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This branch is 79 commits behind apache/hertzbeat:master.


Hertzbeat Web-App


HertzBeat Web-App is a fork to ng-alain. Check LICENSE and license-ng-alain.txt for more details.

Quickly Start

  1. Need Node Yarn Environment, Make sure Node.js >= 18
  2. Install yarn if not existed npm install -g yarn
  3. Execute yarn install or yarn install --registry= in web-app
  4. Install angular-cli : yarn global add @angular/cli@15 or yarn global add @angular/cli@15 --registry=
  5. Start After Backend Server Available : yarn start

Build HertzBeat Install Package

  1. Execute command in web-app

    ng build --configuration production

  2. Execute command in root

    mvn clean install

    The HertzBeat install package will at manager/target/hertzbeat-{version}.tar.gz

  3. Execute command in collector

    mvn clean package -Pcluster