Install stripe-cli
In one shell forward stripe webhook events to the locally running API
yarn stripe:listen-webhook
:information*source: When you start the listening process you'll be given an signing secret whsec*....
. Place that secret in .env.local
In another shell start the API process
yarn dev
In a third shell trigger individual stripe events on demand
stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded --override payment_intent:metadata.campaignId=e8bf74dd-6212-4a0e-b192-56e4eb19e1f2 --override payment_intent:currency=BGN
Or replay an already sent event to the test webhook like this
stripe events resend evt_3MlHGFKApGjVGa9t0GUhYsKB
Important - From the the Stripe CLI docs: Triggering some events like payment_intent.succeeded or payment_intent.canceled will also send you a payment_intent.created event for completeness.