This repo constitutes a library containing, as near as humanly possible, pure bash(1) implementations of common bash coding patterns in such a manner as to strive to provide flexibility & reusability whilst also providing stricture e.g. errexit/nounset, safe condition testing. Once complete, the intention is that the implemented patterns will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following (in no particular order) ...
- Enrols the caller with VCS (initially Git) repository/repositories, including the...
- Creation of a global associative array variable containing values specific to the enrolment.
- Auto-updating of PATH to include the bin & lib directories in the enrolled repository.
- File inclusion - overriding the
builtin commands to ...- Avoid recursive file inclusion.
- Implement conditional file inclusion i.e. don't blow up if targetted file(s) doesn't exist.
- Allow multiple file inclusion in one one line (thereby providing another means to tidy up code).
- Traps and their manipulation.
- Xtrace enhancement(s) - including...
- Selective enabling &/or disabling on a file &/or function basis.
- Auto-redirection &/or auto-logging.
- Temporary file manipulation i.e. creation and subsequent removal.
- A pure bash(1) stack implementation.
- Console related routines - including, but again not limited to,...
- Introspective help generation.
- ANSI code abstraction.
- Data structure examination - including (atm) ...
- Dumping the call stack & data structures, incl., but not limited to, arrays &/or assoc. arrays.
- Option & argument parsing incl., but not limited to the following...
- A getopts(1) wrapper intended to avoid propagation of the traditional localization-caused copy & paste anti-pattern.
- Named argument handling.
- Git hooks (& webhooks) framework.
- Basic, bash-based, test framework.
- Log4Perl/Log4J compliant logging framework.
With the exception of development &/or install-time test dependencies on shellspec & shellcheck (which can both be employed as Docker containers) and the shell i.e. bash(1) itself, the above are realised using only internal run-time dependencies i.e. there are no run-time dependencies external to this repository.
There are no onboarding specific pre-requisite(s) or procedure(s) other than cloning this repository. From a consumer PoV, this repository is considered to be consumed by enrolment, therefore enrolment (assuming that this repo has been cloned to <BASH_UTILS_ROOT>
), is merely a case of running a simple command in the consuming script (or, indeed, the users interactive session :-) - see SYNOPSIS).
The primary interface to this repository is provided by the
script in the repository root directory, which, when dotted (or indeed source
ed :-)), provides the basic core enrolment features (see Notes)...
- defines a feature, in case-insensitive fashion, to which the consumer may wish to enrol. This is, currently, one, or more, of the following...lib
- pure bash(1) bash extension library (alternatively, in its entirety,lib/*
- console I/O related tools & utils.lib/debug
- data & stack trace dumping/eaxmanination related tools & utils.lib/repo-enrol
- general purpose repository enrolment routine.lib/narg
- function named argument routine.lib/path
- general path related tools & utils.lib/stack
- pure bash(1) stack implementation.lib/include
- file inclusion routines including conditional & non-recursive file inclusion prevention routines.lib/tmppath
- temporary file manipulation & maintenance tools & utils.lib/trap
- trap(1) manipulation & maintenance tools & utils.lib/xtrace
- xtrace manipulation & maintenance tools & utils.
- markdown from well formed & understoof in-line bash script comments.git
- git hook/webhook framework.cuba
- prototype test framework implementing the Cucumber language in pure bash(1) and utilising, not entirley unsurprisingly :-), the aforementioned library routines.test
- simple pure bash(1) test framework.
- The consumer is auto-enrolled to the
. features. - Since the consumer enrols features using the
library...- Multiple/recursive inclusion is prevented i.e. the consumer will only ever be enrolled once for any feature.
- The users PATH environment variable is temporarily extende to include this reporistory ... and optionally further extended to add in paths containing files specific to the consumer.
This i.e. lib/*
, is the means by which enrollment to all available features within the library i.e. not including the frameworks mentioned above, is acheived.
- Complete the shellspec unit tests for existing fetaures.
- Complete the intended feature set c/w associated unit tests.
- Finish off introspective README extension.
- This and all other Markdown documents were written using Vim/Gvim (with the aid of the vim-markdown-toc plugin) together with the preview capability provided by Firefox c/w the Markdown Viewer add-on.
D.C Pointon FIAP MBCS (pointo1d at