables or disables use of translations. If disabled, TSC will use English only.

USE_SYSTEM_TINYCLIPBOARD [OFF] : For clipboard access, TSC uses the tinyclipboard library written by Marvin Gülker (Quintus). The library is not part of many Linux distributions yet, so it is build as part of building TSC itself as a static library. If you are on a Linux distribution where this library is packaged, set this value to ON and the build system will dynamically link to the tinyclipboard library of the system and not build its own variant.

The following path options are available:

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX [/usr/local] : Prefix value for all other CMAKE_INSTALL variables.

CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR [(prefix)/bin] : Binary directory, i.e. where the tsc executable will be installed. Do not change this option when compiling for Windows (see below for further information).

CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR [(prefix)/share] : Directory where the main data (levels, graphics, etc.) will be installed. Do not change this option when compiling for Windows (see below for further information).

CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR [(prefix)/share] : Installation target of non-program-specific data, namely the .desktop starter file, icons and the manpage by default. Only change this if you have good reasons.

CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR [(datarootdir)/man] : Where TSC will install its manpage under. Note that the installer will create a subdirectory man6, i.e. the manpage is installed into (mandir)/man6/tsc.6.

Do not change CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR or CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR when compiling for Windows! The tsc executable when run on Windows searches for the data directory relative to its own path on the filesystem, and it assumes the default layout. If you change this option, the tsc executable will be unable to locate the data directory and crash. On all other systems, the tsc executable will take value of CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR as the data directory, hence you can change it to your likening (handy for Linux distribution packagers).

Especially if you are packaging, you will most likely also find it useful to execute the install step like this:

make DESTDIR=/some/dir install

This will shift the file system root for installation to /some/dir so that all pathes you gave to cmake will be below that path.

III. Installing from a released tarball

Extract the tarball, create a directory for the build and switch into it:

$ tar -xvJf TSC-*.tar.xz
$ cd TSC-*/tsc
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Execute cmake to configure and make to build and install TSC. Be sure to replace /opt/tsc with the directory you want TSC to install into.

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/tsc ..
$ make
# make install

If you want or are asked to, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug as a parameter to cmake in order to build a version with debugging symbols. These are needed by the developers to track down bugs more easily.

After the last command finishes, you will find a bin/tsc executable file below your chosen install directory. Execute it in order to start TSC.

$ /opt/tsc/bin/tsc

IV. Installing from Git

Installing from Git basically works the same way as the normal release install, but with a few preparations needed. You have to clone the repository, and initialize the Git submodules before you can continue with the real build process. These preprations can be done as follows:

$ git clone git://
$ cd TSC
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

From there on, you can continue with the normal instructions as per the above section.

V. Upgrade notices

Before upgrading TSC to a newer released version or new development version from Git, you may want to make a backup of your locally created levels and worlds. You can do this by copying the directory ~/.locals/share/tsc to a safe place.

$ cp -r ~/.local/share/tsc ~/backup-tsc

To upgrade your Git copy of TSC:

$ git pull
$ git submodule update
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install

If you switch branches (maybe because you want to test a specific new feature not merged into devel yet), it is recommended to clean the build directory as well.

$ cd ..
$ git checkout feature-branch
$ rm -rf build
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake [OPTIONS] ..
$ make
$ make install

VI. Crosscompiling from Linux to Windows

TSC can be crosscompiled from Linux to Windows, such that you don’t have to even touch a Windows system in order to generate the executable that will run on Windows, and indeed this is how we produce the Windows releases. Regardless whether you compile from Git or from a release tarball, you will need a crosscompilation toolchain for that. We recommend you to use MXE for that, which includes all dependencies necessary for building TSC.

MXE is an ever-evolving distribution, so it’s better to use a version that is known to work. For this, we maintain a fork of MXE that contains a branch named tsc-crosscompile. This branch is known to work for a successful crosscompilation.

The following commands download our MXE and check out the tsc-crosscompile branch.

$ mkdir ~/tsc-cross
$ cd ~/tsc-cross
$ git clone git://
$ cd mxe
$ git checkout tsc-crosscompile

After that you can build MXE with all dependencies required for building TSC:

$ make boost libxml++ glew cegui libpng freeimage sfml nsis

This will take a long time (about an hour on my machine).

1. Crosscompiling from a released tarball

Crosscompiling from Linux to Windows works similar to native compilation, except you have invoke CMake a little differently. Start as usual, but use another directory for the crosscompilation build than the native one:

$ tar -xvJf TSC-*.tar.xz
$ cd TSC-*/tsc
$ mkdir crossbuild
$ cd crossbuild

Now add your crosscompilation toolchain to the PATH environment variable so CMake can find it.

$ export PATH=$HOME/tsc-cross/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH

It now is time to invoke CMake. If you use MXE for crosscompilation as it is recommended, you have a special CMake wrapper i686-w64-mingw32.static-cmake available which you can use now:

$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-cmake \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # If you want a debug build
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/testinstall ..

If you do not use MXE, you need to invoke it as usual (i.e. bare "cmake"), but you have to specify a "toolchain file" manually by passing -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE to CMake. Refer to the CMake documentation or your crosscompilation toolchain's documentation in that case.

Either way, you can now continue with the actual build:

$ make
$ make install

This will give you a Windows TSC installation in the crossbuild/testinstall directory. Copy it to Windows or run it with Wine:

% wine testinstall/bin/tsc.exe

Generating a windows setup installer

The above method will yield a directory testinstall/ that is standalone e.g. for distribution in form of a ZIP file. Creating a setup installer that registers TSC with the registry requires a slightly different approach. If you built TSC already with the above method, clear your crossbuild directory to prevent artifacts.

$ rm -rf *

Follow the above guide up until and including adding the MXE tools to your PATH variable (the export PATH=... line). Then, execute the build commands like this:

$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-cmake ..
$ make
$ i686-w64-mingw32.static-cpack -G NSIS

This will create a TSC-x.y.z-win32.exe file. This file is the ready-to-distribute setup installer.

Note that you shouldn’t install multiple versions of TSC at once using the setup installer. Uninstall any previous version of TSC before installing with another setup installer; the standalone approach does not suffer from this problem.

2. Crosscompiling from Git

Clone the Git repository and execute the preparation steps. They are the same as for a normal non-cross build.

$ git clone git://
$ cd TSC
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Then continue with “Crosscompiling from a released tarball” above.