Technical details and web standards:
Poderopedia Plug & Play Platform and all of it`s components developed in house are licensed under the General Public License version 3 (further details
- Web2Py: Our software was built using Web2py - a open source MVC framework for fast, secure, scalable web applications development-, on top of Python language. The MVC architectural concept (Model-View-Controller) allows to separate the data model with it`s own business rules from the user interface, so it promotes code modularization, code reuse and multiple interfaces to be applied (web pages for humans and web service interfaces for remote applications). Further details: Web2py contains all the needed components and has a IDE in web environment compatible for movile phones.
- Fuseki: SPARQL server (open source) that allows handling RDF data over HTTP. It includes REST interface over HTTP for inserting and updating data.
- Solr: Open source search platform, based in Apache Lucene. It allows to generate full text search, auto highlight results, faceted search, real time indexin, integrate it with several data sources (data bases, Json, CSV, XML, HTTP, Rest), document indexing (Word, Pdf, etc) and geo spatial search.
- Documentcloud: Open source platform to store, index and annotate documents (mostly .PDF). Documentcloud provides OCR for english language and some entity extraction. Documentcloud can be used with a Documentcloud account that you must request to (Plug&Play is integrated with DocumentCloud via API), or it can be installed in your own server.
- Memcached: Open source memory cache. Allows to improve web app speed.
- Redis: Open source structured data server. Allows to speed up search queries over large volumes of data.
- Mysql and PostgresSQL: as data bases (both opensource) and Nginx as web server
- D3.js and Coffescript: both open source, used for developing our data visualizations.
- Github and ReadtheDocs: for code and documentation