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257 lines (201 loc) · 9.5 KB

File metadata and controls

257 lines (201 loc) · 9.5 KB


dimotiko lesson planner

  • Also contains pack_Axx.html lesson packs

To DO :

  • run remote eval only ONCE
  • (ok)make external javascripts pack_header.js and pack_footer.js


v240110 - Added prefix hash to

v201025b - eval (pack_refresh_browser.txt) execute commands dynamic (requires probeserver activated) (not implemented yet) v201020c - norightclick -disable right click v190307 - added probeserver url option v190402 - modified probeserver reload url option

Script samples

Add hash prefix to href.innerHtml (made for olohmero entries) 240110

// ((((((((((((((((addHashLabels addhashlabellinks 240110(((((((((((((((((
function addHashLabels() {
  const divprobesrv = document.getElementById('probeserver');//get probeserver contents
  //const links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
  const links = divprobesrv.getElementsByTagName('a'); //get all href entries
  const hashRange = 99 - 1 + 1; // 01 to 99
  for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
    const url = links[i].getAttribute('href');
    const hash = getHash(url);
    // Generate prefix based on hash number
    const prefixletter=links[i].innerHTML.charAt(0); 
    //console.log("InnetHTML="+prefixletter+ " , innerHTML="+links[i].innerHTML)
    const prefix = prefixletter+('0' + (hash % hashRange + 1)).slice(-2);
    // Add prefix to link description
    links[i].innerHTML = prefix + '- ' + links[i].innerHTML;

// Function to generate hash from URL
function getHash(url) {
  let hash = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < url.length; i++) {
    hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + url.charCodeAt(i);
    hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer
  return Math.abs(hash);
// )))))))))))))))End Of addHashLabels addhashlabellinks)))))))))))))))))))

Disable right click on main document + iFrame

// (((((((((((((((((((((((((( option to disable right click v201020c ((((((((((
    var"norightclick");// != to -1 if we have this param
    if(url_norightclick!==-1) {
        document.oncontextmenu=new Function("console.log('main page: right-click-context menu -STOPPED');return false") ; //OK normal page Works  
        setInterval(function(){window.frames["sideframe1"].document.oncontextmenu = function(){console.log("setInterval sideframe1 :right click-DISABLED"); return false;}; }, 5000);
// )))))))))))))))))))))))))) option to disable right click ))))))))

probeserver (main code)

//+++++++++++++++++++ probeserver v02 190402+++++++++++++++++
// note : before menu links add this : <hr><div id="probeserver"></div><hr> 
var server_probing_enabled=false;
if (url_probeserver!==-1)server_probing_enabled=true;

var timer_server_probe = 30000; //probe every 30 seconds
var server_probe_file="pack_refresh_browser.txt";
var jsonrequestInterval = function () {
    console.log("The request was send");
    // <hr><div id="probeserver"></div><hr> 
    var jsonrequestIntervaled = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var random_number=Math.random(); // OLD was=Date.prototype.getTime;"GET", server_probe_file+"?"+random_number, true); // Date.prototype.getTime is used to avoid caching
    jsonrequestIntervaled.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (jsonrequestIntervaled.readyState == 4) {
            console.log("The request was made and returned results (with random number="+random_number);
            var response_string =jsonrequestIntervaled.responseText;

            //always add our extra text
            document.getElementById("probeserver").innerHTML = response_string;
            //in case we put the word reload, refresh browser
            if (response_string.indexOf("reload") !== -1) {
                console.log("refreshing browser");
                //document.getElementById("probeserver").innerHTML = response_string;

if(server_probing_enabled) setInterval(jsonrequestInterval, timer_server_probe);

//-------------------probeserver ---------------

probeserver (eval addition) 201025 (not implemented yet)

                var s=response_string; // text of pack_refresh_browser.txt
                //pack_refresh_browser includes something like= execute AAAA:console.log("eval-command-console.log--hello");:BBBB 
                //execut e TEST AAAA:console.log("eval-command-console.log--hello");:BBBB
				//execut e DISABLE RIGHT CLICK AAAA:setInterval(function(){window.frames["sideframe1"].document.oncontextmenu = function(){console.log("setInterval sideframe1 :right click-DISABLED"); return false;}; }, 5000);document.oncontextmenu=new Function("console.log('main page: right-click-context menu -STOPPED');return false") ;console.log("Right click disabled");:BBBB
                //var result = s.match(/AAAA:(.*?):BBBB/i); //OLD - ONLY for single line
                //var result = s.match(/AAAA:([\s\S]*?):BBBB/); //multi line                
                var result = s.match(/EVAL:([\s\S]*?):EVAL/); //multi line                  
                 console.log("DEBUG START +++++++++execute found3="+result_command[1]+"DEBUG END------------------------");
                //document.getElementById("probeserver").innerHTML = response_string;

If external js fail loading, get it from alternativesource

    //check if external file is loaded and if not load from CDN (NOTE : also works on Firefox 17)
    if(typeof(first_click) === 'undefined') {
    document.write('<script src=""><\/script>')

Modify all href

(the idea is to add opengame?file= to all links )

function replace_url(elem, attr) {
    var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(elem);
    for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
        elems[i][attr] = elems[i][attr].replace('"./', '"opengame.php?file=./');

window.onload = function() {
    replace_url('a', 'href');
    replace_url('img', 'src');
    // etc

Replace all href with button to POST a form (required for el-GR)

    <!-- Add On START  ----------------------------  -->
<form id="frm" action="" method="post" target="newtab2" >
<input type = "hidden" name = "user_return_to" id = "user_return_to" value = "" / >
<input type = "hidden" name = "locale" value = "el-GR"  >
    <!-- Add On END ----------------------------   -->

<li> <a href="" target="newtab2">1. Χαρούμενοι Χάρτες , 2. Κούνισέ το , 3. Παζλ: Μάθε την μεταφορά και </a></li>

<li><a href="" target="newtab2"> 4. Λαβύρινθος angry-birds: Ακολουθία </a></li>

    <!-- Add On START  ----------------------------  -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Replace all HREF with buttons (angry birds add on)

    var links = document.querySelectorAll("a");
    function get_hrefs(links){
        var links_array = links.forEach(function(elem){ return elem.getAttribute("href"); });
        return links_array;

function href_replace(links){
    var i=0;
    var links_array = 
            // Create a new element
            var newNode = document.createElement('div5'+i);
            // Add ID and content
   = 'replacehrefwithbutton';
            var text=elem.textContent.trim();
            newNode.innerHTML =
            text+'<BR><input type = "submit" name = "user_return_to" id = "user_return_to" value ='+elem.getAttribute("href")+' >'
            return elem.getAttribute("href");         

    return links_array;
    <!-- Add On END  ----------------------------  -->  

Check chrome version

// Detect chrome version
function getChromeVersion () {     
    var raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
    return raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : false;
console.log(getChromeVersion ());

Load external Script dynamically and execute it 240110 (not used at the moment)

// Load Javascript dynamically
if (addhashlabellinks) { //if true THEN load script dynamically
        var secondScript = document.createElement('script');
        secondScript.type = 'text/javascript';
        secondScript.src = 'test_hash.js';
        secondScript.onload = function() {
        // code to execute after the second script is loaded and executed

github CDN example MUST be server/CDN as :