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Handles AL custom birthdate field #217

merged 2 commits into from
May 4, 2021

Handles AL custom birthdate field #217

merged 2 commits into from
May 4, 2021


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@plocket plocket commented May 3, 2021

See tests at They will fail, but they should get to at least the question id children-user-is-parent-of. Don't worry about the messages there about multiple items found on the page (for now).

Custom fields will sometimes have to be handled separately. This one replaces one input date field with three other fields to make it easier to input birthdates.

Example html of the fields in their question:

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  <p><code>id: user birthdate</code><br>
    <code>Package: docassemble.playground12MA209ARecalcAffidavit playground; AL-</code></p>
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      <h1 class="h3" id="daMainQuestion">Are you at least 18 years old?</h1>
      <div class="daclear"></div>
    <div class="da-subquestion">
      <p>We can only help people under 18 if a parent, guardian, or advocate files for them.</p>
    <div class="form-group row darequired da-field-container da-field-container-datatype-BirthDate"><label for="dXNlcnNbMF0uYmlydGhkYXRl" class="col-md-4 col-form-label da-form-label datext-right">What is your birthdate?</label>
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            <div style="text-align:center">Month</div><select class="form-control" style="width:7.5em" required="">
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              <option value="06">June</option>
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              <option value="11">November</option>
              <option value="12">December</option>
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            <div style="text-align:center">Day</div><input type="text" class="form-control" min="1" max="31" required="">
          <div class="col">
            <div style="text-align:center">Year</div><input type="text" class="form-control" required="">
        </div><input alt="Input box" class="form-control da-BirthDate" type="hidden" name="dXNlcnNbMF0uYmlydGhkYXRl" id="dXNlcnNbMF0uYmlydGhkYXRl" value="//" style="display: none;">
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      <p>Feedback, suggestions, or comments? <a data-linknum="1" href=";github_repo=docassemble-AssemblyLine&amp;github_user=suffolklitlab&amp;variable=users%5B0%5D.birthdate&amp;question_id=user+birthdate&amp;package_version=playground&amp;reset=1&amp;from_list=1" target="_blank">Complete this survey</a>.</p>
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See tests at They will fail, but they should get to at least the question id 'children-user-is-parent-of'. Don't worry about the messages there about multiple items found on the page (for now).
@plocket plocket requested a review from niharikasingh May 3, 2021 14:19
lib/scope.js Show resolved Hide resolved
// Handle setting values for da custom datatypes
// E.g. `da-field-container-datatype-BirthDate`
// TODO: Make this more easily extensible
setCustomDatatype: {
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How can we make setCustomDatatype more easily extensible?

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(at some point in the future)

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I think this is a good start. This seems extensible, although the exact particulars will depend on what other custom fields we come across.

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plocket commented May 3, 2021

Tangentially: That test actually got through way more question ids than I can get locally. Wat? I need it to pass locally too to keep developing. Any ideas are welcome...

@plocket plocket merged commit 34013ac into main May 4, 2021
@plocket plocket deleted the birthdate branch May 4, 2021 13:56
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