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Looking for ServerMod?

ServerMod is on its own repo now:


MultiAdmin is a replacement server tool for SCP: Secret Laboratory, which was built to help enable servers to have multiple configurations per server instance.

The latest release can be found here: Release link


You can join our discord here:

Installation Instructions:

Running a Single Server with MultiAdmin

  1. Place MultiAdmin.exe in your root server directory (next to LocalAdmin.exe)

Running Multiple Servers with MultiAdmin

  1. Place MultiAdmin.exe in your root server directory (next to LocalAdmin.exe)
  2. Create a new directory defined by servers_folder (servers by default)
  3. For each server you'd like, create a directory within the servers_folder directory
  4. Optional: Create a file named scp_multiadmin.cfg within your server's folder for configuring MultiAdmin specifically for that server


  • Autoscale: Auto-starts a new server once this one becomes full (Requires ServerMod to function fully)
  • Config Reload: Reloads the MultiAdmin configuration file
  • Exit Command: Adds a graceful exit command
  • Help: Display a full list of MultiAdmin commands and in game commands
  • Stop Server When Inactive: Stops the server after a period inactivity
  • Restart On Low Memory: Restarts the server if the working memory becomes too low
  • Restart On Low Memory at Round End: Restarts the server if the working memory becomes too low at the end of the round
  • ModLog: Logs admin messages to separate file, or prints them
  • MultiAdminInfo: Prints MultiAdmin license information
  • New: Adds a command to start a new server given a config folder
  • Restart Command: Allows the game to be restarted without restarting MultiAdmin
  • Restart Next Round: Restarts the server after the current round ends
  • Restart After a Number of Rounds: Restarts the server after a number rounds completed
  • Stop Next Round: Stops the server after the current round ends
  • TitleBar: Updates the title bar with instance based information, such as session id and player count (Requires ServerMod to function fully)

MultiAdmin Commands

This does not include ServerMod or ingame commands, for a full list type HELP in multiadmin which will produce all commands.

  • CONFIG : Reloads the configuration file
  • EXIT: Exits the server
  • GITHUBGEN [FILE LOCATION]: Generates a github .md file outlining all the features/commands
  • HELP: Prints out available commands and their function
  • INFO: Prints MultiAdmin license information
  • NEW : Starts a new server with the given Server ID
  • RESTART: Restarts the game server (MultiAdmin will not restart, just the game)
  • RESTARTNEXTROUND: Restarts the server at the end of this round
  • STOPNEXTROUND: Stops the server at the end of this round

MultiAdmin Execution Arguments

The arguments available for running MultiAdmin with

  • --headless or -h: Runs MultiAdmin in headless mode, this makes MultiAdmin not accept any input at all and only output to log files, not in console (Note: This argument is inherited by processes started by this MultiAdmin process)
  • --server-id <Server ID> or -id <Server ID>: The Server ID to run this MultiAdmin instance with a config location (--config or -c) so that it reads the configs from the location, but stores the logs in the Server ID's folder
  • --config <Config Location> or -c <Config Location>: The config location to use for this MultiAdmin instance (Note: This is used over the config option config_location)

Config Settings

All configuration settings go into a file named scp_multiadmin.cfg (you'll have to make this file) in the same directory as MultiAdmin.exe or in your server directory within the servers_folder value defined in the global configuration file Any configuration files within the directory defined by servers_folder will have it's values used for that server over the global configuration file

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
manual_start Boolean False Whether or not to start the server automatically when launching MultiAdmin
start_config_on_full String Empty Start server with this config folder once the server becomes full [Requires ServerMod]
shutdown_when_empty_for Seconds -1 Shutdown the server once a round hasn't started in a number of seconds
restart_every_num_rounds Integer -1 Restart the server every number rounds
restart_low_memory Integer 400 Restart if the games memory falls below this value in megabytes
restart_low_memory_roundend Integer 450 Restart at the end of the round if the games memory falls below this value in megabytes
max_memory Integer 2048 The amount of memory in megabytes for MultiAdmin to check against
multiadmin_nolog Boolean False Disable logging to file
log_mod_actions_to_own_file Boolean False Logs admin messages to seperate file
max_players Integer 20 The number of players to display as the maximum for the server (within MultiAdmin, not in-game)
disable_config_validation Boolean False Disable the config validator
share_non_configs Boolean True Makes all files other than the config files store in AppData
config_location String Empty The default location for the game to use for storing configuration files (a directory)
servers_folder String servers The location of the "servers" folder for MultiAdmin to load multiple server configurations from

Upcoming Features

  • Support for running multiple server instances in one MultiAdmin instance
  • Printing speed configuration option