Once the smart contracts have been updated, follow the steps below.
The networks Ropsten and Rinkeby are supported.
For each network run the command:
$ yarn deploy rinkeby
$ yarn etherscan-verify rinkeby
Increment the version in package.json
then publish the package:
$ yarn publish
If the package requires a tag then add a tag:
$ yarn publish --tag rc
The Builder UI will need to point to the latest alpha deployed builder contracts.
Update the package dependency and QA
Create new prize pools using the builders.
Update the current-pool-data
repo with the new pool addresses and publish the package on npm.
Update the prize strategies created in the previous step: set the Comptroller as the token listener
The reference pool UI needs to be QA'd.
Ensure that the subgraph is updated.
The Pool app should point to the new prize pools created in step 6
This will entail:
- QA'ing the pool app
- Updating current-pool-data
- Update the pool addresses
- publish the package
The Generate Networks Doc project automatically updates the Gitbook networks page.
Update all of the dependencies in package.json to the newest packages:
And follow the generate docs instructions.