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ca41e09 · Jan 24, 2024


63 lines (49 loc) · 3.2 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (49 loc) · 3.2 KB


Prerequisites :

  • Need to have internet to access the github website.
  • Only work on Central server (local or deported DB server).

How to use :

 bash <(curl -s

Help :

The script will help to diagnose somes cases on your Centreon platform.
Syntax: [-h|c PATH_TO_CHECK_FILE|d|]
h     Print this help.
c     Use local check_file.
      ie: -c PATH_TO_CHECK_FILE
d     Display debug.

Functionnalities :

  • Compatible with SQL request, bash oneliner with characters ||(false condition) and ;;(case).

  • Placeholders to get tested and retrieved values on non-expected case output.

  • 4 types of output : OK, INFO, ERROR, DEBUG.

    1. OK when the expected test is matched. Only display the test description.
    2. INFO when the expected test is not matched with tag info. Display the test description and more info output.
    3. ERROR when the expected test is not matched with tag error. Display the test description and more info output.
    4. DEBUG when -d option is used. Add a line with the test command.

Example :


Check_list syntax :

Using ||| and ;;; delimiters to be able to use the bash syntax || false condition and ;; case with oneliner.

Command type[SQL|CMD]|||Description of the test|||Test command|||Expected type value[value|cmd];;;Expected value;;;Test sign[=|>|<|!=];;;Tag[info|error]|||Non expected output

example with SQL command type :

SQL|||Check if the local admin is blocked|||SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WHERE blocking_time IS NOT NULL AND contact_id = 1|||value;;;0;;;=;;;error|||Please see this link :

example with CMD command type with placeholders RESULT_VALUE and EXPECTED_VALUE in "Non expected output" column :

CMD|||Check if cbd service is active|||/usr/bin/env systemctl status cbd | /usr/bin/env grep -Po '(?<=Active:)[^,]*' | /usr/bin/env awk ' { print $ 1 }'|||value;;;active;;;=;;;error|||The cbd service is "RESULT_VALUE", it should be "EXPECTED_VALUE". Please check the logs in this directory /var/log/centreon-broker/

example with SQL command type and cmd for expected type value (to compare the value of a sql request and the value in a file) :

SQL|||Check if hosts is more than license limit|||SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WHERE host_register='1'|||cmd;;;nb=`/usr/bin/env grep -Po '(?<="hosts":)[^,]*' /etc/centreon/license.d/epp.license`;if [[ $nb -eq -1 ]]; then /usr/bin/env echo 99999999;else /usr/bin/env echo $nb; fi;;;>;;;error|||

example with CMD command type, case for Debian/RHEL OS and regex on expected value test :

CMD|||Check if selinux is Disabled|||if /usr/bin/env grep -q "Debian" /etc/os-release ;then bin="getenforce"; else bin="getenforce" ; fi && $bin 2>/dev/null |||value;;;^(Disabled|NULL)$;;;regex;;;info|||Current mode is "RESULT_VALUE". Check this link :