Releases: pjazdzyk/unitility
Releases · pjazdzyk/unitility
v1.1.0 - Simplified property value access
CHANGE LOG (26.08.2023):
- removed to(..) methods for each unit, and replaced them with getIn(..) methods returning converted value as double for more convenient usage for calculations
- minor fixed and refactoring
v1.0.2 - Transformation methods and logic operations
CHANGE LOG (06.08.2023):
- new transformation methods: add, subtract, multiply, divide,
- new logic operation methods: isLowerThan(), isGreaterThan(), isEqualOrLowerThan(), isEqualOrGreaterThan()
- add convenient methods for getting value of most popular units, for ie: temperature.getValueAsCelsius();
- fixed minor bugs + refactoring
v1.0.1 - Momentum and Torque, package optimization
CHANGE LOG (25.06.2023):
- new units: Torque, Momentum,
- flattened packages, grouped by unit family,
- added toStringWithRelevantDigits() to allow user get formatted output with specified number of relevant digits
- added isEqualsWithPrecision() method to enable possibility to check for equality from the business perspective
- toString() is now standard non formatted toString()
- minor refactoring and code cleaning
v1.0.0 - First release
The first release of the Physics Unit Conversion Solution for Java - UNITILITY.
- plain Java, no frameworks,
- covered with unit tests (>74% of coverage),
- quality and security checked via SonarCloud quality gate,
Supported units:
COMMON: Distance, Area, Volume, Mass, Angle
THERMODYNAMIC: Temperature, Pressure, Energy, Power, Specific heat, Density, Dynamic viscosity, Kinematic viscosity, Specific enthalpy, Thermal conductivity
FLOWS: Mass flow, Volumetric flow
HUMID AIR SPECIFIC: Humidity ratio, Relative humidity
DIMENSIONLESS: Grashof number, Prandtl number, Reynolds number
v0.0.1-beta- Simplified approach based on Enum and Generics
- created new concept for unit system in Java based on enums and generic classes,
- removed validation from units / physical quantities, validation should be done in physics implementation not in the units themselves,
- added more units
- added more unit tests
- retained previous concept in "first concept"
v0.0.1-alpha - First draft in functional approach Either from VAVR
- first approach