Bug fixes:
- Minor packaging updates. (#1)
New features:
- Switch to new TestCase using AT after PloneTestcase is now DX. [pbauer] (#7)
New features:
- Replaced Extensions/Install.py with GenericSetup profile. [maurits]
Bug fixes:
- Prepare for Python 2 / 3 compatibility [pbauer]
- Fix test isolation issue due to incomplete teardown. [pbauer]
- Use zope.interface decorator. [gforcada]
- Removed libxml2 based marshalling [tomgross]
- Ported tests to plone.app.testing [tomgross]
- Remove duplicate code which is already available from Products.Archetypes and add deprecation warnings about it. [tomgross]
- Unicode export text is not supported since GS 1.7.0. [rossp]
- Fixed typo which prevents the deserializing of multiValued fields. [matth]
- Use plone.uuid to look up content UUIDs. [toutpt, davisagli]
- No changes.
- atmxl: Export / import mimetype of Archetypes IObjectFields so the right content type will be set in Plone 4. Ported from quintagroup.transmogrifier. [csenger]
- atxml: Encode/decode strings with control characters that breaks common xml parsers in base64. This can be turned off by calling the marshaller with 'encode_with_ctrlchars=False'. [csenger]
- Make sure DateTime fields are constructed properly in atns.py by explicitly constructing a DateTime instance for input values that would result in a DateTime value of None otherwise. [tomster]
- Deprecationfix: Use DateTime.ISO8601() instead of DateTime.ISO [tomster]
- Removed BBB code for guess_content_type and fixed package dependencies. [hannosch]
- Replaced a simple logging call with the standard logging module. [hannosch]
- Changed the config.py check for ElementTree to accept xml.etree. [hannosch]
- Get tests to work with xml.etree and Plone trunk. We have to use the ATCT test cases as a base to get the expected content types. [hannosch]
- Downgrade warning about missing libxml2-python to debug level. [hannosch]
- Avoid a test dependency on quick installer. [hannosch]
- Updated package metadata and cleaned up a bit. [hannosch]
- Declare package dependencies and fixed deprecation warnings for use of Globals. [hannosch]
- Made test runs that require libxml2 dependent on the availability of it. [hannosch]
- Made the dependency on elementree conditional on the Python version. For Python 2.5 and later, we use the xml.etree modules. [hannosch]
- Purged old Zope 2 Interface interfaces for Zope 2.12 compatibility. [elro]
- Register atxml and namespaces even if libxml2 isn't present, but test for elementtree. [csenger]
- Intial egg release.
- Made demarshall of SchemaAttributes more verbose. Now it raises its own Exception with information on which attribute and value it fails. [jensens]
- Demote libxml2-python missing log message from "warning" to "info". This warning has been a common source of confusion for new users trying to track down real errors. [smcmahon]
- In the ATNS marshaller, preserve the field order by not using set. [nouri]
- Fixed some deprecation warnings for guess_content_type. [hannosch]
- Updated a test for generated XML export format. [hannosch]
- Initial version, see README.txt for details. [lots of people]