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Postman Tools

A module to work with POSTMAN collections.

TestRail test case sync integration was added as of version 3.x.x.

Command-Line Runner

Postman Runner

To run a POSTMAN collection:

cd bin
./postman-tools run --collection=[POSTMAN_COLLECTION_FILE] --environment=[POSTMAN_ENVIRONMENT_FILE] --folder="[POSTMAN_FOLDER_TO_RUN]" --haltonerror=false

Run postman-tools without any argument to see all the options.


To sync your postman collection to TestRail, run the following:

cd bin
./postman-tools sync-testrail --testrail=[TR_HOST] --collection=my_postman_collection.json --project=[TR_PROJECT_ID] --user=[TR_USERNAME] --api-key=[TR_API_KEY]

The only requirement is that you have already created your TestRail project and you know the ID. Note remove the P prefix from your project id when specifying it in the --project argument.

The mapping between postman and TestRails are as follow:

Postman TestRail
Collection Suite
Folder Section
Request Case
Request body Case custom field custom_steps
Request Test Case custom field custom_expected

Unfortunately, since TestRail API does not permit external ID assignment for any of their API object model, all matching are based on the object name.

IMPORTANT: since we are matching all objects by name with the above structure, you must NOT:

  1. Have multiple request with same name in a single folder.
  2. Have folder-in-folder structure.

Newman to TestRail Run Reporting

If you are using newman to run your collections, you can use postman-tools to parse the resulting JSON report and send the results to TestRail. This is similar to the existing node impl of newman-reporter-testrail. However, this tool does not require you to modify your collection's test at all since it maps all results to the name of the request in your collection.

cd bin
./postman-tools newman-report-testrail --testrail=[TR_HOST] --project=[TR_PROJECT_ID] --user=[TR_USERNAME] --api-key=[TR_API_KEY] --collection=my_postman_collection.json  --newman=/path/to/newman-run-report.json

IMPORTANT: again, since the tool is trying to match your run result with the cases in your TestRail. The following is important:

  1. The ordering of your request in postman must match the ordering of the cases in your test suite in TestRail.
  2. The number of request must match exactly number of cases in your test suite in TestRail. And all names of request and cases must match.

Invoking from Java

Add the following maven dependency:


where X.X.X is the latest version of this artifact.

3.0.0 is currently the latest version of postman-runner.

From your test driver class, make the following call:

	public void testRunPostman() throws Exception {
		PostmanCollectionRunner cr = new PostmanCollectionRunner();

		boolean isSuccessful = cr.runCollection(
				"My use cases", false).isSuccessful();

Postman Compatibility

The current version of postman-runner is compatible with the Postman Collection v2.1 format. However, the support for certain global variables in test scripts introduced in the latest version of Postman (i.e. pm) is not yet available. There is a git issue (#10) open for it and we will add support for this as soon as we can.