API implementation can be found in src/server/routes
The queries listed here serve as an example of the final query. They
contain parametrization placeholders (e.g. $1
, $2
etc.) used by the pg
package query builder to supplement real values for the final query.
The actual numbering and usage of the placeholders depends on the query parameters used when calling the API.
Queries supporting area bounds expect coordinates in this exact order: sw lng, sw lat, ne lng, ne lat
GET /areas/summaries?type=regions&bounds[]=
Provides polygon geometry with summary information for various administrative regions. When searching for regions
or provinces
the capital city is included.
Query for regions and provinces:
SELECT areas.osm_id, areas.name, way_union, ST_AsGeoJSON(areas.way_union) as geojson, ST_X(ST_Centroid(areas.way_union)) as lng,
ST_Y(ST_Centroid(areas.way_union)) as lat, areas.s as squares_count, areas.t as tourism_count,
capitals.name as capital_name, capitals.osm_id as capital_osm_id, ST_AsGeoJSON(capitals.way) as capital_geojson, ST_Area(areas.way_union::geography) as area
SELECT polys.osm_id, polys.name, ST_Collect(ST_Simplify(polys.way, $2)) as way_union, SUM(squares_count_cache) as s,
SUM(tourist_places_count_cache) as t
FROM planet_osm_polygon as polys
WHERE polys.boundary = 'administrative' AND polys.admin_level = $1 AND ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope($3, $4, $5, $6, ST_SRID(polys.way)), polys.way)
GROUP BY polys.osm_id, polys.name
) as areas
LEFT JOIN planet_osm_point as capitals
ON ST_Contains(areas.way_union, capitals.way) AND capitals.name is not null AND capitals.capital = $1
Query for municiaplities:
SELECT polys.osm_id, polys.name, ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Collect(ST_Simplify(polys.way, $2))) as geojson, ST_X(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Simplify(polys.way, $2)))) as lng,
ST_Y(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Simplify(polys.way, $2)))) as lat, sum(polys.squares_count_cache) as squares_count,
SUM(polys.tourist_places_count_cache) as tourism_count, ST_Area(ST_Collect(ST_Simplify(polys.way, $2))::geography) as area
FROM planet_osm_polygon as polys
WHERE polys.boundary = 'administrative' AND polys.admin_level = $1 AND ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope($3, $4, $5, $6, ST_SRID(polys.way)), polys.way)
GROUP BY polys.osm_id, polys.name
GET /areas/squares?bounds[]=
Provides polygons marked as place=square
in an area defined by bounds.
SELECT squares.osm_id, squares.name, ST_AsGeoJSON(squares.way) as geojson, ST_Area(way::geography) as area, squares.place,
ST_X(ST_Centroid(squares.way)) as lng, ST_Y(ST_Centroid(squares.way)) as lat
FROM planet_osm_polygon as squares
WHERE squares.name is not null AND squares.place = 'square' AND squares.osm_id > 0 AND ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope($1, $2, $3, $4, ST_SRID(squares.way)), squares.way)
GET /areas/:id
Searches for a polygon by the osm_id specified in :id
SELECT *, ST_Area(way::geography) as area FROM planet_osm_polygon
WHERE osm_id = $1
GET /places/search?q=foo&tourism[]=
Search for places by name and tourism tag values.
SELECT places.osm_id, places.name, ST_AsGeoJSON(places.way) as geojson, places.tourism,
ST_X(places.way) as lng, ST_Y(places.way) as lat
FROM planet_osm_point as places
WHERE places.name IS NOT null AND places.tourism IS NOT null AND places.tourism IN($1, $2, $3) AND places.osm_id > 0 AND places.name LIKE $1
GET /places/tourist?tourism[]=&bounds[]=
Finds tourist points of desired type in an area defined by bounds
SELECT places.osm_id, places.name, ST_AsGeoJSON(places.way) as geojson, places.tourism,
ST_X(places.way) as lng, ST_Y(places.way) as lat
FROM planet_osm_point as places
WHERE places.name IS NOT null AND places.tourism IS NOT null places.tourism IN($1, $2, $3) AND places.osm_id > 0 AND ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope($4, $5, $6, $7, ST_SRID(places.way)), places.way)
GET /places/:id
Get a point by osm_id
SELECT * FROM planet_osm_point
WHERE osm_id = $1
GET /lines/surrounding?bounds[]=
Get lines surrounding a point identified by an osm_id (maximum distance restrictions apply). The search area can be further restricted by provididng bounds. The chosen distance restriction is arbitrary.
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(edges.geom_way) as geojson
FROM planet_osm_point as points
JOIN pgr_italy_2po_4pgr as edges
ON ST_DWithin(points.way, edges.geom_way, 0.01) AND ST_Intersects(ST_MakeEnvelope($2, $3, $4, $5, ST_SRID(edges.geom_way)), edges.geom_way)
WHERE points.osm_id = $1
GET /lines/directions?source=&target=
Attempts to find directions between two points.
First a source and target nodes closest to the points specified by the source
and target
osm_id's are found - 150m radius is used here to limit maximum node distance from the point.
FROM planet_osm_point as p
JOIN pgr_italy_2po_vertex as v
ON ST_DWithin(p.way::geography, v.geog_vertex, 150)
WHERE p.osm_id = $1
ORDER BY ST_Distance(p.way::geography, v.geog_vertex) ASC
) as source,
FROM planet_osm_point as p
JOIN pgr_italy_2po_vertex as v
ON ST_DWithin(p.way::geography, v.geog_vertex, 150)
WHERE p.osm_id = $2
ORDER BY ST_Distance(p.way::geography, v.geog_vertex) ASC
) as as target
Using the newly found nodes a shortest path between them is searched for using pgr_dijkstra
function from pgRouting
. Note: The pg
package parametrization doesn't work here because the values need to be injected into the string used as the first argument for dijkstra. This isn't a major problem because at this point these values are going to be results of the previous query - not user input.
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Union(edges.geom_way)) as geojson
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost, geom_way FROM pgr_italy_2po_4pgr as edges,
(SELECT ST_Expand(ST_Extent(geom_way),0.1) as box FROM pgr_italy_2po_4pgr as lim WHERE lim.source = ${source_node} OR lim.target = ${target_node}) as box
WHERE edges.geom_way && box.box',
$1, $2,
) as path
JOIN pgr_italy_2po_4pgr as edges
ON edges.id = path.edge